Arise die Solarperle der Zukunft $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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neuester Beitrag: 04.11.10 13:58
eröffnet am: 26.10.10 19:18 von: TigerR Anzahl Beiträge: 38
neuester Beitrag: 04.11.10 13:58 von: tobytop Leser gesamt: 14063
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26.10.10 19:18

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRArise die Solarperle der Zukunft $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Zeitpunkt: 05.06.14 10:46
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Threadtitel trotzdem anzeigen
Kommentar: Pushversuch


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12 Postings ausgeblendet.

27.10.10 08:25

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 27.10.10 10:11
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Löschung auf Wunsch des Verfassers



27.10.10 08:30

19 Postings, 5125 Tage Septembersonnearise-Kunde aleo solar erhöht Kapazität

Solarmodul-Produzent aleo solar AG erhöht Produktionskapazität auf 390 Megawatt

Die aleo solar AG (Oldenburg, Prenzlau) wird die jährliche Produktionskapazität für Photovoltaik-Module in ihren drei Werken von derzeit 250 Megawatt (MW) auf 390 MW zum Ende des kommenden Jahres erhöhen, berichtet das Unternehmen in einer Ad-hoc-Mitteilung. In den Ausbau sollen zirka 20 Millionen Euro investiert werden. Damit werden rund100 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Die aleo solar AG zählt mit der Kapazitätserhöhung auch künftig zu den führenden Modulherstellern Europas. "Mit dem Ausbau an zwei Standorten setzen wir unseren nachhaltigen Wachstumskurs fort", sagt York zu Putlitz, Vorstandsvorsitzender der aleo solar AG. "Pro Jahr kann aleo solar künftig rund zwei Millionen Solarmodule produzieren."Zum Vergleich: Diese Menge hat das Unternehmen in den ersten acht Jahren seines Bestehens insgesamt gefertigt. Kapazität soll auch durch effizientere Produktion und leistungsfähigere Solarzellen gesteigert werden Im Prenzlauer Stammwerk erhöht sich die Kapazität von 180 MW auf 280 MW zum Ende des kommenden Jahres, indem die älteste Produktionslinie modernisiert wird. Mit der "aleo I" hatte das Unternehmen im Jahr 2002 die Fertigung von Solarmodulen aufgenommen. Kapazitätssteigerungen sollen zudem durch eine effizientere Produktion sowie durch die Verwendung von Solarzellen mit höherer Leistung erreicht werden. Die Fertigungskapazität des Joint Ventures avim solar production Co. Ltd. im chinesischen Gaomi soll von derzeit 50 MW auf 90 MW gesteigert werden. Im spanischen Werk in Santa Maria de Palautordera wird die Kapazität von 20 MW beibehalten. Seit knapp einem Jahr wird bei aleo solar im Mehrschichtsystem unter Volllast produziert. "Das verdeutlicht, wie dringend wir den Ausbau brauchen", sagt Dr. Jens Sabotke, Vorstand für Technik und Entwicklung. "Durch eine optimale Prozessbeherrschung und durch Effizienzgewinne produzieren wir bereits jetzt oberhalb der Nominalkapazität."


Insoweit interessant, da aleo bereits Kunde von arise ist und 5-Jahresvertrag besteht.



27.10.10 09:05

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRich habe die zwei auch ausgeschlossen

wie heist es so schön -- wie Du mir so ich .....  

27.10.10 09:24

76 Postings, 5193 Tage tobytopna dann...

... können wir ja mal in Ruhe diskutieren, das freut mich.  

27.10.10 15:57

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 28.10.10 14:10
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Beleidigung - Pöbel-Posting. Bitte nicht persönlich werden und/oder andere User angreifen.



27.10.10 16:01

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 28.10.10 14:11
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Unterstellung



27.10.10 16:02

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRArise heute grün

so jetzt aber wieder löschen wegen einem Pushversuch!!  

27.10.10 16:07

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 28.10.10 14:12
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Pushversuch



27.10.10 16:10

1529 Postings, 8360 Tage TigerRLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 28.10.10 14:12
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Unterstellung - Bitte ggf. Postings melden.



27.10.10 17:50

57 Postings, 5092 Tage GorlebenLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 28.10.10 14:04
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Dafür haben wir die Meldefunktion



28.10.10 07:56

76 Postings, 5193 Tage tobytopschade...

... ich dachte, das würde jetzt ein Thread, indem vernünftig diskutiert werden könnte. Aber leider scheint es hier mehr um Diskussionen mit Mods zu gehen, als um Arise. Schade!  

28.10.10 19:52

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneNews

Car manufacturers to tap into solar savings  

Program will install rooftops at Ontario facilities


By    |   October 27, 2010

Toronto, Ont.: Solar rooftops are coming to the automotive industry.

The Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) has partnered with two companies to install more solar roofs on Ontario manufacturing facilities.

"The last two years have been difficult for the automotive sector in  Ontario. This program will help contribute to the bottom line of  companies in Ontario’s automotive parts sector as well as help improve  their environmental performance,” said Steve Rodgers, president of the  APMA.

The APMA will work with solar power companies Northland Power Inc. and Arise-Ledcor to deliver the program to car suppliers.

Ontario has more than 400 automotive manufacturing facilities — many of which could be candidates for installations.
The program takes advantage of Ontario’s feed-in-tariff (FIT) program that offers long term stable pricing for renewable energy, such as solar, biomass, landfill gas, wind, and hydro.



Bisschen ausführlicher:


28.10.10 19:57

19 Postings, 5125 Tage Septembersonneconference call zum Quartalsergebnis

ARISE to release Q3 financial results Nov. 4

2010-10-28 10:36 ET - News Release


Mr. Dan Shea reports


ARISE Technologies Corp.  will release its 2010  third-quarter financial results after 7 a.m. ET on Thursday,  Nov. 4, 2010.   ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30  a.m. ET on Nov. 4. The company will file its 2010  third-quarter financial statements and management discussion and  analysis with SEDAR, and these documents will be available on ARISE's  website prior to the conference call.

Dan Shea, president and chief executive officer, and Doug  McCollam,  chief financial officer, will be available to answer questions during  the call.   To participate in the call, please dial 647-427-7450 or 1-888-231-8191  (Canada and the United States only) at least five minutes prior to the  start of the call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be  available at the company's website.   An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or  1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (pass code: 21314960) from  11:30 a.m. ET on Nov. 4, 2010, to 11:59 p.m. ET on Nov. 11, 2010.





29.10.10 22:14

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneSK Can 0,255

SK in Can auf Eröffnungsniveau. Ungewöhnlich bei Arise für einen Freitag. Insbesondere wurde das Kursplus des Vortages nicht wie üblich sofort wieder abverkauft. 


30.10.10 11:47

1726 Postings, 5640 Tage FatschiSeptembersonne

Ungewöhnlich nicht,aber es war aus charttechn. Sicht ein Hanging Man...
und eben diese formation deutet an,dass die Kraft für weitere (signifikante) Kurssteigerungen fehlt...  

30.10.10 13:20

6552 Postings, 5549 Tage tagschlaefermir egal, gerade jetzt kann ne positive news

ne rakete zünden?


PS: außerdem bin ich eh seit 12 Euro-ct dabei ...  

30.10.10 16:34

57 Postings, 5092 Tage GorlebenGlückwunsch

da hast du ja schon schön Plus gemacht, vergess nicht auch mal Gewinne zu realisieren,
bevor es die Großen zwischenduch mal machen ;)  

30.10.10 20:37

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneDanke Hildchen

Schön das du uns jetzt auch hier im Thread mit deinen charttechnischen Betrachtungsweisen beglückst Hildchen. Das mein ich ehrlich. Auch wenn ich Charttechnik bei nem Wert wie Arise für Nonsens halte, ist es doch nicht ganz schlecht, wenn du uns als ausgesprochener und anerkannter Chartexperte deine Sichtweisen unentgeltlich zur Verfügung stellst. Vielen Dank Hilde.


01.11.10 21:14

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneSK Can 0,265

02.11.10 15:12

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneNews

ARISE closes $1.75-million (U.S.) bridge loan

2010-11-02 08:09 ET - News Release



Mr. Doug McCollam reports


ARISE Technologies Corp. closed a $1.75-million (U.S.) bridge loan on Oct. 29, 2010, from Haverstock Master Fund Ltd. and Trenrasp LLC. The purpose of the loan is to provide working capital bridge financing to the company. The loan matures on March 31, 2011, but is required to be repaid earlier in the event that ARISE completes a public equity offering in excess of $5-million or a sale of any assets for proceeds in excess of $4-million.

Interest on the loan is payable quarterly and accrues initially at a rate of 10 per cent per year which rate increases by 1 per cent per month that the loan remains outstanding up to a rate of 14 per cent per year. No share purchase warrants were issued in connection with the loan. The loan is secured with a general security agreement on the assets of the company. In the event that the company does not repay the loan by March 31, 2011, the lenders have the option to convert the loan into ARISE common shares at up to a 20-per-cent discount to the proceeding five-day volume-weighted average price of the common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange.



02.11.10 21:09

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneSK Can 0,295

03.11.10 08:55

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneEinige Infos über Dan Shea, den neuen CEO

Who is new Arise Technologies CEO Dan Shea?

Shea spent 27 years at Celestica, assuming progressively more senior roles, ultimately becoming Senior VP and Chief Technology Officer as the company grew from barely a billion in revenue to ten billion. Shea joined Celestica from IBM Canada as one of the company’s founding executives. One Celestica press release said "(Dan) has provided tremendous leadership throughout his career at Celestica and over the past few years has driven the company's reputation as a technology leader."

Nonetheless, in 2007 Shea was out, along with four other execs, when Celestica reported a quarterly loss of $60.8 million, mostly from a failed Mexican operation. Some reports said Shea had retired.

Dan Shea is clearly a tech head. He has an engineering degree from The University of Toronto, advises to that school's Engineering Dean's Advisory Board, and serves on too many other technology and advisory boards to mention here. What many may not know about Shea is that he has earned his stripes in the world of cleantech..Before corporations were headlong into greenwashing their brands, in 1999, Celestica became a key first mover and in driving the electronics industry's transition to environmental compliance. Shea oversaw the company's Environmental Compliance Acceleration Program, and became a noted expert in this field. In 2005, Celestica credited their Green Services Initiative, in part, with helping them win the Frost & Sullivan Electronics Manufacturing Services Company of the Year.



03.11.10 21:10

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneSK Can 0,31

04.11.10 12:27

19 Postings, 5125 Tage SeptembersonneErgebnis 3. Quartal

ARISE Technologies Reports Third Quarter Results  

Revenues increase by 251% as shipments rise by more than 450%


On October 5, 2010, ARISE issued a release commenting on preliminary third-quarter results. The release is available at or


WATERLOO, ON, Nov. 4 /CNW/ - ARISE  Technologies Corporation (TSX: APV and Frankfurt: A3T), which is a  leader in high-performance, high-quality, cost-effective solar  technology, today reported its financial results for the third quarter  ended September 30, 2010. Financial  results conform to Canadian generally accepted accounting principles  ("GAAP") and all currency amounts are in Canadian dollars unless  otherwise noted.


Q3 2010 Highlights:


-   Total revenue of $23.0 million, compared with $6.6 million in Q3 2009

-   Net loss of $5.2 million, compared with a net loss of $5.5 million in         Q3 2009

-   Recorded Adjusted EBITDA* of $0.4 million profit, compared with a         loss of $4.5 million in Q3 2009    

-   Shipped 19.5 MW of PV cells, an increase of 454% from 3.5 MW in Q3         2009

-   Sales from Systems Division increased 145% to $2.5 million from $1.0         million in Q2 2010

* ARISE defines Adjusted EBITDA as Earnings Before Interest         Depreciation and Amortization, excluding stock-based compensation,         the impact of one time asset writeoffs and foreign exchange


Subsequent to the end of Q3:


-   Appointed Dan Shea, President and Chief Executive Officer of ARISE     -   Closed a US$1.75 million working capital bridge loan ("Loan") from         Haverstock Master Fund, Ltd. and Trenrasp LLC


"Our momentum continued in the third quarter with significant increases in both revenue and PV cell shipments," said Dan Shea,  President and CEO of ARISE. "As a result of the continued demand for  our products, combined with improved operating efficiencies at our PV  cell plant in Germany, we were able to  record a positive gross profit for the quarter and year-to-date. This is  a significant achievement as we transition from a development stage  company to a profitable leader in the solar space."

"I am very encouraged by the strides that ARISE has taken over the past  four quarters, posting consecutive improvements in both shipments and  revenue. As CEO, my top priority is to drive the company towards  profitability while continuing to strengthen the balance sheet," added Mr. Shea. "With ongoing strong demand in Germany,  we intend to increase the production capacity of our plant in 2011 with  the commissioning of Lines three and four. Our discussions regarding a  potential partner for the Silicon Division are ongoing and we are  proceeding steadily and cautiously on this undertaking, with the goal of  maximizing the value of this asset."


Financial Overview


Sales for the quarter ended September 30, 2010 amounted to $23.0 million, compared with $6.6 million in the third quarter of 2009. PV cells accounted for 89% of Q3 2010 sales with the $2.5 million balance being generated by the Company's Systems Division.

Gross profit for the three months ended September 30, 2010 was $2.1 million, compared with a loss of $2.0 million for the same period in 2009.

Operating expenses for the third quarter of 2010 were $3.7 million, the lowest quarter level in two years, decreasing 18% from $4.5 million for the quarter ended September 30, 2009.

R&D expenses of $0.9 million for the three months ended September 30, 2010 decreased by 37% from $1.4 million in the second quarter of 2010.

General and administrative ("G&A") expenses decreased by 10% to $2.0 million, from $2.2 million in the third quarter of 2009.

Selling and marketing expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2010 were $0.3 million, compared with $0.4 million in the third quarter of 2009.

Net interest expense for the third quarter of 2010 of $0.5 million, down 34% from the second quarter of 2010.

Other income and expenses for the quarter ended September 30, 2010, included a foreign exchange loss of $3.2 million, compared with a foreign exchange gain of $1.6 million  for the third quarter of 2009. The largest component of the foreign  exchange loss resulted from the translation into Canadian Dollars of  financial liabilities of ARISE Germany which are denominated in Euros. During the quarter, the Euro strengthened by 7.4% compared to the Canadian dollar as at June 30, 2010.


Liquidity and Capital Resources


As at September 30, 2010, the Company had a working capital deficiency of $37.1 million consisting of current assets of $25.0 million less current liabilities of $62.1 million. This compares with negative working capital at December 31, 2009 of $44.0 million consisting of current assets of $24.2 million less current liabilities of $68.2 million. The decrease in working capital deficiency reflects cash raised from the issuance of shares during the period.

Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at September 30, 2010 totaled $0.8 million, compared to $0.7 million at December 31, 2009.


Conference Call and Webcast


ARISE will hold a conference call for analysts and investors at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern) on November 4. Dan Shea,  President and Chief Executive Officer, and Doug McCollam, Chief  Financial Officer, will be available to answer questions during the  call.

To participate in the call, please dial (647) 427 - 7450 or 1-888 - 231 - 8191 (Canada  and the U.S. only) at least five minutes prior to the start of the  call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available at and

An archived recording of the call will be available at 416-849-0833 or 1-800-642-1687 (Canada and the U.S. only) (Pass code: 21314960) from 11:30 a.m. on November 4, to 11:59 p.m. on November 11, 2010. (ET)


About ARISE Technologies


ARISE Technologies Corporation, based in Waterloo, Ontario, is a leader  in high-performance, cost-effective solar technology. The company  operates through three divisions. The PV Cell Division manufactures PV  (photovoltaic) cells at its first manufacturing plant opened in April 2008 in Bischofswerda, Germany.  The division is developing proprietary technology with a target of  achieving a step-by-step progression to a high-efficiency level of  greater than 20%. The PV Silicon Division is using a proprietary method  to produce silicon at 7N+ high-purity (99.99999% purity) for PV cell  applications, based on a simplified chemical vapor deposition process.  The division is focusing on scaling up its process to provide ARISE with  control over its supply, costs, and quality. The PV Systems Division  has been providing rooftop and ground-mounted PV solutions since 1996.  ARISE is planning to expand its systems business in Ontario under the  Ontario FIT (Feed-In Tariff) program.

The company's shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol APV and on the Frankfurt Open Market Exchange under the symbol A3T. Additional information is available at and


Forward-Looking Statements and Risk Factors


Certain statements in this news release may be considered to be  forward-looking. Such statements are based on management's current  expectations, estimations, and assumptions based on experience, trends,  and other factors that are subject to the significant risks and  uncertainties described in our regulatory filings. Please refer to  these. Such risks and uncertainties may include, but are not limited to,  the effects of general economic conditions, changing foreign exchange  rates, actions by government authorities, the requirement for additional  capital, risks associated with manufacturing, industry supply levels,  competitive pricing pressures and misjudgements in the course of  preparing forward-looking statements.

Risk factors relating to ARISE are discussed in the Risk Factors section  of ARISE's Annual Information Form and under the headings Liquidity and  Capital Resources and Risk and Uncertainties in ARISE's year-end  Management's Discussion and Analysis which are or will be available at  These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not  place undue reliance on ARISE's forward-looking statements.

ARISE assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements or  to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those  reflected in the forward-looking statements.


ARISE Technologies Corporation

65 Northland Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1Y8

Doug McCollam, Chief Financial Officer, (519) 772-5706




04.11.10 13:58

76 Postings, 5193 Tage tobytopFakten aus dem CC

hat jemand bzw. hört jemand beim CC mit? Wenn ja, teilt mir bitte die Fakten daraus mit. Danke!  

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