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21.07.11 22:26

128 Postings, 8206 Tage Dr.MecklingLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 22.07.11 11:22
Aktion: Löschung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, vollständige Quellenangabe fehlt



21.07.11 22:36

59 Postings, 4851 Tage Pollingerwenn der Börsenpreis

70 cent ist, dann findet eben das Placement zu 70 cent statt und nicht zu 2 oder 4. alles andere wäre ja unlogisch. und im April war sicherlich nicht bekannt, dass die Ressource so gut ausfallen wird.

naja, ich habs gerochen, havbe allerdings die aktie viel zu teuer ins musterdepot gekauft. 13 cent, was 1,30 nach den re-spit bedeutete  

21.07.11 23:00

59 Postings, 4851 Tage PollingerVolumen

18 Mio. CAD, Von der Geldmenge die bewegt wurde der 2. Beste Tag  
Angehängte Grafik:
sc.png (verkleinert auf 72%) vergrößern

21.07.11 23:05

7554 Postings, 6204 Tage sebaldoHerr Doktor

1. sollte man  bei solchen Infos immer eine Quelle angeben. Aber ich bin da gerne behilflich


2. schlage ich vor, dass du dir mal das Datum der Meldung anschaust und uns dann mitteilst, wie hoch der Kurs zu diesem zeitpunkt war.


3. solltest du dir vielleicht überlegen, ob du hier mit deinen aus der Luft gegriffenen Unterstellungen und Verschwörungstheorien weitermachen willst.  

21.07.11 23:56

59 Postings, 4851 Tage Pollingerund 4.

war der Kurs zwischenzeitlich auch schon mal wesentlich unter der 70 Cent Marke  

22.07.11 00:07

59 Postings, 4851 Tage Pollingerund 5.

steht es jedem frei das Placement zu zeichnen! Auch den Doc!  

22.07.11 08:20

2502 Postings, 5561 Tage FegefeuerDr. Meckling

Du schreibst hier am laufenden Band nur Unsinn. Zur Kursexplosion haben zwei Dinge maßgeblich beigetragen: 1. Der Ni-konforme Ressourcennachweis, 2. die geringe ausstehende Anzahl von Aktien. Dass es auf dem Erdball noch Gebiete gibt, die in der Vergangenheit kaum bis gar nicht exploriert wurden, hat verschiedene Gründe: z.B. hohe Kosten der Exploration im Verhältnis zu den damals herrschenden geringen Rohstoffpreisen oder einfach mangelnde technische Machbarkeit.

Dass die Börse zu Übertreibungen neigt, ist doch kein Geheimnis. Auch hier wirds höchstwahrscheinlich demnächst eine Korrektur geben. Aber deine Verschwörungstheorien sind an Einfältigkeit kaum zu überbieten.  

22.07.11 11:40

67 Postings, 5200 Tage KlassKleverGewinnmitnahmen

Ich habe heute 60% meiner "Gratisaktien" verkauft. Der Anstieg der letzen Tage und die Euronen die buchmäßig immer mehr wurden, waren zu verlockend sie nicht auch zu realisieren. Wenn es weiter aufwärts geht bin ich noch dabei (durch PCY sowieso mit 50% dabei), geht es runter ist der Rest auch bald verkauft. Ich denke die Story ist gut, aber der Markt muß erst einen fairen Wert nach diesem Anstieg finden. Die Bäumen wachsen auch hier nicht in den Himmel. Und bis die ersten Metalle gefördert und verkauft sind vergeht noch viel Zeit und die Kurse kommen bestimmt auch mal wieder zurück.  

22.07.11 14:23

74 Postings, 8371 Tage TequilaSarcasticDe Beira Goldfields


Gab es damals bei De Beira nicht auch einen (NI) 43-101 TECHNICAL REPORT









Prophecy Platinum Corp.


Previous name(s):

Pacific Coast Nickel Corporation,Fargo Capital Corp.


Year end:

July 31


Reporting since:






Principal regulator:

British Columbia



Cease trade status

No current CTOs or Management CTOs








 Search the National CTO Database for historical cease trade order information



Default history



Issuer name

Default time frame

Default code

Period of default


Pacific Coast Nickel Corporation

06/09/2011 - 06/13/2011






 View the Defaulting Issuers List

 View the Cease Traded Issuers List


2. The reporting issuer's continuous disclosure is deficient because:

(a) the financial statements of the reporting issuer, or the auditor's report accompanying the financial statements, do not comply with the requirements of National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations (NI 51-102), National Instrument 81-106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure (NI 81-106) or National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles, Auditing Standards and Reporting Currency;

(b) the reporting issuer has acknowledged that its financial statements, or the auditor's report accompanying the financial statements, may no longer be relied upon;

(c) the reporting issuer's AIF, MD&A, MRFP, information circular or business acquisition reports do not contain information for each of the content items required by NI 51-102 or NI 81-106; or

(d) the reporting issuer's technical disclosure or other reports do not comply with the disclosure requirements of NI 43-101 or NI 51-101.



Issuer Information




Issuer name:

Prophecy Coal Corp.


Previous name(s):

Universal Gun-Loc Industries Ltd.,UGL Enterprises Ltd.,Red Hill Energy Inc.,Prophecy Resource Corp.,Enerwaste Minerals Corp.,Banbury Gold Mines Ltd.


Year end:

December 31


Reporting since:






Principal regulator:

British Columbia



Cease trade status

No current CTOs or Management CTOs








 Search the National CTO Database for historical cease trade order information



Default history



Issuer name

Default time frame

Default code

Period of default


Prophecy Coal Corp.

07/19/2011 -


Q1   03/31/2011


Prophecy Resource Corp.

09/01/2010 - 09/02/2010


Q2   06/30/2010




 View the Defaulting Issuers List

 View the Cease Traded Issuers List

 Search the National CTO Database for historical cease trade order information


22.07.11 14:24

What Does This Blog Consider?
This blog looks at the BCSC's Decisions & Orders filings and attempts to reverse engineer the working policies the commission follows in its review of NI43-101 reports. Specifically, when and for what type of reasons has the BCSC acted in the past.

On March 10, 2011, a query on the keyword "43-101" returned 111 Decisions and Orders that have been issued by the BCSC since 2004. I have broken the search results down into the following classifications and mapped the BCSC Decision and Orders into the best fitting of the following categories (more details for each order are provided in a subsequent sub sections):

Interesting Decisions and Orders: 10.8% of decisions and orders fall in this category.

Routine Business Decisions and Orders (Discretionary): 31.5% of decisioins and orders is this category.

Did Not File Decisions and Orders: 44.1% of decisions and orders is in this category.

Decisions and Orders for Companies Without a Sedar Presence (OTCBB Listed Companies that do NOT file at Sedar): 13.5% of decisions and orders is in this category.

Note: If you search the key word "43-101" using the advanced search option on March 11, 2011, you see 171 results under Decisions & Orders. Of the 171, 60 results are from the year 2003 or earlier and were not included in the above counts.

Interesting Decisions and Orders
Decisions and orders in the category are typically initiated by the BCSC and which deal with some aspect of an NI43-101 report. Specific quotes are included to provide further insight. In my opinion, the following orders fall in this category:

D&O 2010/11/04 Ross Stanfield, Bul River Mineral Corporation and Gallowai Metal Mining Corporation [Variation Order] -- order to disseminate a technical report, that is fully compliant with National Instrument 43-101.

D&O 2009/11/27 Getty Copper Inc. [Cease Trade Order] -- Preliminary Feasibility Study Technical Report of the Getty Copper Project June 9, 2009 (207 pages) was amended as Preliminary Feasibility Study Technical Report of the Getty Copper Project June 9, 2009 as amended May 3, 2010 (217 pages). The June 2009 document presented 321.27 million pounds of copper in the Indicated category (unchanged in the May 2010 document). The June 2009 document presented 64.64 million pounds of copper in the Inferred category (unchanged in the May 2010 document). Similary the Molybdenum Resource was unchanged between the June 2009 and May 2010 documents. However, the Indicated (Inferred) copper grade shown in Summary of Getty Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources was 0.400% (0.352%) in the the June 2009 version but 0.373% (0.275%) in the May 2010 update.

My conclusion is that the BCSC tested the report's ore grade, ore tonnes and contained metal quantities, spotted inconsistencies and requrested a correction. The consequences for Getty Copper shareholders was however material -- GTC.v didn't trade between November 25, 2009 and June 8, 2010.

D&O 2009/06/24 John Gregory Paterson [Order & Settlement Agreement] -- the agreed facts of the case include the fact that John Gregory Paterson, a professional geologist, and CEO of Southwestern, was responsible for the erroneous and excessive gold grades reported in a Southwesternís press releases. The order included a stipulation that Paterson be permanently prohibited from acting as a director or officer of any issuer except an issuer of which all the securities are owned beneficially by him or his spouse.

D&O 2007/10/04 Brent Glen Jardine [Order and Settlement Agreement] -- this settlement centered around misrepresentation in a news letter, quoting from the D&O: "Newsletter contained highly promotional statements about Aberdeneís Tuscarora gold property". Mr. Jardine was order to resign from any director or officer positions and is prohibited from engaing in investor relations active for a period of two year. Mr. Jardine also paid a $50,000 fine to the BCSC.

D&O 2007/07/31 Robert Weicker [Settlement Agreement] -- Mr. Weicker a professional geologist issued misleading news releases, including failing to disclose a resource had not been demonstrated to be current under NI 43-101. Mr. Weicker was ordered to pay the commission to $30,000, take courses about mining disclosure for public companies, and barred from certain activities for 1 year.

D&O 2007/08/02 Andean American Mining Corp. [Cease Trade Order] -- commission staff reivewed a technical report and found it was not completed in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ñ Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and Form 43-101F1 Technical Report.

D&O 2005/01/13 Stewart Jackson [Settlement Agrmnt] -- issues included improper disclosure of exploration target. The bulk tonnage statements viloated section 2.3(2) of the NI 43-101 because potential quantity and grade of the deposit as ranges, they did not include proximate statements that the potential quantity and grade was conceptual in nature, that there had been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource on the Project and they did not disclose the basis on which the potential quantity and grade were determined. A company web site was at issue as well. Settelemnts include a 3 year ban from disseminating mining disclosures and a $10,000 fine paged to the commission.

D&O 2004/12/24 Barry Whelan [Settlement Agreement] -- Mr. Whelan was a director of a natural resource company. The ruling included charges of improper disclosure of exploration target (potential quantity and grade should have been disclosed as ranges, failed to state the potential quanntity and grade were conceptual in nature, and the like). Undertakings included restrictions on disseminating mining disclosures for 2 years except under the supervision of a director and paying the commission $5,000.

D&O 2004/11/24 Stewart Jackson, et al. [Amended Notice of Hearing] -- failure to disclose qualified person and improper disclusre of exploration target.

D&O 2004/11/17 Yvonne Cole [Settlement Agrmnt] -- failure to disclose qualified person, improper disclosure of exploration target, misleading statements... It is worth noting that the BCSC had warned the company to stop making misleading statements, they agreed to stop but then continued to make misleading statements. The undertakings included paying a fine of $2,500 and to undertake study concerning the duties and responsibilities of directors and officers of public companies.

D&O 2004/11/10 Canadian Metals Exploration Ltd. [Settlement Agrmnt] -- failure to file, failure to disclose qualified person, improper disclouser of exploration target, misleading statemnts, ignoring warnings about misleading statements... Undertakings included a $20,000 payment to the commission plus restrictions on future activities.

D&O 2004/03/08 Neil Russel Swift [Sec. 161 & Settlement Agrmnt] -- disclosures were not in compliance with National Policy 43-101. Order included a $10,000 payment to the BCSC and a three year restriction on acting as a director or officer of any issuer.

Routine Business Decisions and Orders
Companies may request decisions from the BCSC in the ordinary conduct of business. Typically, companies are requesting exceptions for certain policies. In my opinion, the following orders fall in this category:



22.07.11 14:52

59 Postings, 4851 Tage Pollingerlange Rede

kurzer Sinn bitte!  

22.07.11 14:54

74 Postings, 8371 Tage TequilaSarcasticLöschung

Zeitpunkt: 30.07.11 20:13
Aktionen: Löschung des Beitrages, Nutzer-Sperre für immer
Kommentar: Doppel-ID - v. Dr.Meckling



22.07.11 14:59

59 Postings, 4851 Tage Pollingerich geb auf

des Doktors 2. Ego hat da wohl copy/paste Wut!  

22.07.11 16:10

2125 Postings, 5290 Tage StarbikerVerkauft

Ich habe meine Anteile, die ich durch die Dividende von Prophecy resources erworben habe verkauft. Mir wird die schwindelerregende Höhe langsam unheimlich. Meine Prophecy coal behalte ich und so habe ich ja indirekt immer noch einen Vorteil, wenn es hier weiter bergauf geht.  

22.07.11 16:26

7554 Postings, 6204 Tage sebaldoDa will wohl jemand einen Short vorbereiten

22.07.11 16:35

2125 Postings, 5290 Tage StarbikerDas wäre aber riskant

bei dem Tempo mit dem diese Aktie steigen kann. Ich verbrenne mir da nicht die Finger, wollte nur Gewinne sichern.  

22.07.11 16:39

4713 Postings, 5699 Tage bierroRT

Sorry, hat mal jemand einen  Link für RT Kanada, bei ADVFN geht momentan gar nix.  

22.07.11 16:39

364 Postings, 6070 Tage DrSchafsteinStimmt, shorten ist riskant

Man weiss nie wie weit das noch geht. Die Aktie hat gerade die 5 CAD in Kanada uebersprungen, schon wieder +15% heute.  

22.07.11 18:19

7554 Postings, 6204 Tage sebaldoStarbiker

Dich habe ich nicht gemeint. Habe heute auch meine letzten verkauft. Ich hatte da jemand anderen im Blick.  

22.07.11 18:27

3956 Postings, 5646 Tage dr.soldberg...

hier wird prof. gecornert......müssen einige große addr. in cans sein.

finger weg von short
viel glück und viel segen auf all meinen wegen;)

22.07.11 18:27

59 Postings, 4851 Tage PollingerDer Verkauf wird bestraft

mit einem neuen Allzeithoch von 5,24 CAD  

22.07.11 18:34

209 Postings, 5675 Tage DanielSunAufwärtstrend durchbrochen?

also wenn ich im 10 Tages-Chart (siehe Link) mal so nen paar Linien male, werde ich das Gefühl nicht los das so eben der Aufwärtstrendkanal nach oben durchbrochen wurde.


Bin gespannt wo uns diese Reise noch hinführt...


22.07.11 18:40

209 Postings, 5675 Tage DanielSunmmh

oder wenn ich die Linien noch ein wenig verrücke, könnte es auch sein das wir genau von unten an den Trendkanal anklopfen. Naja bin halt kein Chart-Experte.  

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