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24.11.13 09:17

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027AITMPower

ich denke, dass nicht nur Amerika und Kanada interessante Hydrogen-Future Unternehmen haben.
ITM Power halte ich für ein interessantes europäisches Beispiel dafür.

Was denk ich davon?  

24.11.13 09:22

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027Azweiter teil

Der Doppelpost wurde leider nötig, weil ich mit diesem Forum noch so meine Probleme habe ;)


Wenn man sich die Liste der Partner ansieht, dann zeigt sich die Bandbreite der Einsatzbereiche der Stacks von ITM:

Jaguar/LandRover, Daimler, Toyota, Ford, Shell, Vestas, Vodafone, (...)

Zudem wurde kürzlich ein Bericht von Euronews Sience zum Unternehmen veröffentlicht. Dort geht es um ein mit Wasser betriebenes Schweißgerät, von ITM entwickelt:

 Ein Blick in die News zeigt die neusten Erfolge: Verträge in Deutschland, Wales, Großbritannien... 


04.12.13 12:06

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027AEinspreisung von Wasserstoff ins Gasnetz


Thüga-Gruppe: Bundesweit erste Einspeisung von Wasserstoff in Gasverteilnetz.
Anlage funktioniert planmäßig
Kernstück der Anlage ist ein umweltfreundlicher und lastflexibler Elektrolyseur
Offizielle Inbetriebnahme Anfang 2014
München/Frankfurt am Main: Am 26.11.2013 hat die Strom-zu-Gas Demonstrationsanlage der Thüga-Gruppe im Rahmen ihrer Inbetriebnahmephase erstmalig Wasserstoff in das Frankfurter Gasverteilnetz eingespeist. Sie ist damit bundesweit die erste Anlage, die in Wasserstoff umgewandelten Strom ins Gasverteilnetz einspeichert. „Die Anlage funktioniert planmäßig, so dass wir in Kürze den Probebetrieb aufnehmen werden und Anfang 2014 den offiziellen Betrieb starten können“, erklärt Michael Riechel, Mitglied des Vorstands der Thüga Aktiengesellschaft. Bis Ende 2016 werden die Unternehmen Erfahrungen sammeln, wie die Anlage unter Praxisbedingungen funktioniert. Zu den Projektpartnern gehören die badenova AG & Co. KG, Erdgas Mittelsachsen GmbH, Energieversorgung Mittelrhein GmbH, erdgas schwaben gmbh, ESWE Versorgungs AG, Gasversorgung Westerwald GmbH, Mainova Aktiengesellschaft, Stadtwerke Ansbach GmbH, Stadtwerke Bad Hersfeld GmbH, Thüga Energienetze GmbH, WEMAG AG, e-rp GmbH sowie die Thüga Aktiengesellschaft als Projektkoordinatorin. Die Betriebsphase wird von wissenschaftlichen Projektpartnern begleitet und vom hessischen Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz gefördert.

Einspeisung erfolgt ohne Verdichtung


ITM-Power liefert ein wesentliches Modul für dieses Projekt:  

22.01.14 17:59

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027APolitik auf einem für ITM interessanten Weg

Diese Nachricht dürfte ITM doch ein wenig den Rücken stärken:
(Wie ihr vielleicht bietet ITM Power unter Anderem Power to Gas Lösungen an - Möglicherweise das Ass im Ärmel wenn es darum geht Windenergie bei Überproduktion zu speichern).

"Die Europäische Kommission will den EU-Mitgliedstaaten weniger in ihre Klimapolitik hineinreden. Zwar soll der Ausstoß von Klimagasen bis 2030 EU-weit um 40 Prozent im Vergleich zu 1990 gedrosselt werden und 27 Prozent des Stroms sollen bis dahin aus erneuerbaren Energien kommen. Welche Staaten wie viel Wind- und Solarstrom erzeugen müssen, soll aber nicht festgelegt sein."  

Nebenbei gibt es auch News an der Spitze von ITM. Mit dem Wechsel ist möglicherweise auch der kurze Kursrutsch vor einigen Tagen zu erklären:

Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
20 JANUARY 2014

Appointment of Chief Financial Officer
ITM Power, the energy storage and clean fuel company, announces the appointment of Brian Jackson, 45, as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary with immediate effect.


25.01.14 18:02

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027Anews

Ganu aktuell:

Gas Network Optimisation Contract with AMEC and National Grid
24 JANUARY 2014

Gas Network Optimisation Contract with AMEC and National Grid
ITM Power (AIM:ITM), the energy storage and clean fuel company, is pleased to announce that it has secured a commercial contract from AMEC and National Grid to assess the deployment of Power-to-Gas Energy Storage technology to reduce the energy losses in the gas network.

P.S. Gebt doch gerne einmal eure Meinungen zu ITM Power kund ;)  

01.02.14 18:15

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashNEWS

20. Januar 2014

Neuer CFO bei ITM Power.

Das Unternehmen gibt die Ernennung von Brian Jackson (45)

zum Chief Financial Officer und Company Secretary bekannt.



01.02.14 18:22

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashNEWS

31. Januar 2014

Kapitalerhöhung um £10.000.000
Der Vorstand der ITM Power gibt bekannt, dass das Unternehmen heute 33.333.333 neue Aktien

durch Zeus Capital zum Preis von £30,00 pro Aktie platziert hat.



01.02.14 18:37

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashNEWS

31. Januar 2014

ITM mit weniger Verlust vor Steuern

ITM Power gibt einen Verlust vor Steuern von £3,3 Mio. für die sechs Monate bis Ende Oktober 2013.

Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr (£3.7 Mio.) £0,4 Mio. weniger.

Die Anzahl und der Wert der laufenden Projekte hat sich deutlich erhöht, mit einem Umsatz von

£0,7 Mio. im Vergleich von nahezu Null im Vorjahr.

Mit Fertigstellung der ThüGa-Anlage wird gerechnet und dies sollte zu weiteren Kunden führen.



01.02.14 18:40

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashHalbjahresbericht


Für die ersten sechs Monate bis Oktober 2013



01.02.14 18:45

Der Erlös der Kapitalerhöhung soll als zusätzliches Betriebskapital und für finanzielle Ressourcen für die Weiterentwicklung der Einrichtungen in Großbritannien, USA und Deutschland verwendet werden.



08.02.14 17:35

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashFive hydrogen refuelling sites approved

07. Febuar 2014

ITM Power plc

("ITM Power", "the Group" or the "Company")

Five hydrogen refuelling sites approved for planning on the Isle of Wight

ITM Power, the energy storage and clean fuel company is pleased to announce achievement of planning permission for five hydrogen refuelling sites on the Isle of Wight.

ITM Power has been granted planning permission for an 80kg/day hydrogen refuelling station at four locations and at one for a 15kg/day marine refuelling station. All planning applications submitted on the Isle of Wight have been successful. ITM has chosen two of these sites to take forward for installation of hydrogen refuellers ready for operation in November 2014, as part of the EcoIsland Hydrogen Vehicle Refueller project on the Isle of Wight, supported by funding from the UK's innovation agency, the Technology Strategy Board.

The approvals process involved several stages including the identification of candidate sites prior to conducting a detailed survey, preparation of plans together with a Design and Access Planning Statement and liaison with stakeholders including the Isle of Wight Council and the Environment Agency.

The sites surveyed included two owned by Vestas; one being their R&D centre at Stag Lane and the other Monks Brook, one operated by Scotia Gas Networks in East Cowes, and one at the St Cross Business Park, Newport.  The marine refueller is to be sited on the dock-side at Cheetah Marine in Ventnor. ITM Power has decided to proceed with the site owned by Scotia Gas Networks, providing an opportunity to further develop commercial links with SGN.

ITM Power sits on three Working Groups of the ISO Technical Committee 197, which has as its stated scope the standardization in the field of systems and devices for the production, storage, transport, measurement and use of hydrogen. Furthermore, ITM Power sits on the British Compressed Gas Association Technical Steering Committees with particular emphasis on Code of Practice 41, which addresses "The Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Filling Stations Providing Gaseous Fuels".

Dr Graham Cooley, Chief Executive of ITM Power, said: "The expertise required to achieve planning permission and satisfy compliance bodies is often underestimated.  I am delighted that ITM has been successful in gaining approval to commence the build of two hydrogen refuelling stations on the Isle of Wight.  Furthermore, the continued support from the Isle of Wight council and their determination to become a prime location for hydrogen fuel cell vehicle deployment provides a fantastic backdrop to this exciting project."




10.02.14 12:41

40 Postings, 4020 Tage 228291027Aclick

Na, das sind doch gute Nachrichten.
Und ein guter Einstiegskurs ;)

Danke an clickclickcash für die Unterstützung bei dem Einstellen von News  

12.02.14 20:16

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcash3rd Conference Power to Gas,Düsseldorf

3rd Conference Power-to-Gas
CCD Süd, Düsseldorf, Germany
March 27th, 2014

As official side event and part of the Energy Storage Germany,
the 3rd OTTI Conference Power-to-Gas will take place
at the CCD Süd, Düsseldorf, Germany on March 27th, 2014.
The focus of the conference will be on projects for the European energy industry.

Besides market development conditions topics like power to gas implementation of hydrogen and methane gas will be discussed in the programme. Meet international specialists, leading scientists and business experts of well-known companies like

• Audi AG 
• E.ON Gas Storage GmbH
• performing energy
• Hydrogenics Europe N.V.
• ITM Power GmbH

• Electrochaea
• German Energy Agency (dena)
• Stadtwerke Mainz AG
• Thüga AG
• MicrobEnergy GmbH
• DNV GL Oil & Gas, KEMA

and gain comprehensive information about the state of technology as well as the latest results from research and development.



19.02.14 11:17

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashSMEA

Energy Storage for Renewable Power: The Case for Hydrogen.

18 Feb 2014, Holiday Inn - Royal Victoria, Sheffield, UK

Dr Graham Cooley will give the second lecture of the year entitled: Energy Storage for Renewable Power: The Case for Hydrogen. Graham  joined ITM Power as CEO in 2009. He was Business Development Manager in National Power plc and spent 11 years developing energy storage and generation technologies.   Sheffield based  ITM Power has progressed from start-up in 2001 to an AIM listed company with a range of products and international projects. They have developed polymeric ion-conducting materials for hydrogen generation by water electrolysis and are developing engineering solutions for zero-carbon generation for a range of applications.  
Graham will outline the principles of energy storage and the role that hydrogen can play in improving the utilisation of renewable power. The production of a zero carbon footprint transport fuel will be examined along with the options for rolling out a hydrogen transport fuel infrastructure in the uk and worldwide. Details at



21.02.14 09:38

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashNa dann kann es ja los gehen...

Formal acceptance testing of the Thüga Group Plant

21 February 2014

ITM Power (AIM: ITM), the energy storage and clean fuel company, is pleased to announce that the plant supplied to the Thüga Group has now completed its formal acceptance testing.

As previously reported on, 30th September 2013, the Company announced that its Power-to-Gas (P2G) plant had been delivered to the site in Frankfurt am Main on time. In addition, on 4th December 2013 ITM Power reported that the unit had been successfully integrated with the gas mixing equipment and that for the first time in Germany, and ahead of schedule, hydrogen had been injected into the German gas distribution grid.

The Company can now report the achievement of the following items:
1. CE conformance for the integrated electrolyser system
2. Functional acceptance testing completed
3. The granting of the Permit to Operate

Achievement of CE Conformance required generation of detailed documentation in addition to a series of tests witnessed by an appropriate Notified Body. Functional testing involved agreement and execution of a suite of tests which together challenged the electrolyser against each aspect of its specification. These tests were undertaken by ITM Power in collaboration with Thüga Group. The Permit to Operate was granted in
two stages by TÜV Hessen following three detailed on-site audits of the electrolyser and gas mixing plant in the Schielestraße, Frankfurt.

Phil Doran, MD of ITM Power GMBH commented: “ITM Power is delighted to have collaborated so effectively with the project partners and to have achieved all the important project milestones within and often ahead of time. We are looking forward to developing further our productive partnerships in Germany.



19.03.14 18:36

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashNeues Video vom 19.03.2014

29.03.14 11:31

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashDeutsche Bank Research Power-2-Gas

Lesenswerter Bericht der Deutschen Bank Research:

ITM Power wird neben weiteren namhaften Unternehmen als Partner der Strategieplattform P2G genannt.


01.04.14 21:44

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashPower-to-Gas


Stadtrat Kitzingen fasst Grundsatzbeschluss zur Planung einer Power-to-Gas-Anlage

Die Stadt Kitzingen hat den Weg frei gemacht für die Planung einer Power-to-Gas-Anlage, die 15 bis 16 Millionen Euro kosten soll.

"Seitens der Licht-, Kraft- und Wasserwerke Kitzingen GmbH wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Thüga derzeit mit 12 Partnern eine Demonstrationsanlage* realisieren will..."

*ITM Power Anlage


03.04.14 08:38

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashKaboom! Endlich ein dicker Auftrag!

£2.8m contract to supply three refuelling stations in London

03. April 2014

ITM Power the energy storage and clean fuel company, is pleased to announce the successful award of a contract to supply three of its electrolyser-based refuelling stations to London under the EU FCH JU funded HyFive project announced by the Mayor of London’s Office today. The contract is worth approximately £2.8 million (€3.3m) to ITM Power and brings the total value of product build under contract to £6.6m.

The three CE marked rapid response grid balancing stations will be the first green hydrogen deployments in London and are expected to be operational in time to coincide with the roll out of fuel cell electric vehicles planned by the major OEM’s. The full text of the announcement from the Mayor’s Office is set out below:

Global leaders sign £31m plan to demonstrate the commercial case for hydrogen vehicles

International project HyFive pioneers hydrogen fuel cell technology

A pioneering £31 million deal will be struck today (3 April) to make hydrogen vehicles a viable and environmentally friendly choice for motorists across Europe.

Leading motor manufacturers, hydrogen fuel suppliers, the Mayor of London’s Office and energy consultancies from around the globe are signing up to the HyFive project, the largest of its kind in Europe, at City Hall in London today. Five different manufacturers have agreed to deploy a total of 110 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles at several European locations (Bolzano, Copenhagen, Innsbruck, London, Munich, Stuttgart) and develop new clusters of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Locations are being sought for three new hydrogen refuelling stations in London, one in Aarhus and in Odense (Denmark) and one in Innsbruck (Austria). They are expected to be operational by 2015, by which time some of the manufacturers in the partnership will have started to put hydrogen fuelled cars on sale in some European markets. Using hydrogen gas as a fuel to generate electric power the revolutionary vehicles produce no harmful tailpipe emissions – only water vapour. They have the potential to be more than twice as fuel-efficient as conventionally powered vehicles and operate very quietly.

The Mayor of London’s Office is coordinating the multi million pound project, which has been signed up to by BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and hydrogen fuel companies including Air Products, Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, ITM Power, Linde, OMV. Other signatories include Element Energy, PE INTERNATIONAL, the Institute for Innovative Technology and the European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

The motor manufacturers who are part of this project are working on developing and demonstrating hydrogen powered fuel cell cars. The prospect of these becoming more widely available is now seen as increasingly likely as the currently high cost of the technology falls and hydrogen powered vehicles become affordable. Supporters of the new technology point to the rapid re-fuelling times for hydrogen cars and their potential to cover over four hundred miles before needing to be re-fuelled. They also believe that fuel cells will have the ability to be scaled up to run larger vehicles such as buses or trucks.

To sell this technology we need to show Londoners and the wider world that it is not science fiction. By building the vehicles and the filling stations and allowing people to kick the tyres we will be ”

Hydrogen infrastructure will be built across several countries as part of this European project. Filling stations will be built and operated in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Italy, as well as in London. An advantage for the new technology is that these stations will share internationally agreed fuel and re-fuelling standards. All of the partners in the project see the initial investment to build small clusters of stations as key to gaining the research knowledge that will demonstrate the viability of hydrogen fuelled vehicles.

This technology was invented in the UK and London already has a massive research base around hydrogen and alternative fuels. When you also consider that we already export thousands of vehicles from the UK that adds up to a big opportunity for many new jobs working in cutting edge new technologies. We are doing everything we can to ensure London is ready when the very first commercially available hydrogen vehicles begin to come to the market in 2015. We are also extremely appreciative of the FCHJU’s commitment and support to the HyFIVE project, and our long term plans for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technology to be a core component of our secure, affordable and low-carbon energy supply system in London”.

Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, said: “With a total of 110 FCEVs and 6 new refuelling stations, HyFIVE will represent the largest single project of its kind financed by the FCH JU. The high level of technology readiness of this zero emission transport technology will be showcased in 5 European Member States, thus ensuring a broad geographical outreach. In addition, the project will also contribute to the buildup of the first networks at local levels necessary to support the market introduction of the vehicles in the coming years. With the participation of leading automakers and infrastructure providers, HyFIVE illustrates the commitment from leading industrial players in the EU and the spirit of cooperation that I am convinced will enable the success of these technologies.“

Byung Kwon Rhim, President of Hyundai Motor Europe, said “The 15 partners of the HyFIVE project will work together to advance the awareness, understanding, viability and uptake of zero-emission hydrogen-powered vehicles, like the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell. The collective mid-term goal is to grow a pan-European refuelling network and ensure more vehicles are seen on the road.”

Prof Roger Putnam CBE, Non-Executive Chairman, of clean hydrogen fuel supplier ITM Power Plc, said “ITM Power is delighted to be part of this exciting pan-European project, delivering three new green hydrogen refuelling stations which will be deployed in London. These three new stations will form part of three European regions deploying six new 700bar hydrogen refuelling stations and incorporating 12 existing stations in the project. The fuelling station networks will offer hydrogen as a genuine fuelling choice for end users. Working with other partners in the project, Air Products, Linde, OMV and the Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, will stimulate the network density required for full commercial roll-out of hydrogen refuelling and FCEVs.”

Commenting, ITM Power’s CEO Graham Cooley said, “We are delighted that London will be at the forefront of hydrogen adoption for transport. This project is another example of how infrastructure spending to support FCEV roll out is accelerating – in Europe, in North America and in Asia. This is a global effort and ITM Power’s clean electrolyser technology should ensure that we remain at the heart of what is becoming a very substantial market.”

ITM Power will be exhibiting at the Hannover MESSE Group Exhibit for Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Batteries from 7th-11th April 2014 on Stand B60 in Hall 27. This is Europe’s largest hydrogen, fuel cells and battery exhibition. The Hannover MESSE is expected to attract some 200,000 visitors and has 5,000 exhibitors.



03.04.14 10:57

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashITM Power wins contract

ITM Power wins contract under London Mayor's HyFive project

ITM Power shareholders on Thursday cheered the AIM-listed energy storage and clean fuel company's contract win from the Mayor of London's European Union HyFive project.

Under the agreement, which is worth £2.8m, ITM will supply three of its electrolyser-based refuelling stations to the capital.

The three CE marked rapid response grid balancing stations will be the first green hydrogen deployments in London and are expected to be operational in time to coincide with the roll out of fuel cell electric vehicles planned by the major original equipment manufacturer.

The HyFive project was also announced on Thursday, with the office of Mayor Boris Johnson unveiling plans for a £31m investment in hydrogen vehicles to make them a viable and environmentally friendly choice for motorists across Europe.

HyFive is the largest of its kind, with participants including motor manufacturers, hydrogen fuel suppliers and energy consultancies. Five different manufacturers have agreed to deploy a total of 110 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles across a number of European locations and will develop new clusters of hydrogen refuelling stations.



07.04.14 13:23

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashFuel cell cars: not science fiction!

Fuel cell cars: not science fiction!

First published on the Cleantech Investor website, 4 April 2014

A hydrogen future is becoming a reality in London and five other European cities, with the launch of the HyFive (Hydrogen For Innovative Vehicles), project, the largest of its kind in Europe. Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, says HyFive - which involves a fleet 110 fuel cell vehicles - will demonstrate that hydrogen “is not science fiction”. A total of 110 hydrogen fuel cell cars will be deployed throughout six European cities (Bolzano, Copenhagen, Innsbruck, London, Munich and Stuttgart), alongside the development of hydrogen refuelling station clusters. The project, funded to the tune of €38 million (£31 million) by the European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and the industrial partners, is being co-ordinated by the Mayor of London’s Office.

The FCH JU is contributing funding of €18 million with the balance of €20 million coming from the partners. The vehicles will be supplied by BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai and Toyota. And hydrogen fuel companies involved in the project include Air Products, Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, ITM Power, Linde and OMV. Hydrogen filling stations will be built and operated in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Italy and the UK. All refuelling stations share internationally agreed fuel and re-fuelling standards.

According to Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the FCH JU, there is a “high level of technology readiness of this zero emission transport technology”. The FCH JU, a public private partnership, supports research, technological development and demonstration activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe, with the aim of accelerating the market introduction of these technologies.

Hyundai Motor, which was the world’s first car manufacturer to assembly-line build hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles, will supply over half of the vehicles for the project. Hyundai, which has already supplied its ix35 Fuel Cell to customers in Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden and the UK, has announced that it aims to deliver 75 ix35 cars as part of HyFive.

Another partner, Honda, which launched the FCX Clarity in 2008, has confirmed today that ts next generation FCEV (fuel cell electric vehicle) will be launched in Europe in early 2016.

In addition to the city authorities, the automotive manufacturers and the industrial partners, HyFive signatories include Element Energy, PE INTERNATIONAL and the Institute for Innovative Technology.

ITM Power has confirmed that it will supply three electrolyser-based refueling stations to London under the HyFive project, in a contract worth £2.8 million (3.3€ million).


07.04.14 13:25

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashMake hydrogen- fuelled vehicles a reality

New £31m deal aims to make hydrogen- fuelled vehicles a reality

A pioneering £31 million deal has been agreed to make hydrogen vehicles a viable and environmentally friendly choice for motorists across Europe.

Leading motor manufacturers, hydrogen fuel suppliers, the Mayor of London’s Office and energy consultancies from around the globe are signing up to the HyFive project, the largest of its kind in Europe, at City Hall in London today.

Five different manufacturers have agreed to deploy a total of 110 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles at several European locations (Bolzano, Copenhagen, Innsbruck, London, Munich, Stuttgart) and develop new clusters of hydrogen refuelling stations.

Locations are being sought for three new hydrogen refuelling stations in London, one in Aarhus and in Odense (Denmark) and one in Innsbruck (Austria).

They are expected to be operational by 2015, by which time some of the manufacturers in the partnership will have started to put hydrogen fuelled cars on sale in some European markets. Using hydrogen gas as a fuel to generate electric power the revolutionary vehicles produce no harmful tailpipe emissions – only water vapour. They have the potential to be more than twice as fuel-efficient as conventionally powered vehicles and operate very quietly.

The Mayor of London’s Office is coordinating the multi million pound project, which has been signed up to by BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai, Toyota and hydrogen fuel companies including Air Products, Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, ITM Power, Linde, OMV. Other signatories include Element Energy, PE INTERNATIONAL, the Institute for Innovative Technology and the European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.

The motor manufacturers who are part of this project are working on developing and demonstrating hydrogen powered fuel cell cars. The prospect of these becoming more widely available is now seen as increasingly likely as the currently high cost of the technology falls and hydrogen powered vehicles become affordable.

Supporters of the new technology point to the rapid re-fuelling times for hydrogen cars and their potential to cover over four hundred miles before needing to be re-fuelled. They also believe that fuel cells will have the ability to be scaled up to run larger vehicles such as buses or trucks.

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “To sell this technology we need to show Londoners and the wider world that it is not science fiction. By building the vehicles and the filling stations and allowing people to kick the tyres we will be able to demonstrate that hydrogen is a viable option and that London is at the forefront of efforts to make it so.”

Hydrogen infrastructure will be built across several countries as part of this European project. Filling stations will be built and operated in Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Austria and Italy, as well as in London.

An advantage for the new technology is that these stations will share internationally agreed fuel and re-fuelling standards. All of the partners in the project see the initial investment to build small clusters of stations as key to gaining the research knowledge that will demonstrate the viability of hydrogen-fuelled vehicles.

Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor of London for Business and Enterprise, said: “This technology was invented in the UK and London already has a massive research base around hydrogen and alternative fuels.

“When you also consider that we already export thousands of vehicles from the UK that adds up to a big opportunity for many new jobs working in cutting edge new technologies. We are doing everything we can to ensure London is ready when the very first commercially available hydrogen vehicles begin to come to the market in 2015.

“We are also extremely appreciative of the FCH JU’s commitment and support to the HyFIVE project, and our long term plans for Fuel Cell and Hydrogen technology to be a core component of our secure, affordable and low-carbon energy supply system in London.”

Bert De Colvenaer, Executive Director of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, said: “With a total of 110 FCEVs and 6 new refuelling stations, HyFIVE will represent the largest single project of its kind financed by the FCH JU.

“The high level of technology readiness of this zero emission transport technology will be showcased in 5 European Member States, thus ensuring a broad geographical outreach. In addition, the project will also contribute to the build-up of the first networks at local levels necessary to support the market introduction of the vehicles in the coming years.

“With the participation of leading automakers and infrastructure providers, HyFIVE illustrates the commitment from leading industrial players in the EU and the spirit of cooperation that I am convinced will enable the success of these technologies.“

Byung Kwon Rhim, President of Hyundai Motor Europe, said: “The 15 partners of the HyFIVE project will work together to advance the awareness, understanding, viability and uptake of zero-emission hydrogen-powered vehicles, like the Hyundai ix35 Fuel Cell. The collective mid-term goal is to grow a pan-European refuelling network and ensure more vehicles are seen on the road.”

Prof. Roger Putnam CBE, Non-Executive Chairman, of clean hydrogen fuel supplier ITM Power Plc, said: "ITM Power is delighted to be part of this exciting pan-European project, delivering three new green hydrogen refuelling stations which will be deployed in London.

“These three new stations will form part of three European regions deploying six new 700bar hydrogen refuelling stations and incorporating 12 existing stations in the project. The fuelling station networks will offer hydrogen as a genuine fuelling choice for end users.

“Working with other partners in the project, Air Products, Linde, OMV and the Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, will stimulate the network density required for full commercial roll-out of hydrogen refuelling and FCEVs."



07.04.14 13:26

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashcoaliton of auto-giants in clean vehicle project

London Mayor to lead coaliton of auto-giants in clean vehicle project

A coalition of car and fuel cell manufacturers has signed up to a £31 million project that aims to roll out a new fleet of low-emissions hydrogen vehicles across Europe.

The HyFive scheme is being co-ordinated by London Mayor Boris Johnson’s Office and is aiming to deploy 110 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in London, Munich, Stuttgart, Bolzano in Italy, Copenhagen and Innsbruck, Austria.

BMW, Daimler, Honda, Hyundai and Toyota are the five auto giants that will participate in the scheme.

The HyFive project is set to deploy new standardised refuelling infrastructure across Europe with three new refuelling stations set to be installed in London, two in Denmark and one in Austria by next year.

The project will also make use of existing infrastructure, including Air Products' stations at Heathrow Airport and Stratford.

London Mayor Boris Johnson said: "To sell this technology we need to show Londoners and the wider world that it is not science fiction. By building the vehicles and the filling stations and allowing people to kick the tyres we will be able to demonstrate that hydrogen is a viable option and that London is at the forefront of efforts to make it so."

The project is being financed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and in total brings together 15 partners, including Copenhagen Hydrogen Network, ITM Power, Linde, OMV, Element Energy, PE INTERNATIONAL, the Institute for Innovative Technology and the European Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, as well as the above mentioned five automakers.



07.04.14 13:28

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashInformatives Power-to-Gas Video

08.04.14 18:02

185 Postings, 3899 Tage clickclickcashMarkteinführung Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellen

Industrieinitiativen bekräftigen Markteinführung der Wasserstoff- und Brennstoffzellentechnologien
– Standorte für H2-Tankstellen stehen fest.…

Und irgendwie ist auch ITM Power mit dabei...

Performing Energy (PE) Partner ist u.a die Strategieplattform Power to Gas – Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)

und in der Strategieplattform Power to Gas ist ITM Power vertreten.


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