Rockshield Capital - Invests in Blockchain & BC

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19.12.17 21:37

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiRockshield Capital - Invests in Blockchain & BC

Aus CuOro Res wurde Rockshield Capital Group!

News vom 03.11.2017:
Rockshield is an actively managed venture capital fund and merchant bank, focused on small cap high growth companies as we see this market segment with the greatest risk/reward potential.

We are fundamentally bottom up investors and sector agnostic as we look to invest in equity and equity linked instruments of companies that meet the Rockshield philosophy of quality management, exponential growth potential and inefficiently priced valuations.  Rockshield's management team has been investing in small cap companies for over the past 20 years and performs extensive due diligence as it looks to build a portfolio of opportunistic and eclectic investments with the aim of generating superior long-term returns while managing risks.  Leveraging the vast professional network and experience of the management team, Rockshield has early access to public and private deal and reviews hundreds of deals a year selecting only this with the best potential return.  We hold long term high conviction beliefs in sub-sectors of the economy, resulting in a high concentration of position in various sectors we believe will collectively outperform over the long term.

The Company has maintained minimum operating costs with the combined management and Board overheard of approximately $160,000 per annum collectively. The Company management and Board are aligned with shareholders as they incentivized through their equity holdings and stock options rather than fees.

As at September 17, 2017 the fair value of the companies' cash and investments sits at $0.33 a share representing an increase of approximately 300% year over year. The current NAV represent an 83% premium over the current share price of $0.18. The Company has no debt and uses no leverage.


19.12.17 21:44

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiAn der CSE gehts nun wie an der Schnur gezogen

Aktuell auf 0,30 CAD.

Weiteres auf

Ich hatte den Wert 2 Wochen beobachtet und bin dann eingestiegen.

Demnächst sollen einige IPO´s folgen wie zB FinCanna (Cannabis infused gummies).

Ich finde es spannend, da man hier aus den aktuell angesagten Sektoren nicht auf ein Pferd setzen muss.  

19.12.17 22:05

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiWie am 1-Jahres-Chart zu sehen

wurde nun die 2. Stufe gezündet:

Heute gibts auf Schlusskursbasis schon mal ein neues ATH!  

19.12.17 22:27

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiGeschäftsmodell:

In aussichtsreiche Unternehmen investieren, wie z.B.:
Rockshield acquires 300,000 units of Atlas, Miramont

2017-11-30 09:54 ET
- News Release

See News Release (C-RKS) Rockshield Capital Corp

Mr. David Doherty of Rockshield reports


Rockshield Capital Corp. has provided information on two additions to its portfolio of investee companies.

Atlas Cloud Enterprises Inc.

Through existing state-of-the-art operations and scalability with some of the cheapest electrical power in the world, Atlas Cloud Computing is ideally positioned to become one of the premier bitcoin mining and blockchain service companies in North America. Rockshield purchased 300,000 units at 35 cents per unit. Each unit will consist of one common share in the capital of the company and one transferable common share purchase warrant, with each warrant exercisable into one additional common share at a price of 75 cents for a period of 24 months from the date of closing.

Miramont Resources Corp. recently closed its Puno gold acquisition in conjunction with a $6-million offering led by Red Cloud Klondike Strike and Sprott Capital Partners. In addition, Miramont has appointed Dr. Quentin Hennigh as director and chairman. Dr. Hennigh currently serves as president and a director of Novo Resources Corp. Rockshield purchased 300,000 units at 30 cents per unit. Each unit will consist of one common share of the company and one common share purchase warrant, with each warrant exercisable into one additional common share at a price of 45 cents for a period of 24 months from closing of the offering.

The company's chief executive officer, David Doherty, said: "We are fortunate to participate in dynamic young companies across various sectors. We foremost look to partner and fund management teams who have the foresight and ability to carry out a business plan and raise capital which will allow a company the best chance of future success."

Rockshield Capital Corp.

Rockshield is a publicly traded venture capital fund under the symbol RKS on the Canadian Securities Exchange. Rockshield offers investors a chance to gain exposure to early stage seed investment in companies they typically would not get access to. Leveraging the vast professional network and experience of the management Rockshield reviews hundreds of deals a year and chooses those which have the best return potential under the current market environment.

© 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.

Aktien von Atlas Cloud Enterprises stehen aktuell bei 1 CAD!

Aktien von Novo Res stehen aktuell bei über 5 CAD!

Und so bekommt man hier ein tolles Portfolio. Vom Grundsatz her würde ich es mal mit BB Biotech vergleichen - nur in dynamischeren Segmenten investiert.


20.12.17 08:38

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiDie für mich aktuell

vielversprechendste Beteiligung ist die bei FinCanna (Medical Cannabis Market):

FinCanna wiederum steht kurz vor der Übernahme von Astar Minerals bezüglich Börsenmantel, um in Kürze gelistet zu werden.


20.12.17 11:19

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiDie 2. sehr interessante Beteiligung ist diese:

The Green organic Dutchman Holding (Cannabis).

Einfach mal zu Gemüte führen:

(Auch) da entsteht was Großes und die Tabelle mit dem Vergleich zu den Peers spricht für sich...  

20.12.17 15:54

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiUnd weiter hoch in Canada

20.12.17 17:52

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiNEWS Rockshield pats self on back for blockchain i

2017-12-20 06:42 ET - News Release

Mr. Dave Doherty reports


Rockshield Capital Corp. is providing an update on the company's investment portfolio.

Over the past six months the nascent blockchain industry has experienced incredible growth driven by the price appreciation of various cryptocurrencies and the increased awareness of the potential benefits this new technology could unlock. With the overall growth of the industry there have been a number of investment opportunities that have emerged both in the private and public markets, and Rockshield has been diligently reviewing countless opportunities and to date has invested in a number of blockchain companies that it thinks are best positioned to capitalize on this emerging global industry.

Leveraging the company's professional network, it has gained access to a number of investments at early-stage private rounds that are attractively priced and should position Rockshield to capture significant value appreciation as these companies expand operations and go public providing investment liquidity. In addition to continuing to screen for attractive investment opportunities the company is reviewing opportunities to unlock the value of its private holdings potentially by way of a spinout into separate public market vehicles in order to generate further shareholder returns.

The company recently updated its corporate website to provide greater clarity into its investment strategy and current holdings in the cannabis, blockchain, health care and resources sectors, and it will look to provide a more detailed summary of the recent investments it has made in the blockchain and cannabis industry shortly.

Dave Doherty, president and chief executive officer, said: "We are extremely pleased with the portfolio of blockchain and cannabis companies we have invested in, as we think we have backed some of the best management teams in the business, with professional and scalable operations, that are well positioned to prosper within the their respective industries. In addition we continue to evaluate various strategies to unlock the value of our holdings in order to maximize shareholder returns."

About Rockshield Capital Corp.

Rockshield is an actively managed venture capital fund and merchant bank, focused on small-cap, high-growth companies. Rockshield's management team has been seed financing and investing in early-stage venture companies for over the past 20 years and performs extensive due diligence as it looks to build a portfolio of opportunistic investments with the aim of generating superior long-term returns while managing risks.



20.12.17 20:59

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiKlasse Artikel 20.12.17 von

Eine Super-Zusammenfassung zum Unternehmen und mit der Möglichkeit zu erahnen, wie die Beteiligungen bewertet werden müssen und wie sich damit der Aktienkurs entwickeln dürfte...

Aktueller NAV (Stand September 2017): $0,33 pro Aktie bei aktuellem Aktienkurs von $0,28
Nur 45Mio Aktien.
EPS: $0,07 !!!!

3 weitere IPO´s Anfang 2018 (2x Cannabis, 1x Blockchain).

Einfach mal den Link zu Gemüte führen. Das wird (bzw. ist es ja schon) ein "Selbstläufer".  

20.12.17 21:09

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiAchso:

MK damit 13Mio
mit knapp 8 Cent Gewinn pro Aktie.

Meinungen erwünscht.  

21.12.17 19:09

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiSehr stark,

Zum Handelsstart unter Druck und intraday nun kompletter rebound.

Und mehrere Tage hintereinander nun schon 7-stellige Voluminas.  

21.12.17 20:45

549 Postings, 2501 Tage TKoneInteressante Investition...

ich bin ab heute dabei und die Zahlen wirken solide!  

21.12.17 23:24

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettischön :-)

Atlas Cloud hat heute auch wieder gute News geliefert. Und Rockshield partizipiert als anteilseigner davon.
Hier wird noch bissel was losgehen ;-)  

22.12.17 11:09

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiMit dem gestrigen Rücksetzer nach dem starken

Anstieg liegt die MK mit 11,5Mio CAD nun wieder unter dem Casgbestand von 15Mio CAD.
Das wird wohl nicht lange so bleiben.
Gewinn je Aktie: 0,08 CAD

Für mich ist Rockshield aktuell eine der aussichtsreichsten Aktien in den sog. Hype-Sektoren BC, Cannabis, Healthcare.
Und in Q1 2018 wird sich das sicherlich weiter im Aktienkurs bemerkbar machen.

Aber ich höre jetzt hier auf, sonst gehe ich noch als "Pusher" durch. Kurs wird eh in Kanada gemacht.  

22.12.17 20:08

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiIn CAN

geht's wieder bärenstark nach oben. Wieder 7-stellige Volumina...  

28.12.17 18:10

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiaktuell

+8% auf 0,31CAD.

Damit immer noch unter Buchwert :-)

Super Momentum!  

29.12.17 16:55

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradetti+25% auf 0,37 CAD

29.12.17 21:02

549 Postings, 2501 Tage TKoneerfreuliche Entwicklung

Was passiert ab Januar 2018? Ich hoffe die Aufmerksamkeit steigt für die Aktie!  

30.12.17 09:47

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiDie Aufmerksamkeit

wird steigen. RKS ist massiv unterbewertet. Die letzte, relativ belanglose News ist vom 11.12.17 und die Aktie steigt und steigt.
Anfang 2018 gehen 3 Unternehmen, an denen RKS massiv beteiligt ist, an die Börse.
Ich gebe keine Kursziel-Prognose ab, aber mein persönliches Kursziel ist um einiges höher als der aktuelle Kurs...  

30.12.17 13:22

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiDas

ASK dürfte Dienstag bei mindestens 0,25€ starten  

30.12.17 19:27

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiFinCanna

ist schon an der Börse seit 29.12.2017!!

Mk schon bei 82Mio CAD. Ist klar, dass der Unternehmenswert von RKS automatisch hochging gestern :-)  

30.12.17 19:30

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiCalifornia Market is going wild! Just in time.

2017-12-29 09:37 ET - News Release

Mr. David Doherty reports


Rockshield Capital Corp.'s private investee company Fincanna has successfully listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange.

FinCanna is a cannabis royalty company focused on California and the US market. FinCanna is led by a team of finance and industry experts and is building its portfolio of investments in scalable, best-in-class projects. FinCanna's flagship investment is with Cultivation Technologies Inc. (CTI) to provide funding for its fully entitled, large-scale indoor medical cannabis facility to be developed in Coachella, Southern California. This Coachella Campus will be a state-of-the-art facility that will include cultivation, extraction, manufacturing, testing and distribution.

Dave Doherty, President and CEO said, "This is a major development milestone in the lifecycle of any company and provides them with a significant liquidity necessary to attract additional investors and provides greater potential access to capital if required to fund future growth and development. We are pleased to backing such a high quality team and look forward to see them grow and develop.

Rockshield Capital was an early stage investor in Fincanna and owns 840,000 shares at 30 cents.

About Rockshield Capital Corp.

Rockshield is an actively managed venture capital fund and merchant bank, focused on small cap high growth companies. Rockshield's management team has been seed financing and investing in early stage venture companies for over the past 20 years and performs extensive due diligence as it looks to build a portfolio of opportunistic investments with the aim of generating superior long-term returns while managing risks. Leveraging the vast professional network and experience of the management team, Rockshield has early access to private and public deals and reviews hundreds of deals a year selecting only those with the best potential returns.

© 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.


30.12.17 19:30

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiFinCanna steht

bei 1,24 CAD :-)
Kein schlechtes Invest für Rockshield...  

30.12.17 19:32

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiTreffendes Posting aus Stockhouse:

Emblem Corp up .61 in last couple days
Cali just started trading today
Helius Medical tech up .43
DMG Bockchain on the launch pad shortly
TGOD getting ready

In 2018 wird Rockshield rocken!  

02.01.18 09:37

4568 Postings, 7195 Tage bradettiso, das Jahr fängt

doch schon mal gut an :-)  

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