Interessant, ich hatte das LinkedIn Profil der Dame letzte Woche verwechselt und die oberflächlichen Anspielungen von Fraser-Taser der Presse ggü. null nachvollziehen können. Dass er diese Story ernsthaft zum Konzern-Skandal aufbauschen will…. Knaller. Anstatt jetzt einfach entspannt dem von ihm prophezeiten Untergang entgegenzublicken und sich auf die Prüfungsergebnisse zu freuen, wirkt er mE latent verzweifelt...Wiesu denn bluß….
Was ist btw aus der Klage der Geschädigten geworden. Hatte zu dem u.a. Artikel (inkl. Grenke-Statement zu der Angelegenheit, siehe Zitat) kein Update gefunden. Wenn die Anwälte etwaiges Gemauschel der mutmaßlich mauschelnden Eheleute nicht mit in die Sammelklage genommen haben, waren’s ggf. nicht die schlausten. Oder die Anschuldigung haltlos. Misslich.
“Grenke operates in the B2B sector providing leasing facilities for businesses to acquire equipment for use within their business. Grenke has a relationship with many suppliers of various types of equipment, Viewable Media being one. The relationship is based on the customer choosing to acquire equipment from a supplier and, if required, Grenke being introduced to provide the financing facility. All the contracts were introduced via Vision Asset Finance, an intermediary broker. “Grenke are not experts or dealers in the equipment that we finance, practically or contractually. For avoidance of doubt the dealer is not appointed as our agent. There is an expectation and obligation that the customer makes the choice of equipment and dealer based on the requirements for their business, and performs any appropriate due diligence. “Grenke believes that our leasing and finance products are clear and transparent. Indeed, while we are not contractually obliged, Grenke does apply enhanced due diligence to ensure customers are fully aware of any finance contract that they are entering into. This includes customers signing an application for finance, and a leasing contract clearly outlining their contractual obligations. In addition, prior to the lease activation, a recorded customer satisfaction call would have been conducted by the supplier with the customer confirming their understanding of the contract structure, payments due and liability. Set against this background it is difficult to understand why customers believe they have been mis-sold the finance contract. “As a responsible lender, Grenke will always try to assist customers with any issues they may have surrounding their lease contracts. In this particular instance the issues appear to relate to separate media and advertising contracts with Rhino Media Group. Where this is the case we have directed customers towards the providers of these contracts. Rhino Media are still trading, however Shoppers Network and Viewable Media are in liquidation with insolvency practitioners appointed. The insolvency practitioners advise all known creditors have been or will be paid in full. Customers who have a claim regarding unfulfilled contracts by these parties should submit a claim to the insolvency practitioners Oury Clark Tel: 01753 551 111.”