Das ist mir auch aufgefallen Dozoern, aber ich bin nicht wirklich übezeugt, dass die selber produzieren wollen! Wäre auch denkbar (s. Diskussion in Can Boards), dass die die financial way gehen ...
Hab das Video mal gepostet in Can boards - mal sehen ob und wie die auf die modified timeline reagieren :-)
Anyway, kurzfrstig bzw. mittelfristig sollten wir uns mal Gedanken über die din can diskutierte evt. short Attacke machen!
Hier das Post von Drox (mehr details in stockhouse Can boards):
RTO, You will plug NIO at any opportunity wont you. With regards to the short squeeze - I did mention "naked shorts", which means the short position is not reported and therefore does not appear on any short sale reports.
Its a sophisticated way of staying under the radar, and a very gray area with brokerages. However when there is a naked short around, the short position is usually very large (sometimes in the millions of shares). In the case of CCE I would not be surprised if there was a very substantial short position under the surface, and they are trapped indeed. That would explain the illegal manipulation a few days ago by Anonymous. However this Anon rat crawled back into his hole when he saw he is wasting his bullets in the face of strong, consistent buying and accumulation.
I stick to my guns, there is a very good chance that on closing of the PP there will be a short squeeze in effect, driving the share price higher and faster than normal.
Good luck with NIO, however Im sure the rest of the forum readers would appreciate if conversation stuck to CCE.