Du hast vor einigen Tagen geschrieben:
Vielleicht steckt der Grund der nach CVR Record Day
Käufe auch hier:
"3.4 Following the settlement of the liabilities as described in paragraphs 2.5 and 3.1 above and given the nature of the indemnity as non-distributable asset, the Liquidators do not believe that SIHNV shall have any assets remaining for distribution after the Settlement. However, should within two months after the publication referred to in paragraph 3.3 above it become known to the Liquidators that SIHNV holds assets that were not included in the Balance, then such assets shall be liquidated and the net proceeds thereof shall, after payment of any remaining creditors of SIN and to the extent that any proceeds then remain available (the "Remaining Proceeds"), be transferred to the Shareholders, pro rata to the number of shares in the capital of SIHNV held by them as at such date as to be announced as soon as practicable once the Remaining Proceeds are known to the Liquidators, unless within two months after the publication referred to in paragraph 3.3 above any creditor of SIHNV or any beneficiary (gerechtigde) has raised objections to the Final Accounting in accordance with Section 2:23b, subsection 5, of the Dutch Civil Code."
Da die ganzen Schulden ja bereits auf die ibex Topco übertragen wurde, sind ja an sich nur noch die Zahlung an u.a. BaFin etc offen.
Sollte hier also wirklich noch irgendwo Geld gefunden werden, würde die alte Steinhoff Aktie und ihre Aktionäre direkt profitieren oder? Es gibt ja dort keine größeren Schuldner mehr.