Im Jahr 2018 = 24 Mio Dollar Verlust - 2019 wieder ca. 26 Mio CAD Verlust..... Wo kommt das ganze Geld her ?? WOW !! Seh ich doch richtig !? Infos auf CNSX.CA dazu.
"Loss from continued operationsfor the year(26,535,976) (24,146,515) Income (loss)from discontinued operations for the year11425,282 (1,231,758) Loss and comprehensive loss for the year(26,110,694) (25,378,273) Loss and comprehensive loss for the year attributable to: of the Company(24,775,130)(25,378,273)Non-controlling interest(1,335,564)- Loss per share, basic and diluted(0.19) (0.27) Weighted average number of shares outstanding 134,836,671 94,156,931"