hier die wichtigsten Postings aus dem Investershub-Board, die Jungs dort sind auf Zack (äh...ich mein jetzt nicht "ZACC")/ habe leider keine Zeit für solche umfangreichen researches, aber darum sind wir ja auch füreinander da, gell? Die Postings sind übrigens alle aus der letzten Woche:
Belmondan, Here's post 1072, 1083 & 1106...
Received a return call from IR...
More news is coming out, just waiting for approval from the attorneys.
Positive points of interest.
Currently 350 boe/d net
Conservatively add 200 boe/d net for Teepee creek
That puts us at 550 boe/d net
Not counting McLeod's compression problem rectified or the 2nd Teepee Creek well results.
We're looking at 700 boe/d conservatively, not even counting the rest of Gordondale's projects. --------------------------------------------------
Was playing with some #'s... Am I close?
example: 1,000 boe/d; 340 operating days (25 off days for misc. reasons) oil price @ $40.00 a barrel less royalties @ 19% and production cost @ $4.00 a barrel.
Annually: 340,000 barrels x $40.00 = $13,600,000 - $2,584,000 (19%) = $11,016000 - $1,360,000 ($4.00) = $9,656,000 cash flow.
cash flow divided by shares = a share price of .201
The avg stock in this sector has a multiple of 16-17. making the value at 1,000 boe/d @ $3.20-3.42 per share.
ST is producing 35% of that right now putting the value around $1.12-1.20 per share, not considering a spec. value including reserve #'s.
I believe ST deserves 2 bucks a share... IMO --------------------------------------------------
San Telmo Energy (STUOF: OTCBB, $0.60) has, admittedly, been a big disappointment. I’ve gotten several inquiries from subscribers on this matter alone.
I spoke with one of the directors today, and expect to speak with the president next week.
The two biggest problems with the company, as I see it, are poor communication skills and bad luck at the wellhead.
As for the communication part, I think that problem will solve itself. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t think the company has been doing a good job of communicating with its shareholders on what’s been happening.
Case in point is the trouble the company had with its Mcleod well. Most of these problems are technical in nature and are easily remedied through a variety of means. But if shareholders don’t know this, they’re likely to head for the exits.
On the plus side, and it’s a huge plus, the company is now generating cash from production. Further, they’re now able to fund further exploration internally, without having to dilute the shareholder base through financings.
I expect cash flow to increase over the next 2-3 months on the basis of increased production from existing wells. Add in development and new discoveries, and things look pretty good for ST.
In short, the company stays on the list as a buy.
I’ll have another update next week, after speaking with management. --------------------------------------------------
At the time, a target price of 3.00 a share, was just that, a target... based on test results and spec. value.
If McLeod wasn't delayed and compression not a problem, with everything going on now, we would be sitting on $2.+ per share. IMO... It's been twice in that vicinity twice before.
You sound a little disgruntled and sarcastic. Mt best advice to you is do your own due-dilligence and try not to blame anyone else if things don't go your way.
p.s... We know ST is producing 350 boe/d... Fact
We know the compression problem is being rectified... FACT
We know compression will increase production approx 31/2 times...FACT
We know that Teepee creek was a score and it's not a matter if TP #2 ia a score, we know it already is. We just don't know how much the test results will show... FACT
Gordondale was a hit. Land was purchased adjacent to it. Several prospects have been found...FACT
p.s.s... See, now doesn't that feel better? When you do your DD, it just makes you feel all light and fluffy inside... SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT... Gruß, ZACC