even if not ebola, enterovirals are on the rise and the hype will piggyback ebola, NSPH has definitely have tests for enterovirals.. here are latest news reports on enterovirlas: http://goo.gl/m0JOP1
A number of tests can be used to diagnose Ebola within a few days of the onset of symptoms, which can detect the virus's genetic material or the presence of antibodies against the pathogen. The most accurate of these is likely the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, a technique that looks for genetic material from the virus and creates enough copies of it that it can be detected, Hirsch said. "PCR is a really definitive test," Hirsch said. It can pick up very small amounts of the virus.
Direct Detection of Nucleic Acids The detection of DNA or RNA targets using nanoparticle probe technology entails:
Automated nucleic acid extraction and PCR amplification (if necessary) from a clinical sample on the Verigene® Processor SP Automated transfer of eluted nucleic acids into a Verigene Test Cartridge for hybridization Primary hybridization of target DNA to capture oligonucleotides on a microarray specific mediator oligonucleotides and gold nanoparticle probes Signal amplification of hybridized probes via a silver staining process Automated qualitative analysis of results performed on the Verigene Reader