Balamara Resources - Top Management - Top Projekte

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23.03.12 08:10

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosBalamara Resources - Top Management - Top Projekte

Da das Unternehmen in Balamara umbenannt wurde, verfasse ich hier mal einen aktuellen Thread mit der aktuellen Fassung der Ereignisse bei Balamara.
Die Unternehmensentwicklungen betrachte ich sehr positiv.

Ich bin hier schon länger, seit 0,006 AUD investiert.

Die Umstellung des Boards lässt den Schluss zu, dass Balamara (vorher Sultan) sich in einer sehr wichtigen Unternehmensphase befindet.

Aktuelle Daten:
Mcap 27 mio AUD / 21 Mio Euro
Aktienanzahl 1.75 mio
Optionen: 24 mio zu 3c auslaufend Mai 2014
(und demnächst zusätzlich 25 mio zu 2,5c)

Derek Lenartowicz wurde vom CEO zum Chairman "befördert".
Die Geschicke des CEOs übernahm Mike Ralston, ein sehr bekannter und Erfolgreicher Manager der Explorer-Szene.

Ich habe Derek, damals in München auf der Rohstoffmesse getroffen.
Zu dieser Zeit war noch ein amerikanischer Firmen-Auslutsch-Fonds in SSC investiert.
Dieser Fonds hat mit Wandelanleihen, die mit Discount bezogen werden durften, den SP in Schritten bis auf 0,004 runterverkauft. Als dieser Fonds dann raus war, konnte der Aktienkurs sich erholen.

Balamara ist mit seinem Zink-Kupfer-Silber-Projekt in Montenegro schon sehr gut fortgeschritten und es scheint, als sollte hier eine wirtschaftlich lohnenswerte Produktion in Zukunft möglich sein. Hier werden momentan mehrere tausend Meter Bohrungen geplant und durchgeführt. Die Feasybility Study im vollen Gange und nach der Auswertung der Bohergebnisse und der Anpassung der bereits vorhandenen Jorc-Study, soll die BFS fertiggestellt werden.

Das Peelwood-Projekt in New-South-Wales, Australien ist eigentlich auch ein Zinc-Projekt, jedoch ist Die El Sienora Liegenschaft ein hoffnungsvolles Gold-Gebiet.
Hier wurden am 17. Februar die Ergbenisse der Bohrungen veröffentlicht.
Es wurden Goldgehalte gefunden und Balamara wird hier die Erforschung des Gebiets weiter voran treiben. Besonders schon alleine deswegen, weil hier die ganz großen in Australien gerade dabei sind, sich alles in dieser Gegend goldhaltige Gebiet einzuverleiben.

Ein weiteres günstiges Schnäppchen konnte Ralston mit der Aquisition von 85% der polnischen Firma Polmetal machen. Balamara hat so das polnische Bogdan-Projekt unter seine Kontrolle gebracht. In dieser Region wurden in den letzten 40 Jahren z.B. 20.000 Tonnen Kupfer produziert. Balamara wird in den kommenden Wochen die Ergebnisse zu den drei kürzlich durchgeführten Bohrlöchern bekannt geben.
Hier verspricht sich Ralston eine für das Unternehmen sehr wichtige Einnahmequelle.
Die Liegenschaften liegen direkt neben KGHM, einem der weltweit größten Kupfer- und Silberproduzenten. (Europas größter Kupferproduzent und weltweit Drittgrößter Silberproduzent)
Das angrenzende Kupfer- und Silbergebiet ist der Treiber der von Ralston durchgeführten Aquisition.
Es könnte durchaus möglich sein, dass hier sehr gute Bohrergebnisse anstehen.
Zumindest scheint das Management sehr von diesem Projekt überzeugt.

Besonders spannend verhält es sich mit einem riesigen Phosphat-Gebiet im Togo.
Dort ist Chairman Derek seit sehr langer Zeit in Gesprächen.
Hier kann es immer noch zu Überraschungen kommen.
Man befindet sich momentan in Verhandlungen. In Kürze werden wir erfahren, ob Balamara den Zuschlag bekommt oder nicht. Eine positive Meldung zu Togo könnte dem Aktienkurs gehörig auf die Sprünge helfen, wurde dieser doch durch die damals aufkommnenden Hoffnungen auf einen Togo-Deal in die Kategorien von 4c katapultiert.

Einen guten Überblick über die einzelnen Projekte findet man hier:

Die Entwicklungen der Firma sehe ich sehr positiv.
Vor allem, dass jetzt Mike Ralston das Ruder der Unternehmensführung und Leitung komplett übernommen hat. Die Ausrichtung der letzten Monate zeigt, dass Ralston an seine vergangenen Erfolge anknüpfen möchte.
Ralston hatte es zuvor innerhalb von zwei Jahren geschafft, KangorooRecources von einer Mcap von 5m auf 600m zu bringen.
Er macht keinen großen Hehl daraus, diesen Erfolg mit Balamara noch einmal zu wiederholen.
Sein Vertrauen zeigte er, indem er am offenen Markt zu 1,4c eine gehörige Portion Aktien gekauft hatte.

Ein Interview aus dem letzten Jahr mit Ralston zur noch damals benannten Sultan findet man hier:

Sultan hat momentan eine Mcap von 27m AUD (21m EUR), ist also noch recht günstig bewertet. Dies sind Unternehmensbewertungen, die eine sehr gute Basis haben, um bei guter Unternehmensführung und Projektfortschritten in eine Mcap von um die 100m zu gelangen. Und genau da kommen dann die großen Istis und Fonds, wenn sie vom Management und den Projekten überzeugt sind.

Es ist zwar anzunehmen, dass weitere Aquisitionen die Akteinanzahl weiter erhöhen, dennoch bin ich bei solch professionellen Managern sehr positiv und zuversichtlich.

Eine sehr vertrauensbildende Nachricht kam z.B. vor zwei Tagen:
Ralston konnte Cornerstone-Investor Yaw Chee Siew dazu motivieren, sich mit 8% an BMB zu beteiligen. Somit stehen nochmals 3m AUD zur weiteren Unternehmensvergrößerung zur Verfügung. Yaw Chee Siew ist eine sehr bekannte Größe im Australasiatischen Raum.
Er wird von Ralston wohl genaue Informationen zur zukünftigen Entwicklung und Ausrichtung Balamaras bekommen haben, sonst hätte er wohl kaum einen Aufschlag von 30% über den Handelskurs für seine 150m Aktien bezahlt. (inkl. 25m Optionsrechten zu 2.5c)  

23.03.12 09:56

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage Mikrokosmos0 vergessen

es sind 1.750 m Aktien...
82m davon hält Mr. Ralston...  

03.04.12 16:31

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosResearchbericht heute veröffentlicht...

Researchbericht veröffentlicht, heute, 03. April 2012...
Ich glaube, da geht was, in den nächsten Tagen...  

06.04.12 08:23

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosInteressant

Hier mal ein sehr interessanter Beitrag von DGH44 auf hotcopper:

Hi guys,


I only just got a chance to read few posts on HC.

It seems that some think that we are in a T/H awaiting the final result of Togo's tender while others think that it's to see if we got short listed.

Here's a post which I posted on the 24/01/2012:


"We know that the Togo tender is getting presented this Thursday (Australia Day) so maybe this will add some significance to our chances.

I wouldn't expect much news from Togo for at least a month or two (based on our last experience) but who knows maybe now they are ready to do business and want to get it over and done with.

The usual process is to shortlist 2-3 companies and then negotiate with them before choosing a winner or winners as might be the case in here.

I would presume that the first stage (shortlisting) will take at least a month and then who knows, maybe another month or so to announce a winner.

If we are very lucky we could get some news by the end of this quarter (even if we could just get shortlisted in that time).

If successful, this project on its own is a definite company maker."

The tender process including short listing was further discussed by Mike Ralston at the last EGM on the 25th Jan.

There's no doubt in my mind that we are awaiting a confirmation of our short listing.
I'm also confident that we have passed this stage with flying colours. Why would the Co go into a T/H to say that we were not successful.

Warennie, in your last post you said that it's "just short listing".

Mate, we should not underestimate the significance of passing this very important step.

Here's a quote from post 7665809 dated 25/01/12 and an extract from African Intelligence:

Sultan Corporation is to take part in a new call for bids for a carbonated phosphates project in Togo after believing it had won the first (AMI 264), only for the Port Novo authorities to cancel the contest. The one difference with the former auction is that the new tender, supervised by the World Bank, will no longer concern both developing and processing the ore, but to choose between one or the other. Sultan is expected to pick developing the mine.

I'm sure that the next step will be for the Togolese Govt to assess whether the Co which will be developing the mine can work in harmony with the Co which will be processing the ore.

Let's not forget that rock phosphate is Togo's lifeline and the Govt can not afford to stuff it up.
Yes, it may take another month or so before we get the final result but let's not lose a sight of what we are actually tendering on.

Here's a short extract from post 7670110 dated 25/01/12 which I wrote after returning from the last EGM:


Not sure if anyone was aware that Togo recently won a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for 2012/2013 and just last week was visited by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

It's worth having a quick look at the below video which shows Togo's President as well as Togo's Prime Minister who will probably be two of the main decision makers in evaluating our tender.

You would think that the above political events can only lift Togo's image on the world scene.
This coupled with the involvement of the World Bank and the IMF should have a positive impact on our chances of success.

Mike also touched on the benefits to our Co of wining that tender.

The current market price for rock phosphate beneficiated to around 30% is $150-$170 per tonne yet the total cost of getting it into that stage is only $30 per tonne.
Now multiply the net profit by 10 million tonnes per year and you get the picture of what this project is worth to our Co.

Would you still call it "just" short listing Warennie??? LOL

Nun noch sein Posting zu dem Bogdan-Projekt in Polen:

Thanks DC.
It was just a re-hash of few posts from January.

Mate, I'm getting excited as I'm doing some research on our drilling in Poland.

Yes, I know that right now everyone is focussed on Togo and the T/H but I've just realised that there is more. So much more....

Let me explain.

"Our tenement lies along the same regional fault system that controls the distribution of mineralization in the area. ALL of the major KGHM operating mines are located on or adjacent to this major regional feature." (extract from an announcement dated 16 Sept 2011)

We know that to date only one hole was drilled at Bogdan and the initial results from that hole indicate that the mineralised formation (that KGHM sits on) "MAY" extend directly into our tenement.

On the 26th March we have been advised by the Co that the drilling of our first hole has commenced.

Furthermore, if you read page 2 you will get a feeling that a geologist familiar with the region could clearly assess if our drill has hit the mineralised formation or not.

They wouldn't be able to tell how many grams per tonne of each mineral there are in the core but they will be able to tell if the mineralised formation extends to our tenement.

The first hole will be drilled about 4km from the KGHM boundary (according to my scaling from the plan in the last announcement).

IF and this is a big IF we can prove/confirm that the mineralised formation does extend to our tenement then we will be laughing all the way to the bank.

And this is where it gets interesting.

From my discussion with our geologist, Kevin Alexander at the last EGM, we can expect 25m-30m drilling progress per day which would mean that we should hit our target depth latest by next Sunday the 15th April plus minus couple of days depending if they stop for Easter Friday and Sunday.

Give them couple of days to have a good look at the cores and compare them to other cores from other historical drilling in the area and....BINGO.

We could get another (major) announcement within just days after shortlisting of Togo.

Let's have a quick look at the timeline:

Wed 11th April - Togo update/shortlisting
Mon 16th April - Finish drilling and hopefully confirmation that formation extends to our tenement.
Thurs 18th April - start of drilling hole 2 at Bogdan
End of April - update on Monty
Mid May - Drilling results from hole 1 at Bogdan
Mid May - Finish drilling hole 2
June - Results of TOGO tender
June - Drilling results from hole 2

etc, etc, etc...

As we can see, from now on we should get a constant news flow on a weekly/fortnightly basis so hold on to those shares.

Go Balamara and good luck to us all.

Das Alles, kann einen doch wirklich zuversichtlich stimmen...aber wie immer, kommt sowieso alles ganz anders!

Gruß, Mikrokosmos  

06.04.12 18:15

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage Mikrokosmoslesenswert - Interview mit CEO Mike Ralston 9/2011

Hier nochmal das Interview aus September letzten Jahres:

Inside Briefing | Sultan Corporation Limited | 27 September 2011
The Company Announcements Officer Australian Securities Exchange Ltd via electronic lodgement

The following is an Inside Briefing interview with Sultan Corporation Managing Director, Mr Mike Ralston

In this interview, Mr Ralston provides an update on emerging resources company Sultan Corporation Limited (ASX: SSC) (current market capitalisation = $35 million)

* an overview of the Company’s base metals consolidation strategy in Eastern Europe and the Balkans region;
* the recently announced acquisition of the highly prospective Bogdan Project in Poland, located next door to one of the world’s biggest copper producers;
* an explanation of the Company’s growth focus, including plans for its existing assets;
* details relating to the previously announced Togo Phosphate Project in West Africa;
*and an overview of the Company’s development and production strategy for 2012 and beyond.

Inside Briefing:
Sultan Corporation Limited (ASX: SSC) is an emerging company with a dynamic growth strategy centred around a growing portfolio of base metal projects located in East Europe and the Balkans, as well as existing projects in Australia. Can you provide a brief overview of the company including your executive team?

Mike Ralston:
Sultan has been developing the Peelwood copper-zinc-lead project in New South Wales for several years and is close to completing the environmental impact study as the final key requirement before moving the project to production. However, while Peelwood shows strong cash returns over a 3-4 year production cycle, its limited mine life would make it difficult to build a substantial resource company around this asset alone. Accordingly, we have spent considerable time seeking additional projects that will build the company to a new level.

Evidence of this is starting to emerge – firstly with our MB (“Monty”) base metals project in Montenegro, which has the ability to deliver significant cash flow from 2013 onwards when it goes into production, and now with our exciting new Bogdan base metals exploration project in Poland – which gives the company significant upside potential.

Our Executive Chairman, Derek Lenartowicz, has strong experience, both as a mining engineer (he was formerly General Manager of WMC’s flagship Mt Keith nickel mine in WA) as well as someone who can identify and secure quality resource projects; we are leveraging off his expertise in both capacities, and will continue to do so into the future.

Milos Bosnjakovic, our other Executive Director, has strong networks in the Balkans region and his ability to locate and deliver projects there is significant. Kevin Alexander, our Chief Geologist, has considerable experience in base metals and gold over many years and he will also play a critical role in the Company as we develop our portfolio of assets over the next 12-24 months.

My experience is more corporate-focused and I have played a role in several ASX resource growth stories, most recently helping to build Kangaroo Resources Limited (ASX: KRL) from a $5 million shell company to a substantial resource group with a >$500 million market capitalisation in just two years. I believe that Sultan has all the ingredients to do exactly the same – namely strong exploration projects with huge upside potential, together with near-term production projects which can deliver strong cash flow, a robust strategy, and a senior management team with highly complementary skills and experience.

Inside Briefing:
Can you explain your emerging Consolidation Strategy in more detail and outline what sort of assets Sultan is targeting?

Mike Ralston: As a Board, we made the conscious decision some months back to develop Sultan towards becoming an emerging mid-tier mining company with a strong portfolio of quality projects, aiming for a market capitalisation exceeding $500 million within 2-3 years. Obviously it takes time to move from where we have come from to this position, but it also takes projects and people to make it happen, ultimately leveraging off their experience and their ability to deliver. We have both.

Sultan is targeting Eastern Europe and the Balkans for projects to deliver into this strategy because we have a significant competitive advantage in being able to secure quality assets in that region for good value. Derek Lenartowicz is a third generation miner from Poland and Milos Bosnjakovic was a lawyer for the Government of the former Yugoslavia.

We also believe this region also offers compelling value because it has a long history of mining, with some of the best base metal projects in the world operating in countries that have strong security of tenure, transparency in their mining laws, experienced resource workforces, and generally low entry costs and operating costs compared to Australia.

Sultan acquired a 100 per cent interest in the MB (“Monty”) base metals Project in Montenegro in late 2010 and has quickly advanced that asset to a JORC resource, with a view to ultimately moving it into production sometime in 2013. This was the first step in our overall consolidation strategy, under which we plan to develop a number of base metal assets – leveraging off all available synergies and economies of scale – and build up a strong regional portfolio, including one or more projects which are already in production.

Our Monty Project should not be under-estimated. It is polymetallic, which means that Sultan will benefit from being able to recover all of zinc, lead, copper and silver together, resulting in good operating margins from these metal credits together with low production costs. This would make Monty a robust project, based on the results of our preliminary internal review.

Sultan’s medium term strategy is to deliver operating cash flows of approximately $75 million per annum from all of its projects within 2-3 years and we believe that the Monty might contribute approximately one third of that target, which makes it a valuable cornerstone for the Company.

The new Bogdan Project in Poland marks the second step in this strategy and presents a unique opportunity in that it is located immediately adjacent to one of the largest copper and silver producers in the world. Similar base metals mineralization has already been identified on the Bogdan tenement, making it a highly prospective opportunity.

We are excited by the potential at Bogdan and plan to embark on an exploration programme in the near term. The location, base metals focus, and strong upside all fit in well with our emerging strategy and we are confident that this asset has the potential to become a company-making project for Sultan in the years ahead.

However, we are not stopping here as we have an opportunity to bring other valuable resource assets into the mix to build upon this regional consolidation. We are currently considering other projects in the same region, but at the moment there is nothing further to report to market.

Ultimately our aim is to have a strong portfolio of quality projects with similar characteristics in close proximity, ranging from early exploration through to already-in-production assets. We believe such a combination would be valuable and would provide Sultan with a strong platform to achieve our ambition of attaining a significant market capitalisation in the medium term.

Inside Briefing:
Bogdan in particular sounds impressive for its potential, can you elaborate further on the asset and what you might hope to achieve there?

Mike Ralston:
The significance of Bogdan is that it lies on a regional feeder fault line that is strongly endowed with massive base metals mineralisation which has sustained substantial copper production over the past 40 years. Bogdan sits immediately adjacent to the mines owned and operated by KGHM Polska Miedz S.A (“KGHM”), one of the largest copper and silver producers in the world. KGHM is an $11 billion organization that is targeting to mine over 500,000 tonnes of copper (including credits) in 2011 from this area – a level of copper production that is nearly three times the copper production tonnage of BHP’s Olympic Dam Project!

The company made approximately $2 billion profit last year and it is one of the largest companies on the Polish stock exchange. It has developed a series of copper mines along 30km of this particular fault line over the past 40 years and it has significant associated infrastructure in place, including concentrators and smelters that constantly need ore.

The Bogdan tenement covers an area of approximately 40 sq km, so the tenement represents a reasonably large land area for Sultan to explore, and it is located next to one of the most successful mines within the KGHM operations. The zone of mineralisation along this fault line contains all of copper, lead, zinc, silver and gold, which have all been mined from the adjacent tenements, and Sultan will be targeting all of these in its exploration programme.

To date only one hole has been drilled historically in the Bogdan tenement and this returned sufficiently positive base metal results to warrant further attention. While it’s early days and we do not want to get ahead of ourselves, we believe that this property has the potential to develop into a significant asset within Sultan’s portfolio and we will therefore be working on Bogdan as a priority exploration project going forward.

Inside Briefing:
What do you intend to do with your other Australian assets under your current strategy?

Mike Ralston:
Sultan currently owns 100 per cent of the Peelwood base metals project in New South Wales, which incorporates the Elsienora (gold) project, where we have recently announced positive initial drilling results. Peelwood definitely has value but obviously does not fit that well within a base metals consolidation strategy centered in the Eastern Europe/Balkans region.

We will continue to progress this asset towards production but we will consider all options thereafter for Peelwood and how we might best leverage this asset within our overall plan. We are aware that we have limits to overall resources at our disposal and our focus ultimately needs to be placed upon those assets that we believe can bring the most long term value into Sultan.

Elsienora is slightly different. As indicated by our August 2010 announcement, we completed our first stage exploration programme which indicated that the same type of broad gold mineralisation exists at Elsienora that is prevalent at McPhillamy’s, which is a +3 million ounce gold resource located approximately 50 km to the north.

We are bullish on gold and believe that there is sufficient motivation for Sultan to persevere at Elsienora; accordingly, we are embarking on a second stage exploration programme to drill a few deeper holes. The most valuable intersections for gold at McPhillamy’s are at depth below the broad mineralized zone and we will be looking for something similar at Elsienora.

As to how we might incorporate any success at Elsienora into our overall structure and strategy, I believe it is early days and we will manage that appropriately if the project goes to the next stage with a defined resource. Naturally our shareholders will be looked after whichever way we decide to go.

Inside Briefing:
There have been media articles as well as Sultan announcements concerning the company tendering for a large phosphate project in Togo, West Africa. Can you explain where this presently stands as well as how this may be incorporated into your Consolidation Strategy if the company was able to secure this project?

Mike Ralston:
Sultan has been working on this project for a while and, as announced, we submitted a tender as required by the Government of Togo in early August 2011. We believe that Sultan represents a very experienced and capable partner for the Government of Togo to develop this asset and we were able to secure the support of several tier one partners for our tender in relation to key aspects of the development process. We realize that the Government of Togo has to consider all tenders carefully to ultimately make their choice as to which party they believe can add most value to this project and we respect their decision-making process.

We understand the World Bank may now also be involved in the process and we are comfortable with their participation. To date we have not heard anything more and we will continue to monitor this and take appropriate action as the Togo phosphate project is of a size and scale that can immediately lift Sultan into the tier of resource companies that we are targeting over the medium term.

As to how we might best incorporate this project into the overall Sultan consolidation strategy, it’s probably too early to say, and we will deal with that issue if we are successful in our tender bid.

Inside Briefing:
Looking forward, can you briefly summarise some of the key milestones which shareholders and investors should look out for from Sultan over the next three to six months?

Mike Ralston:
We have spent a fair amount of time and energy building the foundations for this new strategy over the past six months and we are confident that investors will see some of the fruits of this activity over the next six months, with further projects potentially being added in the Eastern European and Balkans region.

We are taking time to ensure that anything that we consider is carefully vetted in terms of overall value and long term potential and that all appropriate due diligence is completed. Obviously this takes time and this will therefore be an ongoing process. We will keep the market informed of this via the ASX platform.

More specifically, Sultan will soon be commencing an initial exploration programme at Bogdan and a second exploration programme at Elsienora. We will continue our feasibility work at both Peelwood and Monty with a view to moving both projects into production in as short a time as possible. We believe we should receive a clear indication on Togo within the next quarter.

As our growth strategy unfolds, Sultan will also continue to develop its corporate strategy; as the strength of our asset portfolio builds up, the Company may consider a consolidation of issued share capital to make the company more attractive to long term sophisticated investors. We will also begin to market Sultan more aggressively going forward with the objective of building awareness and market support.


10.04.12 15:57

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosIn AUS Trading Halt - hier handelbar

...interessant...wer also vorher noch dabei sein möchte...Bitteschön...  

10.04.12 16:48

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage Mikrokosmosthe australian - Presseartikel

Balamara Resources (BMB)

RENAMED Sultan Corporation, Balamara Resources is expected to resume trading today after taking itself off the lists last week, pending an update on its chances in the tender of a phosphate project in West African nation Togo. Togo has been working towards shortlisting final contenders for the project that has been split into two: one involving the mining side of the project and the other involving the downstream processing of the fertiliser into phosphoric acid.

Balamara has its hand up for the mining side of things and the whisper is it is still in the race for what could be a company-making project.

Balamara last traded at 1.7c a share for a market capitalisation of $32m.

It has been reported that the Togo project had an "exploration target" of 2 billion to 2.1 billion tonnes of mineralisation and that the government had asked tender documents to canvass eventual annual production of up to 10 million tonnes of rock phosphate.

The coastal deposit is at shallow depths and close to the port and capital city of Lome.

So low-cost production is the expectation for producing the stuff that currently fetches about $US180 a tonne on world markets.

Whether Balamara gets the nod with the Togo project remains to be seen, but it is certainly worth a shot.

Not that Balamara will live or die by its success in the tender process, one said to include oversight by the World Bank. While it waits on news from Togo, the company is busy punching its first holes into its Bogdan copper-silver exploration project, which sits hard up against the world-class copper-silver operations of KGHM Polska Miedz in southwest Poland.

The first of the planned six holes is within 5km of where KGHM is mining near part of the 35km strike length of mineralisation it controls. The hope is Balamara will hit extensions of the orebody that has kept the Polish busy for more than 40 years.  

26.04.12 01:05

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosNEWS - Visible Copper Mineralisation at Bogdan


Bogdan - visible copper minaralisation

Es scheint sehr sicher, dass BMBs Bogdan-Projekt eine Weiterführung des großen Nachbars KGHM ist.
Kleine Nebeninformation: KGHM ist der weltweit drittgrößte Kupfer und der achtgrößte Silberproduzent der Welt.

KGHM war wohl auch scharf auf die Bogdan-Liegenschaft. Jedoch hatte BMB das Rennen gemacht.
Hier macht es nochmals Sinn, sich das Interview aus September mit CEO Mike Ralston zu Gemüte zu führen.
Bogdan alleine ist ein Company Maker...  

26.04.12 19:24

183 Postings, 4932 Tage blue labelnoch mal in deutsch

IRW-News: Balamara Resources Ltd.
Datum :26/04/2012 @ 14h39
Quelle :DPA AFX Nachrichten
Name :Balamara Resources Ltd (CDU)
Kurs : 0.014  0.002 (16.67%) @ 08h00

Balamara Resources Ltd.

 IRW-PRESS: Balamara Resources Ltd.: Balamara trifft bei der Ersten Bohrung im Bogdan-Projekt auf Kupfer  Balamara trifft bei der Ersten Bohrung im Bogdan-Projekt auf Kupfer  Sichtbarer Nachweis von Kupfer weist auf großes Mineralisationssystem hin und wird vermutlich Balamaras Ressourcengebiet vergrößern  Das internationale Bergbauunternahmen Balamara Resources Ltd. (ASX: BMB) freut sich bekannt zu geben, dass es in seinem ersten Bohrloch im Bogdan Kupferprojekt in Polen sichtbare Nachweise von Kupfermineralisation gibt.  Die Sichtanalyse legt nahe, dass das Kupfer als feines Sulfidmineral zusammen mit Chalkopyrid, Chalkosin und Covellin vorliegt.  Das Ergebnis wird als besonders bemerkenswert betrachtet, weil es bedeuten könnte, dass sich die weltbekannte Zechstien Formation bis nach Bogdan ausdehnt. Diese Formation, in der sich das große Kupferschiefer-Mineralisationssystem im benachbarten Minenbetrieb befindet, ist im Besitz der Betreibergesellschaft KGHM Polska Miedz SA ("KGHM").  Der Chef-Geologe von Balamara, Kevin Alexander, meinte: "Die Mineralisation kann insgesamt bis zu 2 m dick sein, wobei Sulfide im gesamten Bereich vorkommen können."  "Wir sind sehr erfreut, eine sehr ähnliche Formation wie in Zechstein und Kupfershiefer zu finden, in sehr ähnlicher Tiefe, mit ähnlichen Eigenschaften wie diejenigen entlang der bekannten KGHM-Mineralisationsgebiete", so Alexander.   "Eines der Hauptziele des ersten Explorationsprogramms war die Bestätigung der kontinuierlichen stratigraphischen Sequenz und der Lithologie für Kupfer und andere Mineralien, die von KGHM abgebaut werden. Wir sehen im ersten abgeschlossenen Bohrloch deutliche Hinweise hierfür. Wir fahren nun sofort mit dem zweiten Bohrloch fort und hoffen dort auf ein ähnliches Ergebnis."  Proben aus dem ersten Bohrloch wurden bereits zur Untersuchung an Labors in Polen geschickt. Die Ergebnisse werden vermutlich in ca. vier Wochen vorliegen.  Balamara hat im September 2011 85 % des Bogdan-Projekts erworben und sein erstes Diamantbohrprogramm vor nur drei Wochen gestartet. Das erste Bohrloch ("B1") ist eines von sechs, das in dieser Anfangsphase gebohrt wird, und ist schneller als geplant abgeschlossen worden.  Die Mineralisation im Bohrloch B1 trat in einer Tiefe von ungefähr 285 m auf, exakt dort, wo es Balamara aufgrund der historischen Daten über dieses Gebiet erwartet hatte.  Bogdan ist ein 42 qkm großes Gebiet im Südwesten Polens nahe der Stadt Lubin. Das Gebiet liegt direkt neben dem großen Kupfer- und Silbervorkommen, das von KGHM betrieben wird, einem der weltweit größten Hersteller dieser beiden Metalle, der sie aus dieser Region bezieht.  KGHM hat im Jahr 2011 über 550.000 t Kupfer und über 1.450 t Silber produziert und ist eines der größten Unternehmen an der Warschauer Börse mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von über 10 Mrd. $.  Balamara geht davon aus, das dieselbe Mineralisation entlang des Anschlussbruchs im KGHM-Gebiet sich entlang des Streichens bis nach Bogdan fortsetzt.  Das Unternehmen wird die Arbeit am zweiten Bohrloch ("B2"), das sich zwischen Bohrloch Nr. 1 und der bestehenden KGHM-Mine bei Lubin (siehe Diagramm 1) befindet, sofort aufnehmen.  Diagramm 1: Balamaras erstes Bohrprogramm in Bogdan  Der Abstand zwischen dem Bohrloch Nr. 1 in Bogdan und der bekannten KGHM-Kupfer-Silbermine beträgt ca. 6 km.  Mit seinem aktuellen Bohrprogramm möchte Balamara herausfinden, ob sich dasselbe Erzgestein entlang desselben Anschlussbruchs bis hin zum Bogdan-Gebiet ausdehnt. Die Kupfermineralisation in Bohrloch Nr. 1 ist der erste positive Hinweis auf diese Ausdehnung.   Diagramm 2: Regionale Geologie, die den Zechstein- und Basal-Kalkstein mit der Kupferschieferzone zeigt, die innerhalb dieser beiden Wirtsgesteine liegt.  Der Managing Director von Balamara, Mike Ralston, zeigte sich für das Unternehmen erfreut über die Ergebnisse des ersten Bohrlochs B1.  "Dieses Ergebnis stimmt uns zuversichtlich, dass es möglich ist, verbreitete Mineralisation im Bogdan-Gebiet zu finden", so Ralston.  "Unsere Geologen und das Team vor Ort haben Großartiges geleistet, indem sie das Zielgebiet identifiziert und dieses Bohrloch noch schneller als geplant abgeschlossen haben."  Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie von:  Mike Ralston Paul Armstrong Managing Director Read Corporate Balamara Resources (08) 9388 1474 (08) 6365 4519  Diagramm 3: Balamara Bohrprogramm in Polen, das die örtlichen Gegebenheiten und die Qualität der Mitarbeiter vor Ort zeigt.


27.04.12 08:04

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosResearch Report - lesen und auf die Zukunft freuen

27.04.12 08:08

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosAn operating profit of $570 million p.a.

"Strachan Corporate assesses that drilling activity over
the coming 3-6 months holds potential to lift valuation towards $100 million."

Und die Togo-Entscheidung soll bis Ende July feststehen:
An operating profit of $570 million p.a.

Zu schön um wahr zu sein!
Wir werden sehen...  

30.04.12 08:56

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosQuarterly - lesenwert!

Ich begrüße vor allen Dingen das AIM-Listing und hoffe, es wird schnellstens vollzogen, um diesem ausgetrockneten australischen Markt zu entweichen...  

01.05.12 22:24

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosWieder Trading Halt!

02.05.12 04:48

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosHigh Grade Silver at Monty!

15.05.12 07:53

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosNeuer, zusätzlicher Director (London based)

25.06.12 20:46

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosInteressant

Balamara Seeks to Sell or Find Partner for Montenegro Zinc Mine

June 25 (Bloomberg) -- Balamara Resources Ltd. is seeking to sell, or enlist a joint venture partner to help fund, its Monty zinc project in Montenegro.

“Finding a home, as a joint venture or sale, for Monty will probably be more attractive then taking it into production ourselves,” Managing Director Mike Ralston said. “We’ve been in discussions with a couple of people. There’s certainly some interest from some of the European zinc producers.”

Balamara is developing the mine to produce zinc, silver and lead at a cost of about A$35 million ($35 million), with output scheduled to begin in the first half of 2014, Ralston said. It’s also seeking to develop a Polish lead, copper and silver mine.

“I would love to sell it and take a big lick of cash,” he said. “The more likely scenario is someone would come in and spend a whole lot of money putting it into production for us.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Thomas Biesheuvel in London at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: John Viljoen at  

27.09.12 08:45

1280 Postings, 6405 Tage MikrokosmosOrderbuch aufgeräumt

Das Orderbuch wurde in den letzten paar Tagen aufgeräumt. Die Sells wurden rausgenommen und das was übrig gewesen ist, weggesaugt. Nun hat der Chinese also sein günstiges Placement bekommen.
Ein weiteres Objekt im Balkan wurde hinzugekauft. Bewertungen der historischen Bohrungen laufen momentan. Wenns so gut wie bei Monty läuft, was momentan auch durch die sehr guten letzten Bohrungen gerade neu berechnet wird, dann müsste hier schnell ein Verdoppler oder mehr möglich sein.
Sehr gutes Management mit hervorragenden Kontakten im osteuropäischen Raum.
Die Strategie, ein großer Osteuropa-Player zu werden, scheint erfolgreich umgesetzt zu werden.
Bei einer momentanen mcap von 25m AUD und dem Ziel die 500m zu erreichen kann man hier noch richtig Freude haben. Auf eine Herbst/Winter-Ralley. Die haben wir uns nach dem grausigen Sommer redlich verdient.  

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