das ist noch ein weiter Weg bis zu deinen $3.7B....
dazu steht erstmal noch eine P3 an und dann voraus. sNDA2022 für STI, also würde ich die noch gar nicht mit einbeziehen....
zudem wird es wohl eine komplett neue Kategorie geben :-
So from a category perspective, what I would say is this is that that was the biggest difference from us versus some of our other competitors is we're not just simply taking a modality that is already available and refining it in some way by extending the length of time that, that modality can be used or using a different type of progesterone inside of that modality. Ours is actually a brand new category as a vaginal pH regulator.
Further, we also feel very confident from a payer perspective that under the ACA, it's going to fit nicely as one of the options that need to be provided at no co-pay and no deductible. So in other words, women will be able to get this at no out of pocket. So those are the things that make me relatively confident that we're in a very good place to launch into this category quite successfully.
bei STI
So when we looked at this from a payer perspective, one of the things that we are doing now is we're trying to establish a 19th category among payers, which would then allow us to have a better coverage for this from an STI prevention aspect. So it's too early to determine what the premium might be in terms of an increase in available reimbursement as a result of that, but we do feel pretty confident that should we get that indication there will be significant lift in the product overall.
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