Bravo Recovers Multi-Ounce Gold Samples on Woewodski Island
Bravo Venture Group Inc. today reported that several multi-ounce gold surface outcrop and rubble samples have been recovered during a sampling program on the company’s 100 percent owned Woewodski Island project in SE Alaska. Values have been confirmed by fire assay pulp analysis at two laboratories and by metallurgical screen analysis.
The new sampling of vein quartz, often with a distinctive blue color, is reported below;
Sample No.
Au ppm1
Au ppm2
Au ppm3
26.98 *
362.05 *
"* Original pulps of these samples are currently being re-run by Alaska Assay to confirm initial analyses
Au ppm1 is the original pulp analyzed by FA-AA and FA-GRAV by Alaska Assay, certificate AK02080.
Au ppm2 is the original pulp analyzed by FA-GRAV by International Plasma Labs, certificate 06H2101.
Au ppm3 is a 1kg metallic screen analysis by Alaska Assay, certificate AK02130.
Bravo said exploration crews and mechanical equipment are being mobilized immediately to the property to further evaluate the newly discovered occurrences and potential for a bulk sample as well as determine preliminary targets for a drill program.
High-grade quartz has now been located in float and narrow veins along 400 metres of Blue Quartz creek. Similar narrow veins are widely dispersed throughout the south and western parts of the 11km x 7km Island and are hosted in east-northeast trending sub parallel structures up to 10 metres in width.
Bravo said the recent multi-ounce gold samples extend the blue quartz zone to an area of more than four square kilometers on the uninhabited island. “With no roads or trails on Woewodski, exploration of the blue quartz potential is conducted from the shoreline and has been limited to date to hand sampling and trenching. The veins exposed on surface vary from a few centimetres to a metre or so and mechanical trenching should help determine width and continuity as well as provide structural information to guide future drilling”, said Bravo president, Joe Kizis.
“We are extremely encouraged by the multitude of consistently high grade outcrop and float samples along the trend identified to date,” Kizis said, noting that even a modest tonnage resource could be “very enticing”.
Woewodski Island
The property comprises 501 federal claims and three state mining claims in which Bravo may acquire up to a 100% interest. The property is located approximately 30km SSW of Petersburg, Alaska and includes over 13 different syngenetic VMS and Au-quartz vein targets that sit within a 600km north-south trending belt of Late Triassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks which host both the Greens Creek, Alaska and Windy Craggy, British Columbia VMS deposits. The gold veins bear similarity to nearby vein deposits at the Kensington (1.0MM oz), Alaska Juneau (3.5MM oz) and Polaris–Taku (1.5MM oz) gold deposits.
The Woewodski Island project represents a unique opportunity to explore a contiguous 3260 hectare property package encompassing much of this highly prospective and under-explored island within this prolific metallogenic belt in southeast Alaska.
Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
“Joseph A. Kizis Jr.”
Joseph A. Kizis Jr., Director, President,
Bravo Venture Group Inc.
For further information, please visit the company’s website at or contact Jay Oness at either 1-888-456-1112 or 604-684-9384 or by email at