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Timmins Daily Press (ON)
Front, Thursday, July 5, 2007, p. A1
Vedron unveils golden vision
Two mines will employ dozens
Michael Peeling
The Daily Press
A junior mining company plans on opening two new mines in the South Porcupine area, but first shared the details of the underground operations with the public Wednesday.
Vedron Gold Inc. turned a ballroom into an information forum to address any concerns about its Timmins-based mines on the cusp of going into production.
"In my experience, there are two ways to go when opening a new mine: Confrontation or consultation," said Gerry McDonald, Vedron's operations manager for both mines. "I prefer to go for consultation."
The Davidson Tisdale mine is scheduled to go into production in the fall of 2007, while the smaller Fuller mine is slated to start up in early 2008.
No one at the meeting seemed to have concerns about the Davidson Tisdale mine because it is located a few miles north of South Porcupine, but the Fuller mine is situated just northeast of Cook Road and Gold Mine Road.
The Fuller mine, which is anticipated to have a production rate of 600 tons of gold ore per day over about four-and-a-half years, will operate 10 hours a day, seven days a week.
McDonald proposed the model used by the Buffalo Ankerite mine, which entails bi-weekly meetings to address public problems with the mine.
B.H. Martin Consultants' Rodney Doran, who is working with Vedron on both mines, said that the Fuller mine will only involve small blasting with minimal vibrations to allay the fears of nearby residents.
McDonald later added the mine would set off one small blast per day at the end of mine hours.
Vedron will send all of the ore rock from both mines to be crushed and milled at the Bell Creek mine owned by Lakeshore Gold.
McDonald said Fuller will employ roughly 68 contractors and 76 contractors at Davidson Tisdale, which will operate under similar parameters to Fuller, but produce around 1,000 tons per day for four years.
Vedron has opted to hire contractors for the life spans of the mines because they are so short.
"The life of the mines doesn't justify us hiring a whole crew just to lay them off in three years' time," McDonald said. "We'll consider hiring a crew if the resources are still there in a few years."
In response to public concern about truck noise, McDonald explained that all of the ore shipped to Bell Creek should be completed within operating hours.
A noise-reduction berm made of waste rock will be constructed around the Fuller mine site. McDonald said he can empathize with people living in the area because he once had a mining company drilling 200 metres below his former home in Cobalt.
"Walk a mile in my shoes," McDonald said. "I've been there."
© 2007 Timmins Daily Press (ON). All rights reserved.
Document number: news·20070705·XY·0001
Wusste ich garnicht, dass Davidson sogar vor Buffalo in Pre-Produktion gehen soll...
Dann haben wir wohl Mitte nächsten Jahres schon 2 Open Pit laufen.
Quelle scheint seriös.