Question - Poly-Pacific originally stated that the feasibility study for the McAdoo Landfill would be completed by December 2007, why the delay?
Answer - The assessment phase of the McAdoo Landfill began in mid August 2007. The four stages of this investigation involved 1. a site survey, 2. a geophysical survey, pit testing, and 4. drilling. We were hopefull that we might be able to obtain a feasibility study by just completing the first three stages of the investigation. We now realize that drilling must be completed to provide an accurate assessment. The City of Kingston rightly decided that drilling can only take place on frozen ground. As such, the City of Kingston granted Poly-Pacific an extension to the access agreement to allow this stage to take place. Weather permitting, we expect to begin the drilling program in the early part of 2008, with the feasibility study to follow.
Question - what has the initial assessment of the McAdoo Landfill determined?
Throughout the period of the assessment our Director of Engineering, Angus Ross, M. Sc., P. Eng. and XCG Consultants, and engineering firm in Kingston, Ontario met with many individuals associated with the McAdoo landfill to obtain as much history as to where the nylon was buried on this 10 acre site during the 1960's and early 1970's. Unfortunately, there were no offical records kept for the McAdoo Landfill with respect to the amount of nylon deposited. We are much more knowledgeable now than when we began. We know from talking with both the former employee's of the site and former employee's of the manufacturer of the nylon that there is definately a significant amount of nylon in McAdoo.
Question - how do you know that the nylon in McAdoo with be of a commercial value?
Answer - Our investigation has determined that once the McAdoo Landfill was closed to taking any more nylon, that this same material was then deposited on a nearby private piece of property - the McKendry Site. This site has been largely excavated of it's nylon. We have conducted an analysis from a large sample of the McKendry nylon and determined it to be a commercial grade of Nylon Type 66, which is a highly desireable commodity.
Question - Why was the nylon deposited in landfill sites during the 1950's though 1970's?
Answer - The machines which produced nylon during this era where not made to be shut off. Doing so required a very lenghy process of shut down and start up. It was simply more economical to keep the machines running and producing nylon than turing them off. Nylon is a much more desireable product now than it was 40 years ago. Today's machinery are engineered to recycle any excess or off spec nylon back into production.
Question -Is there a large market for recycled nylon?
Answer - The market for commerical grade Nylon 66 is huge. Currently, due to worldwide shortages of nylon and price increases relating to petroleum, from which nylon is based, the demand for recycled nylon is staggering. No where is this more evident than in Asia, who are enjoying an economic and industrial boom.
Question - Is Poly-Pacific going to base it's future on the McAdoo Landfill?
Answer - Management at Poly-Pacific have long stated that McAdoo will only be a proving ground from which the company will grow with the additional opportunities in this industry . We are currently in various stages of negotiations with many other nylon sites throughout North America and the world, which would dwarf the McAdoo Site.