@Targo - über was genau soll ich mich schlau machen?
Fragen an die Firma kannst du an KE-Report senden. Diese werden dann meistens auch behandelt.
Im letzten Report sprich Craig auch über die Finanzierung bis ca. 2026.
Über die verschiedenen Technologien haben ich mich bereits schlau gemacht und bin eben deshalb bei Aluminium Batterie investiert.
Auszug (Stand 2019):
"During the whole project, more than 100 of electrode materials were tested, resulting to up-scaling of the most performant one to 1 kg. At the laboratory scale, different cell systems based on ionic liquid electrolyte were assembled, showing a specific capacity of 100 mAh/g for more than 500,000 cycles at a current density of 100C. Another configuration based on aqueous electrolyte enabled also to reach high power density, with a C-rate of 360C. At higher scale, pouch cells and 18650 cells were assembled, addressing the issues of electrolyte corrosivity and components electrical connection.
Moreover, a model of the Al battery has been set up, revealing the influence of various design parameters on the battery performances. In parallel to this work, the life cycle assessment of the technology foresees that the impact of the Al cell production on the environment is half than the one of Li-ion cell. Al battery recycling have also been studied, leading to the design and proof of concept of an efficient (more than 50%) and low-cost process.
These results were presented in more than 30 conferences and led to the publication of 12 scientific papers in scientific journals.
The Al-ion battery technology, with an energy density of 20 Wh/kg, could be a good candidate to substitute Lead-acid batteries in applications such as Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) for Data Centers, Base Transceiver Stations for telecom operators, Solar and emergency lighting, Residential and small industry energy storage or Solar panel tracking."
https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/646286Wie gesagt das alles ist Stand 2019 und schon extrem gut. Wenn es GMG auch nur in die Nähe dieser Ergebnisse schafft...