1. - USXP\'s soon to be released Leap Franchise Program - Leap President
2. - USXP\'s 3 ongoing and forward planning fundings from Dubai and Saudi Arabia - Richard Altomare, CEO
3. - USXP\'s AirNet plans - Richard Altomare, CEO
4. - USXP\'s growing Luggage Express business - Luggage Express President
5. - USXP\'s present acquisition of a gas and oil company - Project Manager
6. - USXP\'s changing identification program in Africa - Richard Altomare, CEO
7. - USXP\'s recent real estate contracts - Real Estate Consultant
8. - USXP\'s newest MadPackers College events - MadPackers President
9. - "Naked Short Selling" - Richard Altomare, CEO
10. - USXP future plans and a discussion of outstanding shares policies - including effect of "naked shorting" - Richard Altomare, CEO