Range Res. ist Produzent und keiner hats gemerkt

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07.03.12 13:31

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxLondon +10% zwischendurch

mal sehen ob nachher in Canada bei HORN die News kommen  
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07.03.12 13:43

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxiii military hardware - somalinet

12:33 07/03/2012 Military Hardware
Yes I know its a blog type messge but...............this sounds like an awful lot of arsenal to protect something !!!


07.03.12 14:39

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxNews

Vancouver, British Columbia, March 7, 2012 – Horn Petroleum
Corporation (“Horn Petroleum” or the “Corporation”) is pleased to
announce that the Shabeel-1 well continues drilling ahead on the
Dharoor Block in Puntland, Somalia and is currently at a depth of 2053
meters. The upper 1600 meters of section drilled to date includes a
thick section of Tertiary limestones and shales that appear to be a
regional seal as no oil or gas shows were encountered above this
depth. The well is currently drilling a 400 meter section composed of
interbedded sandstones and shales believed to be Upper Cretaceous in
age. Most of the sandstone intervals in this section have exhibited
oil and gas shows confirming the existence of a working petroleum
system. Determination of the quality of the reservoir and
prospectivity of any potential oil bearing intervals cannot be
determined until downhole electric logs and formation tests are

The well has a planned total depth of 3800 meters and has yet to
penetrate the main reservoir targets in the Lower Cretaceous and
Jurassic. It is expected that the next electrical logging run will be
coincident with the running of the 9 5/8” casing at approximately 2400
– 2700 meters. Operations continue to run smoothly with no reported
security or operational incidents.

Horn President and CEO David Grellman commented “While we are
encouraged by the hydrocarbon shows in the well, there is still a
great deal of information which must be collected before we are able
to properly evaluate the results to date. We look forward to reaching
the main objectives and appreciate the continued support of the
Puntland Government and the local residents.”

The Shabeel well is targeting a large faulted anticlinal prospect and
is located on a Jurassic aged rift system which is part of the same
system that has proven to be highly productive in the Masila and
Shabwa Basins in Yemen that contain an estimated 6 billion barrels of
oil*. Source rocks are expected to be rich Jurassic Kimmeridgian
shales in the deep portion of the rift immediately down dip from the
Shabeel prospect. Reservoirs are expected to be sandstones and
carbonates of the Cretaceous and Jurassic systems analogous to Yemen.

Horn Petroleum Corporation is a Canadian oil and gas company with
assets in Puntland, Somalia. The Corporation holds a 60% interest and
operatorship in the Dharoor and Nugaal blocks encompassing a Jurassic
Rift Basin on trend and analogous to the large oil fields in Yemen.
The Corporation’s shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under
the symbol “HRN”.  

08.03.12 13:24

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxiii

12:12 08/03/2012 Horn Petroleum HRN - The Figures ??..

The Figures – from HORN Website – E&OEE…….


The NET Best Estimate and Values for the THREE Puntland Onshore Partners given by Horn Petroleum are :-…….

Block…….Partners………………....Gross Area….Gross Best Estimate …Net Best Estimate

…………... Horn (Operator) 60%..............................................……………………..726
…………... Range Resources 20%.............................................…………………...242
…………... Red Emperor 20%....................................................…………………...242
……………………………………………………….....Gross Best Estimate Total...1,210

…………... Horn (Operator) 60%..............................................................­.........2,450
…………... Range Resources 20%..........................................…………………...816.6
…………... Red Emperor 20%.................................................…………………….816.6
…………………………………………………….......Gross Best Estimate Total...4,083

Net Asset Value - to Each of the Partners @ $3/bbl


Horn (Operator) 60%..........726,000,000 x $3 = $ 2,178,000,000 / 120* = $ 18.15 per share
Range Resources 20%.......242,000,000 x $3 = $ 726,000,000 / 2,122^ = $ 0.34 per share
Red Emperor 20%...............242,000,000 x $3 = $ 726,000,000 / 205** = $ 3.54 per share


Horn (Operator) 60%........2,450,000,000 x $3 = $7,350,000,000 / 120* = $ 61.25 per share
Range Resources 20%........816,600,000 x $3 = $2,450,000,000 / 2,122 ^ = $ 1.15 per share
Red Emperor 20%................816,600,000 x $3 = $2,450,000,000 / 228** = $ 10.74 per share

For Shares in Issue at the time of the Dharoor and Nugaal Explorations –
[I would expect these to be Higher by the 2013/14 exploration season]

* for Horn - shares in issue raised from 75 Million to 120 Million by the “compulsory” excercise of 45 Million Warrants at an excercise price of $1.50 - by August 2013 - to provide an additional $ 67.5 Million in working capital for the development and Drilling of the Puntland Blocks.

http://www.hornpetroleum.com/s/Share_Structure.asp *

** for RMP – Shares in Issue following the current 2 x Tranches - announced this week.
^for Range – I have used Current Shares in Issue – to be kind - although I would expect RRL Shares in Issue to be Much Higher by 2013/14 – unless there is some sale or buy back.

Values per share for ........................Dharoor + Nugaal combined

Horn (Operator) 60%.......$ 18.15 per share + $ 61.25 per share = $ 79.40 = £49.79

Range Resources 20%.....$ 0.34 per share + $ 1.15 per share = $ 1.49 = £ 0.93p

Red Emperor 20%............$ 3.54 per share + $10.74 per share = $ 14.28 = £ 8.95

Conversion Factor $ : £ = 1.5947

Put RMP / RRL / HRN in an ISA – they are ALL ISAable !!..….


GL – Oilf.
By oilfarmer  

09.03.12 09:04

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxTexas North Chapman

9 March 2012

The Manager
Company Announcements
Australian Securities Exchange Limited
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

By e-lodgement


Range Resources Limited ("Range" or "the Company") is pleased to announce
further success in the appraisal and development of the North Chapman Ranch
Field in Texas (Range 20-25% interest), with the successful drilling of the
Smith #2 and Albrecht #1 wells.

Initial gross flow rates from the uppermost pay zone, which is one of four
principal pay zones, in the Smith #2 well reached more than 3.0 MMcfd & 125
Bopd, with more than 7500 psi flowing casing pressure on a 10/64" choke. Work
is being conducted now to remove all of the plugs below the upper pay zone and
combine the remaining lower pay zones to achieve maximum rate and recovery.

The Smith #2 well was drilled approximately 1,350 ft. southeast of the Smith #1
discovery well, further extending the Company's Proved Reserves in that

The Smith #2 was followed immediately by the Albrecht #1, drilled more than
1,500 ft. southeast of the Smith #2. The Albrecht #1 confirmed the presence of
the Howell Hight reservoir in that area and is also expected to add significant
Proved Reserves to the Company's portfolio.

With four wells now drilled in the field, Range estimates that over 80% of the
structural closure at the Howell Hight reservoir falls into the Proved and
Probable (2P) category. Work is currently underway to revise the reserve
estimates at North Chapman Ranch, and is expected to be finalized once The
Albrecht #1 well comes online. The Albrecht well is scheduled for completion
and fracture stimulation within the next 4-6 weeks.

Once the Smith #2 and Albrecht #1 wells are both online, Range estimates that
its net production and cash flow from the project will increase by more than
200% over current levels.

Yours faithfully

Peter Landau
Executive Director  

09.03.12 10:55

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxmanipuliert für den US Markt?

man weiss es nicht, aber jeder Ami hört sicherlich gern ÖL in TEXAS 200% mehr ERTRAG

dazu aus dem iii

9:45 09/03/2012 Re: NOT being manipulated
The US market will bring an end to the “share float” problem. Without costing the Company money to buy back the shares. Although, I’d be happy with both.

The fact is that 13p, a bit of a barrier in the past is now support and we are in upward trend, and once these sellers dry-up, then we can move on to the next leg. BUT imagine say 40% of the shares being traded on OTCQX, 40% Aim and 20% on ASX? Or %’s near that amount. The sellers will dry up within a day or two…. Up we will move. And these sellers will struggle to buy back in… then the next consolidation, there will be less sellers, and so on. Momentum could really take us anywhere with some major news thrown in… This is just the start.

I am more than happy with the share price at the moment – it could be better, but I see very little downside with each piece of news that comes, which makes me feel safer than I ever have with this share.
By short arms short pockets  

09.03.12 11:42

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxTX Summary aus dem iii

10:22 09/03/2012 TX summary..... from my notes
10/10/11 - Rig moved to SM2
28/10/11 - SM2 @10500ft
18/11/11 - Sm2 @ 12700ft, ALB site prep commenced
28/11/11 - Sm2 @ 13800ft. Alb site prep complete
09/12/11 - SM2 completion and flow tests underway 130ft pay declared
23/12/11 - ALB spudded and @ 2030ft. SM2 prod liner in and final completion, frac and to sales
30/12/11 - ALB @ 7900ft
06/01/12 - ALB @ 9050ft
27/01/12 - ALB @ 11300ft. SM2 perforate lower zone E. frac due Feb.
23/02/12 - SM2 frac complete. ALB casing set to run and frac
Today - SM2 125 bopd from upper zone (of 4) Plugs coming out and co mingle. ALB frac next 4-6 weeks

Summary of my thoughts- Although the news was good here I anticipated further progress and thought SM2 would have been unplugged, comingled and tied to sales by now. Also some initial flows for ALB could have been provided. SM2 was spudded ~15 OCTOBER 11 which is some 5 months ago...... a ferking long time. Drill time was ~ 15/10 to completion on 9/12 but subsequent frac work has taken an age...
Timelines historically ALB will take ~ 3 weeks to frac (SM2 was 27/1 - 23/2 from RNS) followed by another possible 3 weeks to finally complete and tie to sales. (for SM2 23/2- today and still not complete and tied)
So good solid progress but not as fast as I initially thought I'm looking now on RRC for last few months production from RB1 and SM1 (as reported yesterday no reports for Jan and Feb yet) but it appears that PL anticipates some very very good flows for a quote '200% increase in PRODUCTION AND CASHFLOW' unquote. Looking for flows around 28th (he likes to release info around mid 20s March with CPR mid april for me.

Very happy here but thought it may have been further on so the gold plate was tarnished a little.

All IMHO so discuss at leisure whilst we progress through 14s. Also my very very strong buy


10.03.12 12:00

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxiii

10:44 10/03/2012 Research....
The more I read the CPR and read the RNS the more It gets more interesting

First it is clear that we have the regional seal 1600m and above, in order for petroleum to be trapped in the subsurface, impermeable rocks of some sort need to be present to keep oil and gas in the trap and prevent the upward migration of these hydrocarbons to the surface. In the case of Somalia, there were many surface oil seeps, this happen as and when oil matures in the reservoir and became lighter and more buoyant due to the effect of temperature, it may eventually be able to overcome the effectiveness of a seal and start to leak out of the reservoir. As the bouyancy of the hydrocarbons in the trap exceeds the capillary entry pressure of the seal. However, once the buoyant hydrocarbons have escaped a seal may once again be able to trap hydrocarbons and create a pool of oil or gas.

Anyway we are currently at 2002m, this 400m section is composed of sandstone, sandstones are commonly porous and permeable and therefore a likely type of rock in which to find a petroleum reservoir. We know that most of the sandstone intervals in this section have exhibited oil and gas shows confirming the existence of a working petroleum system, which means great news for us, and as the Fox Davies research note make it clear drilling results indicate that the source rock has not only produced hydrocarbons, but expelled them too, this confirm that the pressure is good and Oil is flowing up, for it to flow up it need to be medium light! You might be wondering why is this important! Well the answer is simple, the confirmation of a working petroleum systems at this depth, means it is the same operative system proven productive in Yemeni, so that confirm that the systems are projected to extend south-eastward across the Nugaal and Dharoor rifts.

What is more amazing as well is that we are drilling for three different targets:

1- The marine sandstones of the Jesomma Formation.
2- Lower Cretaceous sandstones equivalent to Qishn sandstones in Yemen.
3- Jurassic age carbonates of the Hammanlei formation and Triassic sandstones of the Adigrat formation.

Thus far we seem to have the same copy Geology as of Yemen! And drilling so far should confirm it! If that is the case and as and when more is revealed on the next update, and an Oil discovery is publicly announced, the CoS for Shabeel-North will increase massively, the CPR will be read with more confidence and Best to High estimates will became more likely.

This extract from the CPR is very interesting

“The Upper Cretaceous Jesomma formation is a good clastic reservoir. Dagah Shabel-1 well intersected very thick (790m) fine to coarse-graded sands of the Nubian (Jessoma) formation.The well encountered two highly porous san units where small quantities (4Bbl) of good quality (33.6 API) oil were recovered.”

The below is also a re-cap of some of the points about Net pay and Porosity from the CPR:

The marine sandstones
Net Pay of:
- 9m for low estimate,
- 25.9m for best estimate
- 45.8m for high estimate
- 12% low estimate
- 18% best estimate
- 25% high estimate

Lower Cretaceous sandstones
Net pay of:
- 9m for low estimate,
- 25.9m for best estimate
- 48.7m for high estimate
- 18% low estimate
- 20% best estimate
- 24% high estimate

Jurassic age carbonates
Net pay of:
- 4.5m for low estimate,
- 10.6m for best estimate
- 22.8m for high estimate

- 18% low estimate
- 20% best estimate
- 24% high estimate

So we should be expecting a total Net Pay:

-22.5m for Low estimate
-62.4m for Best estimate
-117.3m for High estimate

An Oil API of about 33 -37 API as per previous historic drills....

Dharoor best estimate to RRL total up to 180mbbl (60m, 33.5m and 88m, this is for all three prospects Jesomma, Gumbero and Gabredarre)

290mbbl for the whole of Dharoor block.
705mbbl for teh Nogal Valey prospect.

Close to 1billion barr By Belcourtoi  

11.03.12 16:32

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxemail PL aus dem iii

Sent from my iPad

On 10/03/2012, at 5:26 PM,

Hi Pete,

Congrats on all so far, you must be delighted the way things are progressing. You must be sick of emails regarding Puntland so I won’t go there. I’ve a couple of questions I hope you

can give some guidance too.

Firstly, great news on Texas but what are the likely time scales for a sale as you mentioned when I saw your presentation in London in December last year that there were several interested partied and a likely sale price of $150-200m US. Is this still a likely sale price?

Probably a bit ambitious with only 4 successful wells to date - circa 100m by q3 more realistic

Do you still anticipate passing a majority stake to shareholders?


Would this be as a dividend or RRL share buy back ( which would be my personal preference having RRL as my primary portfolio holding)

To be determined but buy back is current preference

Secondly, you have mentioned on a couple of occasions working closer with the T&T government to ensure that newsflow to shareholders is smoother. How is this progressing?

Have standardized announcement procedure now agreed - petrotrin on strike doesn't help

And, when can we expect a T&T update as news has been a little on the light side with Trinidad.

Hopefully this week

Thanks in advance for replying and a big ‘well done’ as CEO of a great company with great vision.

Kind regards By replica  

11.03.12 20:57

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxVerbindung zum Jemen

From the link you posted I thought it worth highlighting here the following paragraphs from the study papers on the Yemen Masila basin by Dr. Eng. Mohammed Darsi Abdulrahman Nedham, Doctor of Science (Geologist), because the Yemen Masila geology is considered contiguous with Puntland.

i.e. [The Masila fields are in the Jurassic- to Lower Cretaceous-aged, Saar Graben. Almost 90% of the Masila reserves are reservoired in the Qishn Formation of the Lower Cretaceous Upper Qishn Clastics Member. Oil is also found in at least seven other reservoirs consisting of Lower Cretaceous and Middle to Upper Jurassic age clastics and carbonates as well as the fractured granitic basement….]

Worth re iterating here that the Lower Cretaceous and the Jurassic age clastics (and the basement) is the area/depth to which our drill bit is heading right now…

Look at what the Yemen Lower Cretaceous and Jurassic age depth has produced from Masila Block 14 alone….

Masila Block 14 is operated by Canadian Occidental Petroleum Yemen on behalf of its partners Occidental Peninsula, Inc. and Consolidated Contractors International, Ltd., (CANADIAN NEXEN PETROLEUM YEMEN as known now), and is located in the Hadhramaut region, in east-central Republic of Yemen. Oil was first discovered on the Block in late 1990 with Commerciality declared in late 1991. Oil production at Masila began in July 1993.
There are now 15 oil fields known in Masila, Block 14: (See, Fig. (3)) 1. Camaal (C), 2. North Camaal (NC), 3. Sunah (S), 4. Northeast Sunah (NES), 5. Heijah (HJ), 6. Hemiar (HR), 7. South Hemiar (S.HR), 8. West Hemiar (W.HR), 9. Tawila (T), 10. Haru (HU), 11. Nazeia (NZ), 12. Dahban (D), 13. Bainoon (ND), 14. Qataban (QAT), and 15. Gabal-Isbeel, containing 56 pools within the Masila Block. Total proven ultimate recoverable oil reserves are approaching 900 million STB. Proven, probable and possible reserve estimates are in excess of one billion barrels of recoverable oil.


14.03.12 07:33

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxÖL aus dem iii

-wolln wir mal hoffen das es stimmt...

6:21 14/03/2012 Rangers
I see you guys had a sleepless night just like me ....here are the main key point why Today is going to be a great day for shareholders:

1-Senior members of the drilling contractor (Canmex Holdings Bermuda ) confirmed to the media that they found oil from shabeel1.
2-It will be announced officially the coming week.
3-Puntland oil minister Ciise Maxamud has told the media yesterday, that the Somali people will hear the good news the coming few days and hours that they are almost about to announce that the drilling was a success
4-The president of Puntland said This Discovery has helped create 1000 for the youth

It can't get any better then this.... With US market flying up, FTSE will follow in its trail... Get ready for a real Bull Run and do not let anyone Deramper or shorter tell you otherwise and scare you off your investment.

When I called the ministry of Energy recently in Puntland I spoke to an official there, he didn't tell me anything I didn't know but he was very bullish, he said he can't tell me if Oil was discovered but he insisted that They have a lots of Potential of Oil and that I will hear about it soon and I had to wait...the above Article key points has just confirmed it now.... Lets get an RNS ... In the mean time shhhh don't tell the market yet if you want to buy some more shares ...



Rangers We Have :

............................@ ....@
............................@ ....@
............................@ ....@



By Belcourtoi  

14.03.12 13:31

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxPL zu Offshore-Rechten aus wo

Email von PL zu den Offshorerechten aus RUM:

(Kleine Hintergrundinfo Marauder (TSX.V MES) hatte dazu gestern eine RNS rausgebracht, daß sie einen ersten Block Offshore erwerben werden:

Dear Peter,

I hope your well and probably much like most of the Range long termers
slighlty miffed we have not taken off more after the positive Puntland
and texas update. We knew RMP was going to steal a march on us with
regards to Puntland drill so not unduly concerned.

But I am however concerned at new MOU announced by MES yesterday with
regards to offshore. It seems they are going alone 10Ksqkm block
whereas the talk before was we would be involved with free carry
uptill siesmics. As you know, offshore is potentially the jewel in the
crown and it will be kick in the teeth of us if we are sidelined by
the Puntland Gov favouring potentially larger partners. Can you please
confirm that we are at the centre of these negotiations and will have
an interest in other blocks in some shape or form.

Any timeframe on updates on TT 21 wells or Herera?

Kind Regards



PL reply:

We have option to take 100% of our preferred block (gulf of aden not
our preference after tgs did somaliland offshore seismic) - given
market sentiment will probably move on it very quickly now - tt
announcement with petrotrin - painful process  

14.03.12 13:33

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxlegt grad in London schön zu

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19.03.12 13:24

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxgenau richtig erkannt!

12:11 19/03/2012 Re: Puntland worth 12p?
Enjoyed seeing the rise here. It has been great to see a lot of lost paper profits coming back.

I have been looking at a lot of the calculations for Puntland, sometimes with admiration, but sometimes amusement or horror as well... particularly when someone claimed 2 x 40% gives an � chance. I am a little afraid for that persons bankroll to be honest.

However all of these fag packet Puntland calculations aside, Trinidad will still be worth more to RRL. The number are not as big and it's probably not as much excitement, but do the calculations there.

The 'boring' numbers from Trinidad do not have to be divided by 20% it's 100% owned. The value of the bbl does not have to be valued sub $5 ( I think $5 is way optimistic looking at comparitive examples) It goes straight into the existing infrastructure getting circa $30 profit.

I hope that Puntland is huge but to me it seems that the real prize is still a bit under the radar.

The waterflood upgrade RNS states a target to get 1 million bbls per year. Factor a $25bbl margin and put it on an industry standard multiple and tell me thats not almost the market cap right there. That is before Herrera's. I have been waiting a long time to see this updated T+T so hopefully that will eventually get here.

All good though.


by pokerprofits  aus dem iii  

19.03.12 16:14

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxHRN dreht auf - wo bleit die News

vielleicht after hours RNS in Canada...  
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20.03.12 11:12

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxPuntland Offshore

20 March 2012

The Manager
Company Announcements
Australian Securities Exchange Limited
Level 6, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

By e-lodgement


Range Resources Limited ("Range" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that
it has entered into an Agreement with the Puntland Government with respect to
obtaining a 100% working interest in the highly prospective Nugaal Basin
Offshore Block (see below). The Block is an extension of the onshore Nugaal
Region which has the potential for deltaic deposits from the Nugaal Valley
drainage system and comprises over 10,000km.

The Company will commit to a 2D seismic program within the first three years,
with further 3D seismic and an exploration well to follow in the second three
year period. The Agreement is subject to a formal PSA being entered into and
all necessary regulatory approvals. Commercial terms will be similar to the
current on-shore PSAs.

As part of the entering into the Nugaal Offshore PSA, Range has committed
US$5m, for the tarmac sealing of an Airport Runway in Puntland at the
Government's direction.

It is Ranges intention to offer a participation interest to its joint venture
partner, Red Emperor Resources NL (ASX:RMP) on terms to be agreed.


The Shabeel-1 well on the Dharoor Block in Puntland, Somalia is currently at a
depth of 2,384m and drilling ahead. It is expected that casing will be run at
approximately 2400-2700m as dictated by the next electrical logging run. Target
depth remains at approximately 3800m.


The Company is also pleased to announce that it is has secured a 65% farm-in
opportunity (350m of 3D seismic and 2 new wells) on two highly prospective
licenses in the on shore Putamayo basin in Southern Columbia. The finalisation
of the farm-in agreement is subject to regulatory approvals with full details
to be provided upon regulatory sign offs being obtained.

Following approaches from various parties in relation to its Texas project
interests, the Company is considering the potential sale of these interests
following the P1 and P2 reserve upgrade expected to be completed in April 2012.
In the event that such a sale is undertaken, the Company will consider several
capital management alternatives for the sale proceeds, including a return of
capital and an on-market share buyback.


The Company is also pleased to announce a strategic institutional placement of
150m shares at £0.125 each to raise £18.75m. Importantly 100m of the shares
have been placed to a major US and European fund management group, with
considerable expertise in the oil and gas sector. Admission of the shares on
AIM is expected to be Tuesday, 27 March 2012 with Range's shares on issue then
being 2,271,766,648.

Range Managing Director Peter Landau commented; "Today's announcement is
significant in that we have demonstrated the next development path forward for
Range. A successful first well in Puntland will trigger increased interest in
the whole Puntland region and Range believes it has secured the most
prospective offshore block following previous work undertaken by Range in 2009
and 2010 which included a review of historical seismic and well data."

The proposed Columbian farm-in will see Range move into a highly prospective,
producing precinct in Southern Columbia and provide a very unique exploration
and production proposition when combined with our major Trinidad operations. .'

Yours faithfully

Peter Landau
Executive Director  

20.03.12 13:52

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxColombia?

12:45 20/03/2012 Colombia - Blocks PUT-6 and PUT-7
Calgary-based GeoGlobal Resources (Amex: GGR) is finalizing a seismic acquisition program for the Put 6 and Put 7 licenses in Colombia's Putumayo basin


Wonder if PL knows about this?

Geo Global 10% - Range resources 65% (once signed) - PetroCaribbean Resources ltd 25%

01/24/2012 Colombia exploration blocks

The Company and its partners are currently finalizing the design and tender for the seismic acquisition program on the PUT 6 and PUT 7 exploration blocks. The high resolution acquisition program is anticipated to cover approximately 100 square kilometers on the PUT6 block and approximately 250 square kilometers on the PUT 7 block. The floating of the tender and award of the contract is anticipated by the end of this quarter. All other work is progressing as required under the license.

The Company signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Petro Caribbean Resources Ltd. (PCR) in September 2010 relating to conducting oil and natural gas exploration and development activities in Colombia, subject to the execution by PCR of definitive agreements with the Colombian National Agency of Hydrocarbons (ANH). Subject to the execution of a Joint Operating Agreement, GeoGlobal will be carried for a 10% participating interest in both the PUT 6 and PUT 7 exploration blocks through the minimum and additional work programs as bid in return for GeoGlobal providing to PCR technical assistance through the exploration phase. The PUT 6 and PUT 7 cover an area of approximately 177 and 531 square kilometers, respectively.

"We are maintaining our forward progress with respect to our blocks and are excited about our operations over the ensuing months," said Paul B. Miller, President and CEO of GeoGlobal. "We remain active in both India and Israel and look forward to the drilling programs on the KG Onshore block and the Myra license."

Could be wrong. By hitch19  

20.03.12 19:50

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxiii - Einsichten

18:41 20/03/2012 My analysis of the news
Hi everyone,

I'd like to offer my interpretation of today's news, which to me is
probably the most important news we have ever had.

The placing of 150m shares was agreed when the sp was around 13p, so
the discount was incremenetal. Such a small discount suggests that PL
was in a good position to strike the deal. Of course in hindsight it
would have been better to place the shares at 16p, but PL can not see
in to the future. The important thing to remember is the discount was
circa 0.5p whereas the TT raising was done at a 7p discount (24p to
17p). There must be some high levels of confidence in Shabeel-1.

We have now acquired 100% of a 10,000 sq km block of offshore Nugaal.
It would appear that we were given first choice of which slice we
would like to take, and PL chose the one with the best prospects (as
one would).

People have asked why we did this deal now and not in 6 weeks when we
strike oil in Shabeel and would be able to raise from a much more
favourable position. PL explained this in an email response and it
seems like a calculated risk was taken.

If Shabeel comes in and our SP surges to new highs, it would be easy
to say we could have raised then and got more bang for out buck.
However, if Shabeel came in dry, our sp would have plummeted and the
raising would have cost us far more.

Shabeel has good chances but is by no mean a shoe-in for success. As
PL is playing with our money, I for one am glad that he erred on the
side of caution, no matter how confident he is of success in Shabeel.
It shows he calculates risk assessment and doesn't just go in gung-ho
with shareholders' money.

The 100% ownership of the most prospective block gives us an edge on
future owners of other blocks. We will have first choice of farm in
partners and offshore Puntland will warrant the co-operation of an
experienced major. It's clear that these companies are waiting in the
sidelines watching Shabeel for the result. If this comes in, then we
will be in a tremendous bargaining position.

Offshore contains an estimated 66bn barrels if memory serves me right.
Obviously our block will be a fraction of this, and as we farm our
interests out in exchange for operating interests, the amount
attributable to Range will be a 'paltry' several billion barrels. All
for a £3.5m airstrip. Sounds like a terrific deal to me.

The involvement of RMP has brought with it much controversy. PL has
previously stated that they would not be involved in offshore. In the
business world, strategies can change on a daily basis and I'm sure he
has his reasons and they will become transparent soon enough.

In the meantime, I would suggest that those moaning about Range's
shares in issue do as most people (and PL has mooted) have done and
take a small position in RMP. Personally I am 80/20 Range/RMP.

Colombia - no detail has been released yet detailing our block, but
the basin itself has a mixture of small, medium and large producing
fields. Colombia has a very small tax and royalties rate 15% combined
I believe. This will have been selected by Mark Patterson who
suggested TT and Texas to Range so has a great track record. Will be
excited to read more about our block in the Putumayo basin.

By Great_Room  

21.03.12 12:08

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxanscheinend auch schon mal angebohrt (Seismic)

10:52 21/03/2012 Garad Mare-1
I am suprised nobody has mentioned that by the looks of the map on the range announcmement, the block shows seismic has already been done
and a well by the name of Garad Mare-1 being drilled there.


gary ooogling the name gives us only 1 result but a telling one, seams AGIP drilled the well
but to get further info you need to be a member OF AAPG to see the report.
anybody a member? or anybody help get the info from this report

the link is http://search.datapages.com/data/open/...a115/a115/0001/0150/0185.htm

the google result displays as:
The Continental Margins of Somalia: Structural Evolution and ...
At Garad Mare-1 (AGIP Somalia, unpublished report, 1977), the Hamanlei Formation (1093 m thick)
is mainly oolitic and pseudoolitic packstone-grainstone.
By ttoise  

22.03.12 21:07

366 Postings, 5248 Tage MalkusTaxiii - interessantes Post

19:45 22/03/2012 Somalia possesses all the requirements for Hydrocarbons
This artical has took me ages to find again..... Please read it and then read it again. It will end all your doubts about the oil that IS in somalia.


I have to highlight these two bits from the artical below----
"Many oil experts believe that Somalia has got a high potential, and that the country needs peace, democracy and political stability in order to attract international investment necessary for exploration and development. Once the country embarks on the mentioned course, interested oil companies will return immediately and resume exploration."
"In a 1991 World-Bank coordinated study, intended to encourage private investment in the petroleum potentials of eight African nations, geologists put Somalia and Sudan at the top of the list of prospective commercial oil producers. Today Sudan produces with the help of investments from Petronas of Malaysia and a Chinese (Taiwanese) oil company. This is because Sudan is relatively calmer than Somalia."

The above paragraph is what president Farole is doing in a nut shell and TBH he is doing a damm good job at present. Thats why the oil companies are coming back and exploring again, As they know what and how much oil is in somalia.

For me ---

It is just a waiting game now. derampers will come and try and shake / un settle you and tell lies to try and drive you into selling. MM's will play dirty on the stops but ask yourself why are they doing it --- To get shares cheaper as they know what will happen soon, Also ask yourself this - Why are the oil companies drilling now and why are the major oil companies sniffing around.
I am 100% behind the four companies that are drilling in Somalia and i am 100% sure that they will hit oil on the first drill. You can call me a ramper if you want but the only reason i am talking and being very bullish about this stock is " President farole is bringing back a war torn country from its knees ---He is giving-- peace, democracy and political stability and that is why the oil companies are coming back and if they are willing to come back, i am willing to invest in them.

Eng. Abdulkadir Abiikar Hussein, MSc.; FGS (Engineering Geologist)

In a discussion of the oil prospects of Somalia, several fundamental questions assume major importance. Has oil been generated in the subsoil of Somalia? Are there suitable reservoir rocks (porous) that can hold and act as container of oil and gas after it was formed millions of years ago? Are there suitable structures inside the ground that can retain the oil: anticlines, stratigraphic traps and facies pinchouts? The answer to all these questions, with some reservations to the last one, is 'yes'. But then comes another question: why Somalia is not roducing oil if that is the case? The answer lies partially in the methods sed for oil prospecting in the sixties and early seventies and partially on the political history of Somalia.

The earliest indicators of the generation of oil in Somalia are shown by a large oil seep southeast of Berbera and other seeps in various locations of Somalia. Stan-Vac drilled three dry holes in the area of the seep in Bihindulle, Laalays and Just south of Berbera in 1959 before Somalia became independent. Azzaroli, a geologist with the National Research Council of Italy and later with Agip mineralia in Somalia, mapped bituminous strata in limestone of north Somalia.

With the coming of the drilling rigs to Somalia, many more indicators of oil and gas became evident. Oil companies invested enormously in the fifties and early sixties and carried out oil prospecting. Sinclair and Agip were the lead in these activities. In the Agip 1 Sagaleh well (, oil staining was found in a porous limestone-dolomitic series of the Jurassic. The Sinclair 1 Gira found a small oil show in the Jurassic.

In the Agip 1 Cotton, near Bandar Beila, a good gas show was found in the Cretaceous limestone, and the 1Sagaleh, in the By blackgold76  

23.03.12 09:45

2 Postings, 4581 Tage Flocke7815Hi

Malkus, warum schreibste nicht in:


Da sind einige mehr drin, brauchst dann nicht mehr allein hier rummachen....

Komm rüber, dann brauchen wir auch nicht mehr deine hervoragenden Kommentare in WO board kopieren...
(Hoffe das du deswegen nicht böse bist...?

Wir wüden uns bestimmt über jemanden freuen der RRL so gut kennt ...

Gruß Flocke  

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