Im veröffentlichen Schreiben von heute steht es wird ein Split zwischen 15 und 40:1 ! Wobei man ja auf mindestens 4 $ kommen muss, dann gehe ich mal von einem Split von min 25 aus.
On January 14, 2015, a majority of the voting capital stock of the Company took action in lieu of a special meeting of Stockholders authorizing the Company to amend its Certificate of Incorporation, as amended, to effect a reverse stock split of the our common stock by a ratio of not less than 1-for-15 and not more than 1-for-40 (the Reverse Stock Split) at any time prior to December 31, 2015, with the Board of Directors (the Board) having the discretion as to whether or not the Reverse Stock Split is to be effected, and with the exact ratio of any Reverse Stock Split to be set at a whole number within the above range as determined by the Board in its discretion (the Corporate Actions).
Und zur Frage wann der Split kommt, es müssen ja die Stimmberechtigten erst mal zustimmen. Sollte in den nächsten 20 Tagen ab dem 14 glaube ich passieren.