... zumindest halte ich die Story für absolut möglich. Blick zurück: News vom 29. Dezember 2009: Was will man mehr, außer dass die "Jungs" es vor allen anderen auf die Reihe bringen?!
Stans Energy Corp. has acquired an exploration license for the Rare Earth Elements (REEs) Aktyuz Ore Field, which surrounds the recently reported acquisitions of the Mining License for the past-producing REEs mine, Kutessay II, and the Kalesay Beryllium deposit in Kyrgyzstan.
The following important facts relate to the Aktyuz Ore Field:
- The Aktyuz Ore Field is comprised of 5 rare earth mineralized zones, consisting of Kutessay I, Kutessay II, Kutessay III, Aktyuz, and Kuperlisai
- Kutessay II was mined for REE’s from 1960 to 1991
- The Aktyuz deposit was first mined for lead in the 9th to the 12th century
- The Aktyuz deposit was mined from underground for lead, zinc, silver, tin and copper from 1942 to 1946
- The Aktyuz deposit saw limited REE underground mining for REE’s from 1946 to 1951 before Kutessay II was put into production
- Surface exploration for REE only on Kutessay I, Kutessay III, and Kuperlisai
The following important facts relate to the past-producing REEs open-pit mine, Kutessay II:
- Previously produced 80% of the former Soviet Union’s REEs from 1960-1991 30 years of proven metallurgy, with approximately 65% recovery
- Good infrastructure , rail line 48km away, electrical power on site, and the mine is located 140 km by paved road from Kyrgyzstan’s capital city of Bishkek
- Contains all 15 REEs and formerly produced every REE at purities up to 99.99%
- Light Rare Earth Elements[LREEs] to Heavy Rare Earth Elements [HREEs] ratio of approximately 50/50
- Kutessay II concentrate was refined into 120 different REE compounds
- Underground exploration drifts used to prove Soviet REE reserves
- Abundance of qualified labour live in the area
The approximate 35 Sq. km exploration license completely covers the known REEs mineralized zones surrounding Kutessay II. Each identified mineralized horizon exhibits REE mineralization at the surface. Stans Energy Corp. will, in the coming days, be posting additional information on its website, including maps and sections on the Aktyuz Ore Field, along with a brief description of each mineralized zone.
“Dr Gennady Savchenko QP and managing Director of Stans Energy KG states “The acquisition of the Aktyuz Ore Field adds to the REE potential of Stans Energy Corp’s announced acquisition of Kutessay II dated December 29 2009.”
Kutessay II produced all 15 REEs along with Lead, Zinc, Silver, Bismuth, Molybdenum, Thorium Tin, and Copper. Kutessay II also has Niobium, Tantalum, and Hafnium and is open at depth.
Rodney Irwin, Chairman of Stans Energy, former Canadian ambassador to Russia, and current Honorary Consul for The Kyrgyz Republic to Canada states, “The Aktyuz Ore Field adds to the total rare earth asset base of Stans Energy Corp., and this gives us confidence in our decision to expand our focus in Kyrgyzstan.”
Please visit Stans Energy’s website – www.stansenergy.com for additional information, or contact: http://www.stansenergy.com/press-releases/...ements-aktyuz-ore-field/