: also habe eben mal geschaut was die Firma
überhaupt macht. Die verkaufen einfach eine Streamingbox mit Apps die eh frei sind oder übesehe ich da was. Das erinnert stark an neuen Markt, techinsch liegt die Box auf 20€ bei Ali. Immernoch viel zu teuer
----------- "In Deutschland gilt der als gefährlich,der auf den Schmutz hinweist,als der, der Ihn gemacht hat."
.. erste Mal seit Monaten dass kein weiteres Zwischentief folgt. Könnte, wohlgemerkt könnte der Beginn einer Bodenbildung sein. Wie üblich nur meine Meinung
Ich sag nur 68 Mio USD erwarteter Gewinn in 2024 bei rd 13.800 Mio USD Market Cap: das erwartete KGV für das erste profitable Jahr darf sich jeder selbst ausrechnen.
As a whole, investors should be cautious with the sector, but if you're looking for exposure to it, Disney and Roku seem to have the greatest potential to outperform right now.
Shares Short (Dec 14, 2022) 4 12.06M Short Ratio (Dec 14, 2022) 4 1.94 Short % of Float (Dec 14, 2022) 4 9.92% Short % of Shares Outstanding (Dec 14, 2022) 4 8.66% Shares Short (prior month Nov 14, 2022) 4 12.26M
: das Hardware Problem ist offenbar gelöst
Sharp will bring one of the first OLED Roku TVs to the U.S. in 2023 | Digital Trends
Sharp has been on the fringes of the U.S. TV market for several years, but that might be about to change. The company, which is still headquartered in Japan ,but has been majority-owned by Chinese manufacturing giant Foxconn since 2016, has announced that it plans to sell ...
"The Company has total cash and cash equivalents of approximately $1.9 billion as of March 10, 2023. Approximately $487 million is held at SVB, which represents approximately 26% of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents balance as of March 10, 2023. Approximately $1.4 billion of the Company’s cash and cash equivalents is distributed across multiple large financial institutions. The Company’s deposits with SVB are largely uninsured. At this time, the Company does not know to what extent the Company will be able to recover its cash on deposit at SVB."