Statkraft and Vestas Wind Systems have signed a letter of intent to supply wind turbine generators for the six planned wind farms in Fosen and Snillfjord in mid-Norway. The preferred supplier agreement represents an important milestone in the progress towards final investment decisions during 2015. The development of the planned wind farms in mid-Norway at Fosen and in the Snillfjord-area is progressing according to plan. Final investment decisions are expected in Q2 2015. As operator, Statkraft leads the procurement process on behalf of the JV-companies Fosen Vind AS and SAE Vind DA. Fosen Vind’s project portfolio amounts to approximately 600 MW, while SAE Vind’s portfolio in the Snillfjord and Hitra area totals around 400 MW. The procurement process has been ongoing since summer 2014. The turbine type will be decided at a later stage in the engineering phase for the wind farms. Placing firm and unconditional orders is subject to final investment decisions.
im Thread von euroinvestor wird behauptet, morgen werde die 50-Tageslinie die 200 Tageslinie von unten her durchkreuzen .Das würde bedeuten, dass ein Bullenmarkt am Horizont sei
Feb 17, 2015 (SeeNews) - Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S (CPH:VWS) will develop a 100-MW wind project in Pakistan under a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the government of Sindh province.According to an official statement, the project is planned to expand to as much as 300 MW ...
RENIXX und DAX geben nach: REC Silicon auf Aufholjagt - Vestas punktet in Pakistan Sunedision mit Verlusten - News aus der Welt der Regenerativen Energiewirtschaft vom IWR!company-news Today there is information in the market regarding the appointment of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind as preferred supplier by DONG Energy for an offshore project in the UK.
Vestas can confirm that MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has been appointed preferred supplier for the delivery of the V164-8.0 MW wind turbine for phase 1 of the Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm, comprising 330 MW.
As soon as the project translates into a firm and unconditional order, Vestas will disclose a company announcement about this.
Today there is information in the market regarding a project in Quebec, Canada, comprising 68 3.3 MW turbines, totalling 224.4 MW.
As soon as the project translates into a firm and unconditional order in accordance with Vestas’ definition, Vestas will disclose a company announcement about this.
Vestas discloses this announcement based on Vestas’ obligation as a Danish listed company, ref. the Securities Trading Act, section 27(2).
OX2 orders 10 V126-3.3 MW turbines for a wind power plant in northern Sweden
Vestas has received a firm and unconditional order for 10 V126-3.3 MW turbines for the Maevaara 2 wind power plant. The order also includes the first Vestas De-icing System for the V126-3.3 MW.
The order was placed by Nordic renewable energy developer OX2. The wind power plant will be in northern Sweden. This project is the second in Sweden to utilise the V126-3.3 MW turbine model. Turbine delivery is planned to begin in the second quarter of 2016 with installation during second and third quarter of 2016. The contract includes supply, installation and commissioning of 10 V126-3.3 MW turbines, along with a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution and a 15-year full-scope service agreement (AOM 5000), which was signed with Allianz Capital Partners, ....#!company-news
via Diskussionsbord bei Euroinvestor Inhalt: Dong glaubt, dass die Offshore-Windenergiemarkt durch einen Mangel Konkurrenz von Lieferanten geprägt ist. Daher sieht es Dong positiv, dass MHI Vestas nun grosse Offshoreturbinen herstellt, weil Siemens seit mehreren Jahren der allzu dominierende Spieler im Offshore war. Und es muss einige Energieunternehmen auf der Welt geben, die auch ziemlich müde sind von Siemens und daher wählen Sie statt Siemens den Kauf von MHI Vestas ....
.... ging es bis auf 33,88 Euro nach unten. Da die Vestas Aktie aber im Bereich der hier liegenden Unterstützungszone wieder nach oben drehen konnte, hat die Abwärtsbewegung nach der vorangegangenen, Mitte Oktober bei 21,86 Euro gestarteten Kursrallye nicht mehr als den Charakter einer typischen Konsolidierungsbewegung bekommen.....
1 Vestas -- Remains in lead for second year running 2 Siemens +2 Up from 4th position in 2013 3 Goldwind -1 Down from 2nd position in 2013 4 GE +1 Up from 5th position in 2013 5 Enercon -2 Down from 3rd position in 2013
-All top 10 turbine OEMs break individual installation records in 2014, in what was the highest installation year for the wind industry.
-Vestas holds the #1 position, with a significant margin over competition.
-Siemens had a record breaking year for its onshore business.
-Goldwind holds the #3 position behind Siemens, but remains the largest turbine OEM in Asia.
-In 2014, GE nearly doubled installations and now holds the #4 position.
-Despite another strong year with respect to installs for Enercon, other OEMs outperformed on the international arena, and Enercon holds the #5 position.
-Gamesa remains out of the top five despite a healthy uplift in its business after a challenging domestic market.
-Suzlon Group relied on the growth of its home market and Senvion`s strong performance in Germany to attain a position of #6.
-Nordex is not in the top 10 despite another strong performance in its core markets that saw an uplift of nearly 20 percent in its business.
-Two Chinese companies: United Power and Mingyang are in the top 10. Albeit, Sinovel dropped out of the top 15 in 2014, as a rising star Envision moved into the top 10 for the first time.