HIGHLIGHTS SINCLAIR ZONE (PIONEER DOME) Lithium Caesium Tantalum Project – Eastern Goldfields, WA • Aboriginal heritage surveys completed at Sinclair Zone Project, enabling the Project to move towards mining • Diamond core drilling in progress to further define pollucite lenses • Mine planning & permitting ongoing • Assessment of the potential for commercial extraction of other minerals advancing • Target Generation: 323 Soil samples taken and 33 RC drill holes for 4,170m completed. GOLDEN RIDGE COBALT AND NICKEL PROJECT – Eastern Goldfields, WA • 31 hole - 3,084m RC cobalt focused drilling programme completed on four priority cobalt targets • Results highly positive - 16 holes intersected significant cobalt mineralisation • Highlight results included; o 31m at 0.15% Co and 0.37% Ni from 43m o 6m at 0.57% Co and 0.52% Ni from 22m o 22m at 0.18% Co and 0.53% Ni from 38m o 19m at 0.22% Co and 0.23% Ni from 34m o 16m at 0.17% Co and 0.42% Ni from 42m • New nickel sulphide discovery - significant nickel sulphide mineralisation intersected in nickel sulphide focused drilling; 22m at 1.02% Ni and 475ppm Cu from 202m. MAVIS LAKE and RALEIGH Lithium Projects – Ontario, Canada • Drilling in progress – an initial 1,200 metres of diamond core drilling at the Fairservice prospect • Significant spodumene-bearing pegmatites intersected in first hole - including a down-hole thickness of 20m from a depth of 82m CORPORATE • At 31 December 2017 the Company had cash reserves of $5.44 million and no debt.