Globe M&M, 2 Jahre payback, ü20 Jahre Produktion

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neuester Beitrag: 30.01.12 01:45
eröffnet am: 02.07.09 21:43 von: Mikrokosmos Anzahl Beiträge: 45
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02.07.09 21:43

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosGlobe M&M, 2 Jahre payback, ü20 Jahre Produktion

Was mir an GBE so gefällt:

Aktueller Unternehmenswert an der Börse: 68,7 Mio Shares x 0,145 AUD = 9,96 Mio AUD

55% der Shares sind in festen Händen

Vertrauensvolles fähiges Management

Bereits 2 MOUs abgezeichnet

Wenige ausstehende Optionen

Cashbestand ca. 30% des Unternehmenswertes

Der Kurs stand vor 12 Monaten noch bei 1,10 AUD, jetzt bei 0,145 AUD

Die vier Projekte von GBE befinden sich in Malawi.
Malawi gilt als sehr sicher, entgegenkommend und Investorenfreundlich.

Das Kanyika Projekt ist bisher das Flaggschiff der 4 Explorationslizenzen.
Man kann schnell erahnen, was passiert, wenn man in diesem Gebiet einfach weiter nach Noirden bohrt. (siehe
Über 20 Jahre Minenlaufzeit.
Nach zwei Jahren payback der Investition!
Chinesen zeigen großes Interesse.
Hinzugefügt sei, dass der Anteil an Tantal bisher kaum als Spekulation mit einbezogen wurde.
Die Pusherbude Commerce wird mit wesentlich schlechteren Abbaubedingungen bzgl. Tantal jeden Tag in gesponserten und geschmierten Presseartikeln abgefeiert, wie Michael Jackson in den 90ern. Das Vorkommen an Tantal von GBE kann bei Commerce locker mithalten. Auch Uran ist vorhanden. Die Chinesen benötigen Uran.
GBE ist gerade dabei 12,5 Mio AUD für die Erstellung der BFS einzusammeln.
Bis Oktober soll das Geld da sein.
Mitte 2012 soll voll produziert werden.
Sehr geringer Verschnitt des Gesteins. Top-Ausbeute.
Bei-Produkte wie Zirkon, Feldspar/Keramik, Magnetit.
Hervorragende Infrastruktur, Wasserversorgung usw. gewährleistet.

Uran-Lagerstätte mit Top-Gehalten.
Palladin liegt in der Nachbarschaft und ist quasi als Vorhut unterwegs, um den Weg für GBE freizumachen. (Lizenzen, Genehmigungen usw.)
Uranvorkommen liegt in ca. 40-70m Tiefe.

Südliches Linzenzgebiet von Palladins Uran-Flaggschiff in Malawi.
Es werden gerade Radiometrische-Luftaufnahmen gemacht und ausgewertet.

Belele Dambo:
653 qkm!
Drillings werden gerade ausgewertet.
Uran, Zirkon, Nb, und REE!!!

Ich finde GBE sehr vielversprechend.
Die Mcap ist ein Witz und die Zukunftsaussichten sind enorm positiv zu bewerten.
Ein richtiges Schmuckstück zum Schnäppchenpreis.

Bitte korrigeirt mich, falls ich etwas falsch recherschiert haben sollte oder falls ich etwas wichtiges vergessen haben sollte.

Gruß, Mikrokosmos  
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19 Postings ausgeblendet.

10.01.10 13:54

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosSubheadline vergessen..

hier ist sie:

What you see is not always what you get, demonstrated in duplicate by taking a close look at Globe Metals & Mining, an Australian explorer which went looking for uranium and found niobium instead.  

31.01.10 23:26

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosQuarterly Activities Report

Liest sich gut...
Es scheint, als ob am Freitag alle restlichen Shares von TPG (die den Kurs mit ihrem Abverkauf von 35c auf 18c gedrückt haben) an einen anderen Investor gegengen sind.
Das lässt ermuten, dass hier einiges an News seitens Globe zu erwarten ist.
Globe hat vermutlich gewartet, bis TPG alle Shares abgegeben hat...  

01.02.10 23:36

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosEs geht los !

TPG ist raus und direkt beginnt der Newsflow:

Wow, very near by the surface:


Further near surface high-grade results from 2009 infill drilling program
Very high grade, near surface mineralisation intersected in multiple drillholes,
KARC170 16m @ 11,725ppm Nb2O5, 871ppm Ta2O5, 467ppm U3O8 (from 0m)
incl. 3m @ 27,974ppm Nb2O5, 2,225ppm Ta2O5, 1,127ppm U3O8 (from 10m)
KARC176 29m @ 9,717ppm Nb2O5, 447ppm Ta2O5, 336ppm U3O8 (from 5m)
incl. 13m @ 14,766ppm Nb2O5, 730ppm Ta2O5, 523ppm U3O8 (from 19m)
Results to be incorporated in new resource estimate to feed into Bankable
Feasibility Study currently underway
Additional infill drilling results expected shortly

Globe Metals & Mining is very pleased to announce the second batch of 2009 infill drilling results from
its Kanyika Niobium Project in Malawi.
The infill RC drilling program was designed solely to upgrade the resource category of selected areas
of the deposit to the JORC Measured and Indicated categories. The upgraded resource estimate is
due toward the end of Q1 2010. This will feed directly in to the pit optimisation, mine design and
scheduling components of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS).
All twenty four RC drill holes reported in this market release intersected significant mineralisation at
relatively shallow depths in the northern Milenje Zone. The extremely robust nature of the deposit
continues to be confirmed in these RC infill drill results, which show excellent consistency of geology
and high-grade mineralised zones. In addition, wider, moderate grade zones continue to be
intersected at deeper levels in the northern Milenje Zone.
The existing total JORC inferred and indicated resource is currently 55.1Mt @ 3,000ppm Nb2O5,
which includes 24Mt @ 3,800ppm Nb2O5.
Globe’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Mark Sumich, said “We have always been very comfortable with the
geological and resource model, and these additional infill drilling results continue to confirm the overall
robustness of the resource, and the significant high grade areas of mineralisation at or near surface.”
“The significance of these high-grade mineralised zones is that they are likely to mined first, to
enhance Project economics. The grades reported in this market release are markedly superior to the
overall resource grade.”
“The upgraded JORC resource to be released in Q1 2010 will be a key component of the BFS, and a
significant milestone.”
• Further near surface high-grade results from 2009 infill drilling program
• Very high grade, near surface mineralisation intersected in multiple drillholes,
KARC170 16m @ 11,725ppm Nb2O5, 871ppm Ta2O5, 467ppm U3O8 (from 0m)
incl. 3m @ 27,974ppm Nb2O5, 2,225ppm Ta2O5, 1,127ppm U3O8 (from 10m)
KARC176 29m @ 9,717ppm Nb2O5, 447ppm Ta2O5, 336ppm U3O8 (from 5m)
incl. 13m @ 14,766ppm Nb2O5, 730ppm Ta2O5, 523ppm U3O8 (from 19m)
• Results to be incorporated in new resource estimate to feed into Bankable
Feasibility Study currently underway
• Additional infill drilling results expected shortly

Globe Metals & Mining is very pleased to announce the second batch of 2009 infill drilling results from
its Kanyika Niobium Project in Malawi.
The infill RC drilling program was designed solely to upgrade the resource category of selected areas
of the deposit to the JORC Measured and Indicated categories. The upgraded resource estimate is
due toward the end of Q1 2010. This will feed directly in to the pit optimisation, mine design and
scheduling components of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS).
All twenty four RC drill holes reported in this market release intersected significant mineralisation at
relatively shallow depths in the northern Milenje Zone. The extremely robust nature of the deposit
continues to be confirmed in these RC infill drill results, which show excellent consistency of geology
and high-grade mineralised zones. In addition, wider, moderate grade zones continue to be
intersected at deeper levels in the northern Milenje Zone.
The existing total JORC inferred and indicated resource is currently 55.1Mt @ 3,000ppm Nb2O5,
which includes 24Mt @ 3,800ppm Nb2O5.
Globe’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Mark Sumich, said “We have always been very comfortable with the
geological and resource model, and these additional infill drilling results continue to confirm the overall
robustness of the resource, and the significant high grade areas of mineralisation at or near surface.”
“The significance of these high-grade mineralised zones is that they are likely to mined first, to
enhance Project economics. The grades reported in this market release are markedly superior to the
overall resource grade.”
“The upgraded JORC resource to be released in Q1 2010 will be a key component of the BFS, and a
significant milestone.”
“In relation to other aspects of the BFS, the Company expects to be able to update the market on
progress in the near future.”  

03.02.10 09:01

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosNeues Rare-EarthProjekt wird exploriert

09.02.10 23:45

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosAdditional Excellent Infill Drill Results

10 February 2010
ASX/Media Announcement
Additional Excellent Infill Drill Results – Kanyika Niobium Project

• Unexpectedly wide zones of moderate to high grade mineralisation
intersected in the southern Milenje Zone at Kanyika

• Best results include:
KARC196 63m @ 4,392ppm Nb2O5, 244ppm Ta2O5, 103ppm U3O8 (from 32m)
incl. 6m @ 10,082ppm Nb2O5, 455ppm Ta2O5, 265ppm U3O8 (from 78m)
KARC205 69m @ 3,546ppm Nb2O5, 198ppm Ta2O5, 85ppm U3O8 (from 33m)
incl. 12m @ 8,053ppm Nb2O5, 412ppm Ta2O5, 171ppm U3O8 (from 70m)

• Results to be incorporated in new resource estimate to feed into Bankable
Feasibility Study currently underway

• Further infill drilling results expected shortly

Globe Metals & Mining is very pleased to announce the third batch of 2009 infill drilling results from its
Kanyika Niobium Project in Malawi.
The infill RC drilling program was designed solely to upgrade the resource category of selected areas
of the deposit to the JORC Measured and Indicated categories. The upgraded resource estimate is
due toward the end of Q1 2010. This will feed directly in to the pit optimisation, mine design and
scheduling components of the Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS).
All twenty two RC drill holes reported in this market release intersected significant mineralisation at
relatively shallow depths in the southern Milenje Zone.
A number of the deeper RC drill holes in this program intersected wides zones of unexpectedly high
grade material, particularly those between sections 6,200mN and 6,400mN, inclusive. It is expected
this particular area of the resource will be significantly, positively influenced by these new wide,
moderate to high grade drill intercepts.
Globe’s Executive Chairman, Mr. Mark Sumich, said “The Kanyika Niobium Deposit continues to
improve. These results continue to demonstrate the overall robustness of the resource. The
discovery of additional, unexpected, moderate to high grade zones should impact positively on the
overall resource.”  

16.02.10 23:29

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosBohrergebnisse zum RareEarth Projekt in 4-6 Wochen

15.03.10 23:24

25 Postings, 6283 Tage drdrDanke Mikrokosmos,

dafür, dass du deine tolle Recherche-Arbeit teilst und so konsequent weiterführst. Bin gestern auf den Marenica-Thread aufmerksam geworden und war nach zwei Stunden des Lesens nicht nur sehr an diesem Unternehmen interessiert, sondern begeistert von der Gesprächskultur, die in dieser Qualität äusserst selten zu finden ist bei ariva. Man sieht was so eine Plattform an Positivem leisten kann und dadurch wirklich informiert. Ich werde auf dem Laufenden bleiben, good job.  

13.04.10 10:38

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage Mikrokosmosdrdr, danke fürs Feedback o. T.

13.04.10 10:40

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosSand im Getriebe

Globe scheint mit Thuthuka unzufrieden zu sein.
Riecht nach Stress und Verzögerungen des Hauptprojektes.
Allerdings hat Globe noch weitere sehr vielversprechende Projekte.
Hier gehts sicherlich noch einiges runter.
Auf die Lauer legen...  

26.07.10 15:14

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartTantalum Market Update 26 July 2010

02.08.10 16:35

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartGBE to begin drilling at Machinga Rare Earth Proj.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Globe Metals & Mining to begin drilling at Machinga Rare Earth Project


02.08.10 19:15

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartWhat slowdown?

Aussie miners far from worried about China growth (Reuters)
Mon Aug 2, 2010 3:59pm IST  

06.08.10 00:20

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartUS Taking Steps to Stop Trade in Conflict Mineral

12.08.10 15:58

1970 Postings, 8514 Tage Ellertote hose

18.08.10 00:35

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartSupply of Tantalum Stretched Thin, Prices May Boom

23.08.10 13:55

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartMinmetals eyes more acquisitions

Rowan Callick and Michael Sainsbury
From: The Australian August 23, 2010 12:00AM  

29.09.10 15:12

1455 Postings, 5785 Tage apfelrücken28.09. update fund in mozambique

On Wednesday September 29, 2010, 6:05 am EDT

MAPUTO, Mozambique (AP) -- An Australian mining company says it has discovered deposits in Mozambique of rare minerals with a variety of industrial uses.

Globe Metals and Mining executive chairman Mark Sumich said in a statement Tuesday the discovery was made near Mount Muambe in Tete, a western province.

Sumich says the minerals found included dysprosium, used to make laser materials and in components of nuclear reactors. Only about 100 tons of dysprosium are produced a year, mostly in China. Dysprosium prices have risen sevenfold since 2003, and by late 2009 the price was $53 per pound (about $24 per kilogram).

Other minerals found are used in fluorescent lamps and X-ray machines.

Sumich says drilling will start at Mount Muambe in coming weeks.
Jeder ist für sein Handeln selbst verantwortlich. Keine Kaufs-/Verkaufsempfehlung !!!
Im Unterschied zur Straßenbahn wird an der Börse zum Ein- und Aussteigen nicht geklingelt.

29.09.10 15:16

1455 Postings, 5785 Tage apfelrückenASX/Media Announcement Heavy Rare Earth Potenti

ASX/Media Announcement

Heavy Rare Earth Potential Identified at Mount Muambe, Mozambique

A peak value of 0.44% TREO

o  A peak result of 168ppm of the high value HREO dysprosium

o  Very high HREO:TREO ratio: peak 70%, average 50%
Jeder ist für sein Handeln selbst verantwortlich. Keine Kaufs-/Verkaufsempfehlung !!!
Im Unterschied zur Straßenbahn wird an der Börse zum Ein- und Aussteigen nicht geklingelt.

14.11.10 23:34

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosDas sitzt! NEWS - Strategic Partnership A$41m

Bingo! Die welt ist doch echt klein! ECE!
41m AUD...

Strategic Partnership with East China Mineral Exploration
and Development Bureau (ECE) & A$41m Fund Raising  

30.12.10 12:05

1280 Postings, 6503 Tage MikrokosmosStarker Anstieg in AUS

+18,5% bei gutem Volumen.

28.02.11 00:57

713 Postings, 5432 Tage black.jacktrading halt

neuigkeiten zur ece partnerschaft und bohrergebnisse von mount mouabe.

hab den wert bis jetzt nur auf der watch.
man darf gespannt sein.

gruß black.jack  

30.01.12 01:45

7811 Postings, 6225 Tage videomartGlobe Metals & Mining extends rare earth elements

strike at Mount Muambe in Mozambique

Monday, January 30, 2012 by John Phillips  

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