TREVALI RESOURCES - Zink,Blei & Silber

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13.03.08 21:31

29411 Postings, 6442 Tage 14051948KibbuzimTREVALI RESOURCES - Zink,Blei & Silber

Der real asset report stellte TREVALI Res. im Februar al "Aktie des Monats" vor.

Zwar haben auch die meisten Titel in deren Musterdepot arg gelitten,aber das Team von Resourcemedia schätze ich als seriöse und kompetente Leute im Rohstoffsektor ein,eine Erwähnung also hat TREVALI  Resources meiner Meinung nach verdient.Außerhalb des real asset reports ist mir das Unternehmen zumindest noch nicht weiter aufgefallen...



Trevali Resources

Ein junger und schnell aufstrebender Star im „Rohstoff- Himmel“

Bernhard Schmidt

Aktieninfos Ticker- Symbol: Zinc (CNQ)

Aktienanzahl: 28,8 Mio.

Kurs (15.02): 2,40 CAD

Marktkapitalisierung: 69,12 Mio. CAD

Das kanadische Unternehmen Trevali Resources ist auf bestem Wege zu einem der nächsten Zinkproduzenten in Lateinamerika zu werden. Am 20. Dezember wurde bekannt gegeben, dass man die Santander Mine in Peru akquiriert hat.

Auf dieser Mine wurden in der Vergangenheit (von 1957 bis 1993) rund 8 Mio. Tonnen Gestein gefördert mit einem Zinkgehalt von 6-9%.

Des Weiteren ist in dem polymetallischen Gestein Blei, Kupfer und Silber vorhanden. Das rund 950 Hektar umfassende Projektgebiet liegt in den Anden und ist von Lima aus gut erreichbar (Distanz ca. 200 km).

Meine Teamkollegen Werner Ullmann und Tobias Tretter informierten sich bereits im vergangenen Jahr vor Ort über den Stand der Dinge und begutachteten die vorhandene Infrastruktur.

Auf dem Projektgebiet sind bereits ein Camp für über 500 Personen, eine stillgelegte Produktionsanlage mit einer täglichen Kapazität von 1000 Tonnen und weitere Einrichtungen sowie Arbeitsgeräte vorhanden. Obwohl meine Kollegen mit der hohen Lage des Projektgebietes zu kämpfen hatten und wegen der dünnen Luft die Mobilität und die Aufmerksamkeit sichtlich litten, erkannten sie schnell den enormen Vorteil den solch eine Infrastruktur in Zeiten ausufernder Investitionskosten mit sich bringt. Man denke da beispielsweise an eine Novagold, die innerhalb kürzester Zeit massiv an Wert verlor, weil die geschätzten Investitionskosten dramatisch nach oben revidiert werden mussten.

Diese Gefahr ist bei Trevali durch die vorhandene Infrastruktur deutlich reduziert. Natürlich muss investiert werden, um die Anlage wieder in Gang zu bringen, aber in einem weitaus geringeren Rahmen, als wenn man von Null starten müsste.

Zudem ist ein hydroelektrisches Kraftwerk nur 17 km entfernt, welches für eine bezahlbare Stromversorgung sorgen wird.

Auch das ist eine Ausgangssituation, von der die meisten Konkurrenten nur träumen können.

Es besteht bereits eine nicht 43-101 konforme Ressource von 6,5 Mio. Tonnen mit durchschnittlich 6% Zink, 5% Blei und 40 g/t Silber. Trevali ist gegenwärtig darum bemüht, die Ressourcen deutlich auszuweiten und auch eine Schätzung nach dem Industriestandard 43-101 zu erstellen (voraussichtlich zur Mitte des Jahres).

Es wurden bereits viel versprechende Zielzonen defi niert und Bodenproben ergaben Zinkkonzentrationen bis zu 39,8% mit zusätzlich 8,98% Blei, 324 g/t Silber und 1,6% Kupfer.

Im Moment sind bereits drei Bohreinheiten aktiv am explorieren und ein vierte wird in Kürze die Bemühungen verstärken. Die Produktion könnte schon sehr bald wieder aufgenommen werden.

Momentan sind rund 100 Personen auf dem Projektgebiet aktiv, um möglichst schnell die ersten Cash Flows zu generieren. Vorgesehen ist, zumindest anfänglich auf „Contract Mining“ zurückzugreifen, was schnell umsetzbar ist und besonders auch das Risiko für Trevali begrenzt.

Die Verarbeitungskapazität soll mit 1500 Tonnen pro Tag im Verlauf des 3. Quartals anlaufen und dann im kommenden Jahr deutlich auf 4000 Tonnen hochgefahren werden. Die Produktionskosten werden sich im Industrievergleich im unteren Bereich befi nden.

Das Projekt kann unter Annahme folgender Metallpreise einen jährlichen Nettogewinn von 40 Mio. USD erwirtschaften:

1,10 USD/Pfund Zink, 1 USD/Pfund Blei und 12,50 USD/ Unze Silber.

Sensitivitätsstudien des Unternehmens ergaben beispielsweise folgendes Szenario mit konservativen Annahmen (Verarbeitungskapazität 3000 tpd und Zn 1 USD, Pb 1 USD, Cu 2,50 USD, Ag 11 USD): der interne Zinsfuß (IRR) liegt bei 69% und der Net Present Value (NPV8) bei 99 Mio. USD (alle Angaben sind bereits nach Steuern).

Bei dieser attraktiven Wirtschaftlichkeit ist verständlich, warum mit Hochdruck an einer Produktionsaufnahme gearbeitet wird. Trevali hat gegenwärtig 28,8 Mio. Aktien ausgegeben und notiert seit Ende letzten Jahres an der CNQ ( in Kanada, die für aufstrebende, neue Gesellschaften eingerichtet wurde und vergleichbar mit dem deutschen Freiverkehr ist.

Das Ticker Symbol von Trevali ist „ZINC“ und der aktuelle Kurs (vom 15.2.) liegt bei 2,40 CAD. Damit errechnet sich eine Marktkapitalisierung von 68,4 Mio. USD. Im Verhältnis zu den bestehenden „Assets“, der zu erwartenden Rentabilität und dem Explorationspotential ist das unserem Ermessen nach eindeutig zu niedrig und diese erst jüngst gelistete Aktie sollte noch im Verlauf des Jahres stark anziehen können. Besonders auch wenn die Produktionsaufnahme umgesetzt ist und die Aktie, wie vorgesehen, an der Börse in Toronto gehandelt wird (TSX).


Trevali steht vor einem sehr dynamischen Jahr und die Marktkapitalisierung spiegelt noch in keinster Weise die Projektqualität bzw. die bestehende Infrastruktur, die hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie die Explorationschancen wider.

Präsident der Gesellschaft wird voraussichtlich Dr. Marc Cruise, der bei Anglo American als Senior Geologe für dessen Zink- und Kupfer-Projektportfolio verantwortlich war (einschließlich der Projektgeneration und -Implementierung in Nordamerika und Mexiko). Mit dieser Besetzung und der vorgesehenen Börsennotiz in Toronto sollte die Aktie schnell die Projektqualität widerspiegeln können. Vergleichbare Unternehmen werden vom Markt mit deutlich höheren Preisen bewertet. Für Investoren bietet Trevali derzeit noch eine hervorragende Kaufgelegenheit.


We will see...

"Ein Deutscher ist ein Mensch,der keine Lüge aussprechen kann, ohne sie selbst zu glauben"(Theodor W. Adorno)

20.03.08 02:11

29411 Postings, 6442 Tage 14051948KibbuzimTrevali Res. Aktuell zum Santander Projekt / Peru

Trevali Significantly Expands High Grade Zinc-Lead-Silver Mineralization at Santander Project, Peru
Tuesday March 18, 9:00 am ET

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - March 18, 2008) - Trevali Resources Corp. (CNQ:ZINC)(PINK SHEETS:TREVF - News; BERLIN:4TI - News; the "Company") is pleased to announce that follow-up diamond drilling has successfully intersected significant economic base and precious metal mineralization in all boreholes on its Magistral Norte target, at the historic Santander poly-metallic (Zinc Lead Silver Copper) mine. Santander is located in the province of Huaral, west-central Peru.

The Company is presently drilling the first of four high priority out-cropping mineralized zones termed Magistral Norte, Central, Sur and Puajanca respectively, following which it will commence testing several additional high priority geophysical exploration targets (Figure 1).

Magistral Norte Drilling

Highlights of assay results include (Figure 2 & Table 1):

Drillhole SAN-005 intersected 8.45 metres at 5.17% Zn, 2.73% Pb, 4.1oz (129 g/t) Ag & 0.14% Cu from 54.5 to 62.95 metres downhole.

Drillhole SAN-008 returned 12.8 metres at 4.46% Zn, 4.51% Pb, 2.9oz (92.3 g/t) Ag & 0.17% Cu from 49.4 to 62.2 metres downhole within which 3.7 metres intersected 8.49% Zn, 7.28% Pb, 6.4 oz (201.2 g/t) Ag & 0.28% Cu.

Drillhole SAN-011 intersected 15.7 metres at 4.48% Zn, 3.29% Pb, 1.7oz (52.4 g/t) Ag & 0.12% Cu from 135 to 150.7 metres downhole within which 7.55 metres returned 6% Zn, 4.96% Pb, 1.8oz (57.6 g/t) Ag & 0.2% Cu.

Economic poly-metallic mineralization is presently defined over 160 meters strike to depths of 120 metres from surface. Mineralization remains open and an aggressive exploration program is ongoing.

To view Figure 1, please click on the following link:

A total of 32 diamond drill holes have been completed to date, 28 drill holes at the Magistral Norte Zone and four at Magistral South Zone, located approximately 700 metres to the south-southeast. The company is in the process of securing additional diamond drill rigs in order to fast track exploration and development of this exciting new discovery.

At Magistral Norte mineralization remains open to the North, South and particularly to the West at depth where multiple mineralized zones have been intersected over broad intervals of prospective host horizon.

Property scale structural reconstruction and comparisons with the old Santander Mine, located 1.5 kilometres to the Southeast, indicates that the Magistral Norte Zone has an additional depth potential ranging from 300 to 500 metres vertical extent. Future deep drilling will test this hypothesis.

To view Figure 2, please click on the following link:

Magistral Sur Drilling

Magistral Sur is located approximately 700 metres southeast of Magistral Norte (Figure 1). Boreholes SAN-009, 013, 014 and 015 represent initial drill tests of the southern extent of the Magistral Sur Zone. They are presently at the geochemical laboratory for quality control purposes and will be released upon receipt of the final certified assay results.

Table 1: Summary assay results - Santander Project

Borehole                     Downhole
(dip/                        Interval
azimuth)            From-To        (i)   Zn%   Pb%      Ag oz (g/t)    Cu%
Magistral               n/a        9m  8.76%  8.6%    2.7oz (85g/t)  0.33%
Norte-                        (Along
outcropping-                  line of
continuous                       chip
chip sample                    sample)
Magistral          49.4-54m      4.6m  5.06% 2.66%  2.5oz (79.8g/t)      -
(-47/N60E)     Inc 51.1-54m      2.9m  6.81% 3.51%  2.9oz (90.3g/t)      -
Magistral        42.8-71.2m     28.4m  5.16% 3.66%    2.9oz (90g/t)  0.12%
(-45/N60E) Inc 50.75-60.62m     9.87m  10.1% 8.42%   6.5oz (202g/t)  0.26%
Magistral       42.2-46.55m     4.35m  1.76% 3.34%   6.3oz (197g/t)      -
(-45/N60E)       80.6-85.2m      4.6m  4.25% 5.89%    1.6oz (50g/t)      -
Magistral        45.9-54.4m      8.5m  2.07% 2.61%  0.9oz (29.5g/t)  0.12%
(-43/N64E)   Inc 45.9-50.4m      4.5m  3.12% 3.89% 1.48oz (46.3g/t)  0.21%
Magistral      30.65-32.65m        2m  3.63% 3.41%  2.8oz (88.5g/t)  0.14%
(-44/N60E)       51- 62.95m    11.95m  3.78% 1.97%  2.9oz (92.7g/t)   0.1%

           Inc 54.5-62.95m     8.45m  5.17% 2.73%   4.1oz (129g/t)  0.14%

           Inc 54.5-59.95m     5.45m   7.5%    4% 6.3oz (198.6g/t)   0.2%
Magistral          57-59.5m      2.5m  4.92%  1.5% 5.6oz (177.1g/t)      -
Magistral        54.9-63.3m      8.4m  2.51% 2.32%  1.9oz (58.2g/t)      -
(-45/N60E)  Inc 56.4-61.8m       5.4m  3.75% 3.51%  2.9oz (89.4g/t)      -

             Inc 59-61.8m       2.8m  6.09% 6.13% 4.7oz (147.4g/t)  0.15%
Magistral       49.4-62.2m      12.8m  4.46% 4.51% 2.96oz (92.3g/t)  0.17%
(-45/N62E)  Inc 50.1-59.2m       9.1m  5.25% 5.19% 3.5oz (109.5g/t)   0.2%

               50.1-53.8m       3.7m  8.49% 7.28% 6.4oz (201.2g/t)  0.28%
Magistral      47.35-51.9m      4.55m  1.31%  1.1% 0.58oz (18.1g/t)      -
(-44/N60E)  Inc 48.85-50.4m     1.55m  3.19% 2.59%  1.5oz (47.4g/t)      -

                54.6-62.9m      8.3m  2.27%    2%  1.3oz (40.4g/t)      -

           Inc 54.6-58.75m     4.15m  3.72% 3.31%  2.2oz (68.8g/t)      -

                79.7-82.1m      2.4m   3.8% 5.16%   1.67oz (52g/t)      -
Magistral        135-156.5m     21.5m  3.53% 2.54%  1.3oz (39.6g/t)      -
(-50/N63E)   Inc 135-150.7m     15.7m  4.48% 3.29%  1.7oz (52.4g/t)  0.12%

         Inc 140.35-147.9m     7.55m     6% 4.96% 1.85oz (57.6g/t)   0.2%
(i) Exploration to date suggests mineralized zones or mantos are dipping
   west at approximately 70 degrees; however, it is anticipated that
   future mapping of an underground exploration adit will allow a more
   accurate estimation of true thickness.

Project Background

The Santander Property is located approximately 215 kilometres by road from Lima. The current 15,000 metre diamond drill program represents the first modern exploration on the large, 4,455-hectare (44 km2), mine and exploration lease.

The former Santander Mine is estimated to have produced approximately 8Mt at 6 to 10% Zinc, between 1% and 4% Lead and 60 g/t Silver, with additional Copper credits on a single high grade pipe. Mining ceased in 11% Zn and historic underground drilling indicates that mineralization extends for at least an additional 200 metres depth.

Site infrastructure includes a circa 1,000 person camp and associated support facilities, an ore processing/concentrator plant (including various crushers, mills and cell houses) able to produce zinc, lead-silver and copper concentrates, and the Company owned Tingo hydro-electric power-station, located some 17 kilometres down-valley to the West.

Future Work

The Company is committed to fast-tracking this highly prospective, eminently accessible and exciting project to production in the shortest time-frame feasible. The Company is currently examining the feasibility of commencing production from the potentially large Tailings resource followed by high grade hard-rock production upon receipt of all necessary permits.

The Company is presently completing the last of Phase I definition drilling on the Magistral Norte Zone and will commence resource drilling on the Magistral South zone located approximately 700 metres Southeast in due course.

The present resource definition program is designed to define the mineralization to nominal open-pittable depths, although considerable geotechnical and geological analysis and modeling is required prior to assigning the optimum mining method. On receipt of additional drill rig(s) the Company hopes to commence exploration drilling on several high priority targets elsewhere on the property in addition to testing the very significant depth potential of the Magistral zones.

Golder Associates of Vancouver have recently been on site and has been retained to complete a 43-101 compliant resource estimate and initial mine scoping study.

Board of Directors

Effective March 18, 2008 Dr. Mark D. Cruise, the Company's President & CEO has accepted a board position, replacing Norm Godding who resigned as a director, to pursue other interests. The Company thanks Mr. Godding for his many years of dedication to the Company.


The Company is pleased to announce that it has recently listed on the Berlin Borse under the code 4TI GR.

Qualified Person and Quality Control/Quality Assurance

EurGeol Dr. Mark D. Cruise, Trevali's President and CEO and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release. Dr. Cruise is not independent of the Company, as he is an officer and shareholder.

The work programs at Trevali were designed by, and are supervised by, Mark D. Cruise, President & CEO, Trevali, and Les Oldham, General Manager, Consultora Minera Anglo Peruana S.A.(independent geological consultants), who together are responsible for all aspects of the work, including the quality control/quality assurance program. On-site personnel at the project rigorously collect and track samples which are then security sealed and shipped to ACME Laboratories, Vancouver, for assay. ACME's quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 17025: 1999. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the analysis of reagent blanks, reference material and replicate samples. Quality control is further assured by the use of international and in-house standards. Blind certified reference material is inserted at regular intervals into the sample sequence by Trevali personnel in order to independently assess analytical accuracy. Finally, representative blind duplicate samples are routinely forwarded to ACME and an ISO compliant third party laboratory for additional quality control.

About Trevali Resources Corp.

The Company is currently exploring and conducting various scoping level studies on the former Santander poly-metallic mine Peru in order to ascertain as best as possible the cost and feasibility of re-commencing mining and milling operations in a timely manner should exploration prove to be successful.

The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the CNQ (symbol ZINC), for further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of TREVALI RESOURCES CORP.

Mark D. Cruise, President

The CNQ has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Mark Cruise
Trevali Resources Corp.
(604) 408-7488
(604) 408-7499 (FAX)

Source: Trevali Resources Corp.
"Ein Deutscher ist ein Mensch,der keine Lüge aussprechen kann, ohne sie selbst zu glauben"(Theodor W. Adorno)
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26.05.08 02:13

29411 Postings, 6442 Tage 14051948KibbuzimTREVALI Santander Tailings

May 07, 2008
Trevali Completes Santander Tailings Resource Definition Program

Outlining readily exploitable bulk-tonnage zinc resource

View News Release in PDF Format

Vancouver, British Columbia... Trevali Resources Corp. ("Trevali" or the "Company") (CNQ: ZINC, Frankfurt: 4T1, Pink Sheets: TREVF) is pleased to announce that outstanding borehole assay results from the tailings resource definition program at its Santander Zn-Pb-Ag project, located in the province of Huaral, west-central Peru, indicates the presence of a potentially large bulk-tonnage and low-cost zinc resource. The program has been successfully completed within budget and ahead of schedule.

These highly positive results will greatly empower the Company to realize its plan of achieving initial cash flow through commercial concentrate production, in conjunction with low capital and operational expenditures, in late 2008 - preceding planned production from high-grade hard rock material.

Results confirm initial interpretations indicating mineralization is thickest and higher grade in the north-western portion of the tailings impoundment - thinning gradually towards the south-eastern area (see TRC-NR-08-04) (Table 1 & Figure 1). The average grade of the tailings is 2.09% Zn within which a higher-grade zone in the northwestern quadrant averaged 2.78% Zn (Figure 1).

The Operations Team (Mining - Metallurgy - Geology) is currently finalizing the mining and process flow sheets but they envisage a very efficient and simple process greatly aided by the fact that the tailings are located only 150 metres from the concentrate plant and are predominantly comprised of dry material. The final flow sheets will be announced in due course.

Additionally, a representative bulk tonnage sample has been collected and is en route to Resource Development Inc., of Denver, Colorado, for optimization of the metallurgical process. Previous testwork at the Company's on site laboratory utilizing only a 1.95% zinc head-grade produced a 49% zinc concentrate using a simple single stage cleaning and scavenging process (see TRC-NR-08-03 for details).

Table 1: Summary of Initial Tailings borehole results

Borehole Number Interval* (metres) Zn % Coarseness % (+200#)**
SAN-CR-01 2 1.44 78
SAN-CR-02 3 3.04 88
SAN-CR-03 6 1.75 88
SAN-CR-04 5.5 1.86 91
SAN-CR-05 6.8 1.9 89
SAN-CR-06 2.5 1.66 90
SAN-CR-07 2.5 1.51 83
SAN-CR-08 4.5 3.37 85
SAN-CR-09 14.5 3.04 63
SAN-CR-10 22 3.65 77
SAN-CR-11 24.5 3.06 69
SAN-CR-12 19.4 2.67 71
SAN-CR-13 16.5 1.87 62
SAN-CR-14 16 1.55 58
SAN-CR-15 8.5 1.35 77
SAN-CR-16 5 1.2 84
SAN-CR-17 12.5 2.52 75
SAN-CR-18 32 3.27 84
SAN-CR-19 22.8 2.82 65
SAN-CR-20 22.5 2.23 72
SAN-CR-21 25.4 2.44 69
SAN-CR-22 21.3 1.83 62
SAN-CR-23 11.5 1.42 77
SAN-CR-24 6 1.42 84
SAN-CR-25 Abandoned – intersected boulders at edge of dam
SAN-CR-26 12.2 2.2 81
SAN-CR-27 16 2.58 52
SAN-CR-28 15 2.54 75
SAN-CR-29 16.5 2.15 75
SAN-CR-30 20.5 2.15 71
SAN-CR-31 21.5 1.62 60
SAN-CR-32 11.5 1.15 58
SAN-CR-33 10.5 0.76 56
SAN-CR-33A 21.5 3.49 77
SAN-CR-34 20.5 3.45 70
SAN-CR-35 12.5 2.22 68
SAN-CR-36 21 2.32 58
SAN-CR-37 23 1.77 59
SAN-CR-38 21 1.35 56
SAN-CR-39 20.5 1.77 47
SAN-CR-40 26.5 2.64 68
SAN-CR-41 27.5 3 74
SAN-CR-42 32.5 2.31 73
SAN-CR-43 23 1.91 51
SAN-CR-44 21.5 1.14 59
SAN-CR-45 24 1.37 50
SAN-CR-46 11.5 0.91 57
SAN-CR-47 21 1.94 64
SAN-CR-48 18 1.93 72
SAN-CR-49 20 1.76 75
SAN-CR-50 23.5 1.51 48
SAN-CR-51 19.5 1.17 65
SAN-CR-52 18 1.37 72
SAN-CR-53 20 1.51 63
SAN-CR-54 23.5 1.24 80
SAN-CR-55 20.15 1.14 57
SAN-CR-59 15.5 0.89 32
     Note:         *§Interval equals total borehole depth from surface to end of hole.
                  **§Sieve tests (coarseness) preformed in Company's on-site metallurgical laboratory. Rounded to nearest %.

Click to Enlarge

Tailings Background

The Santander tailings impoundment covers an area of roughly 500 by 500 metres and is located about 150 to 900 metres, at its furthest point, from the concentrate plant. Examination of historic records indicates that significant zinc mineralization reported to the tailings pond throughout its 35-year life of mine.

Percussion boreholes were drilled on 50-metre centers with results clearly demonstrating that zinc mineralization commences on surface and displays good to excellent intra and inter-hole continuity.

Golder Associates, of Vancouver, BC, has been retained to complete the resource estimate and mine scoping studies.

Project Background

The former Santander Mine produced approximately 8 million tonnes of ore at 6- 10% zinc, between 1% and 4% lead and 60 g/t silver, plus additional copper credits from a single high grade pipe or chimney. Mining ceased in c. 11% Zn with historic exploration indicating mineralization extends for at least an additional 200 metres depth.

Site infrastructure includes a large camp and associated support facilities, an ore processing / concentrator plant (including various crushers, mills and cell houses) able to produce zinc, lead-silver and copper concentrates, and the Tingo hydro-electric power-station.

Future Work

The Company is committed to fast-tracking its Santander project to production by late 2008 - reviewing the feasibility of initially commencing production from the potentially large tailings resource followed by high-grade hard-rock production upon receipt of all necessary permits (see TRC-NR-08-03 for details).

The current resource definition drill program is designed to define mineralization to nominal open-pittable depths, although considerable geotechnical and geological analysis and modeling is required prior to assigning the optimum mining method.

Qualified Person and Quality Control/Quality Assurance

EurGeol Dr. Mark D. Cruise, Trevali's President & CEO and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has supervised the preparation of the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release. Dr. Cruise is not independent of the Company, as he is an officer and shareholder.

The work programs at the Company's property were designed by, and are supervised by, Mark D. Cruise, President, Trevali, and Les Oldham, General Manager, Consultora Minera Anglo Peruana S.A.(independent geological consultants), who together are responsible for all aspects of the work, including the quality control/quality assurance program. On-site personnel at the project rigorously collect and track samples which are then security sealed and shipped to ALS Chemex Laboratories, Lima, for assay. Analytical accuracy and precision are monitored by the analysis of reagent blanks, reference material and replicate samples. Quality control is further assured by the use of international and in-house standards. Blind certified reference material is inserted at regular intervals into the sample sequence by Trevali personnel in order to independently assess analytical accuracy. Finally, representative blind duplicate samples are routinely forwarded to ISO compliant third party laboratories for additional quality control.

About Trevali Resources Corp.

The Company is currently exploring and conducting various scoping level studies on the former Santander poly-metallic mine Peru in order to ascertain as best as possible the cost and feasibility of re-commencing mining operations in a timely manner should exploration prove to be successful.

The common shares of the Company are currently listed on the CNQ (symbol ZINC). For further details on the Company readers are referred to the Company's web site (, Canadian regulatory filings on SEDAR at

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of

"Mark D. Cruise" (signed)
Mark D Cruise, President

Contact Information:

Steve Stakiw, Manager - Corporate Communications
Phone: (604) 408-7488 / Fax: (604) 408-7499

The CNQ has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

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"Ein Deutscher ist ein Mensch,der keine Lüge aussprechen kann, ohne sie selbst zu glauben"(Theodor W. Adorno)
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