So langsam scheint es den Briten zu dämmern, dass es die Schotten ernst meinen mit ihrem Austritt aus dem Königreich. Anderthalb Wochen vor dem Referendum über
Following Friday's post-payrolls exuberance, the US Dollar crashed by the most in over a year today and stocks retraced most of their gains with only European data (weak) to base any momentum ignition on. Today's stock weakness turning point coincided with the bankruptcy headlines of GTAT but the div ...
The head of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank on Tuesday said he would be open to another of round asset purchases if inflation trends were to fall significantly short of the U.S. central bank's target.
Although he said it would take a big shift in the U.S. economic outlook for the Fed to restart its bond buying, John Williams said the possibility of a new downturn in Europe and other global economic woes pose a risk to the United States. "If we really get a sustained, disinflationary forecast ... then I think moving back to additional asset purchases in a situation like that should be something we should seriously consider," Williams said in an interview with Reuters. Rinse, repeat, for round number 4 (or 5, or 6), in the process completely destroying what little is left of the middle class and making the uber super rich uberer, superer richer. Because when all is said and done, the Fed will either get runaway inflation through money printing or hyperinflation through collapse of the US reserve currency. There is now no middle ground, further compounded because the Fed has sole control of the CTRL and P buttons.
Needless to say, Williams is right and more QE is just a matter of time before the data-dependent (dependent on the data describing the drop in the S&P that is) Fed realizes that this aggression against rigged markets can not stand. What's worse, this lunacy will continue until the US people finally go all "French revolution" on the Marriner Eccles building and give the locals the Marie Antoinette "haircut."
The head of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank on Tuesday said he would be open to another of round asset purchases if inflation trends were to fall significantly short of the U.S. central bank's target. Although he said it would take a big shift in the U.S. economic outlook for the Fed to restar ...
As many of you know, my website was pulled Friday afternoon and I could not post. Here is a copy of the email that I received: Submitted by Harvey Organ:
China is launching its game-changing “Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect” program next week, and for the first time ever, retail investors around the world will be able to invest in mainland Chinese equities.
China and Canada agree to expand the use of the Chinese currency in trade and investment, with their central banks setting up a swap line worth the equivalent of $32 billion.
(Kitco News) - Thanks to easy access to capital provided by the Federal Reserve, Wall Street banks were able to bully their way into commodity markets and manipulate prices to their advantage, said Senator Carl Levin Friday.