Prometic Life Sciences - die bessere Genta?
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neuester Beitrag: 16.02.11 10:19
eröffnet am: | 10.03.10 13:38 von: | oki-wan | Anzahl Beiträge: | 43 |
neuester Beitrag: | 16.02.11 10:19 von: | Oki-Wan 2.0 | Leser gesamt: | 16281 |
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gut analysiert
Posted on October 15, 2010
ProMetic would like to bring to your attention a recently published article titled "FDA Considers Restricting Amgen Anemia Drugs".
This article states that the Food and Drug Administration is considering new restrictions on widely used anemia drugs that appear to double the risk of stroke in patients with kidney disease and in addition the FDA review states that the “Treatment did not eliminate the risk of requiring (red blood cell) transfusions".
Given that ProMetic’s PBI-1402 compound does not elevate hemoglobin or red blood cells to potentially dangerous levels (no overshoot), it provides unique positioning strategies for this medical condition that the Company is actively pursuing.
- neue Partnerschaft mit Allist
- quartalsbericht ok, wieder einige verbesserungen
- fda zieht restriktionen bezüglich anämie-medikamenten in betracht, die in konkurrenz zu PBI-1402 stehen = bessere bzw. super chancen für PBI-1402, weil andere funtionsweise!
- nur der aktienkurs scheint davon noch nicht so richtig etwas mitbekommen zu haben...
wenn ab nächsten jahr die italiener ihre licensing fees an prometic abstottern, gibt es wahrscheinlich den ersten knall richtung decke (was natürlich auch wunschdenken widerspiegelt). dennoch gibt es sonst keine bad news, die den niedrigen kurs rechtfertigen. prometic stellt sich für die zukunft auf! vor einigen jahren war es sumitomo für japan, jetzt kommt allist für china hinzu; m.e. die kaufchance. und jetzt drücken wir mal hier schön die daumen...
meine subjektive meinung.keine kaufempfehlung.
Der Kurs in Deutschland sagt übrhaupt nichts aus (außer Berlin vielleicht).
Guckt euch die 12 CAD-Cent an in Toronto!!! Da wird die Musik gemacht.
Und ja, mea culpa, ich habe es immer noch nicht geschafft eine neue Prognose zu PLI zu machen. Aber ich arbeite dran ;-).... Und jetzt steig endlich an, du Sau!
Im nachfolgenden nun ein Link zur letzten Präsentation von PLI:
Dem kann und will ich eigentlich nichts mehr hinzufügen, da alles wichtige bereits gesagt wurde. Ich glaube weiterhin an Prometic und bescheinige ihr nach wie vor großes Potential.
Good luck allen investierten und bis bald,
Wie immer keine Kauf- oder Verkaufsempfehlung.
Vor dem Hintergrund der jüngsten Entwicklungen (siehe Posting oben von Oracle) gehe ich ab spätestens Ende 2011 von schwarzen Zahlen aus. Dass die Anteilseigner auf die Rückzahlung ihrer gesicherten Anleihen bis Juli 2012 verzichten, damit Prometic sich voll auf die Fortentwicklung ihrer Produkte konzentrieren kann, sehe ich wie in der Mitteilung verfasst als Vertrauen in die Firma. Gleichzeitig wird durch die Verschiebung der Einfluss (gemessen an den Anteilen) von Allist Pharmac. begrenzt.
Zur Erinnerung:
Ausserdem werden dieses Jahr soweit ich weiß erste Lizenzzahlungen von Kedrion für Mimetic-Ligand-Produkte fällig, überdies noch andere Milestone-Payments. Aber der Knüller ist folgende Geschichte:
Dieses Jahr wird von der britischen Regierung endgültig ein Urteil erwartet, ob landesweit Prionenfilter bei Blutentnahmen bzw. Bluttransfusionen verwendet werden müssen. Irland und Macao haben bekanntlich damit angefangen, sollte GB nachziehen wird in Zukunft die Welle auch auf das Festland schwappen. Gerade Erkrankungen wie Creutzfeld-Jakob oder Alzheimer können dadurch ziemlich wirksam eingedämmt werden.
Hoffen wir also das Beste für unsere kleine feine Perle!
Beste Grüße,
Oki-Wan 2.0
Liebe Mitleser,
folgende Nachricht wurde heute von Prometic herausgegeben und sollte manchem als Anregung dienen, sich mehr über Prometic zu informieren. Mir schwant da was...
ProMetic achieves pivotal milestone for its plasma-derived therapeutics business
- Company secures an established state-of-the-art manufacturing facility on very favourable terms
- Facility to scale-up ProMetic's proven manufacturing technology for plasma-derived therapeutics ("PPPSTM") with a targeted capacity of 150,000 liters of plasma annually
- New subsidiary "NewCo" created to undertake product manufacturing with targeted start-up by the end of 2011
- NewCo to be funded by third party investors, stakeholders and government grants
- Initial equity investment of $2.5 M CDN in NewCo has been committed; of which a first tranche of $750,000 CDN has been received
MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA - February 7, 2011 - ProMetic Life Sciences Inc. (TSX:PLI) ("ProMetic") announced today that the Company has achieved a pivotal milestone for the in-house manufacturing of plasma-derived proteins at commercial scale thereby expanding its reach into the lucrative plasma-derived therapeutics industry.
ProMetic, via its new subsidiary, NewCo, has entered into a long-term lease on very favorable conditions with Quebec's Institut national de la recherche scientifique ("INRS") for an existing state-of-the-art facility.
NewCo will undertake the development and manufacturing of high-value plasma-derived therapeutic biosimilars for ProMetic's current and future clients. This facility, located in Laval's biotech cluster, will have a targeted processing capacity of 150,000 liters which would supply products with a market value exceeding $100,000,000 CDN per annum.
NewCo will be funded via third-party investments and is anticipated NewCo will rapidly become self-sustaining through end product services and sales to ProMetic's existing clients. An initial $750,000 CDN investment has been received as part of a $2,500,000 CDN commitment.
This new business venture has also received pledges for additional funding from various institutions and key stakeholders involved in ProMetic's protein technologies activities which could amount to additional financial contributions of $3,500,000 CDN.
"This is a key development for ProMetic as it enables the Company to benefit, at commercial scale, from the competitive advantage provided by our proven Plasma Protein Purification System ("PPPSTM") as well as our prion capture technologies. Our clients will have access to ProMetic's in-house production of plasma-derived products, in addition to technology transfer and skills training services," said Mr. Pierre Laurin, ProMetic's President and Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Bruce Pritchard, ProMetic's Chief Financial Officer stated: "We are very pleased to have accessed such a high quality facility on such very favorable terms, as well as having attracted capital to catalyze this exciting venture. The manufacturing plant will supply plasma-derived therapeutic products to our existing and future clients which should generate significant revenue". Mr. Pritchard added: "The plant is expected to start up operations by the end of 2011, provide cGMP products to be used by clients in early 2012, and reach full operating capacity by 2014".
ProMetic will further reduce its overhead cost by relocating its headquarters at this new facility, at the end of March, 2011. This also allows ProMetic to concentrate its core activities near its existing Therapeutic division's research and development site.
Conference Call
ProMetic will be holding a conference call / webcast on Tuesday, February 8, 2011, at 14:00 (EDT) to discuss details regarding this announcement.
The numbers to access the conference call are (416) 981-9000 (international) and 1 (800) 925-4216 (North America toll free). A live audio webcast of the conference call will be available through ProMetic's website at
An audio replay of the call will be available for a period of seven days as of Tuesday, February 8, 2011, at 17:00 (EDT). The numbers to access the audio replay are (416) 626-4100 and 1 (800) 558-5253 using access code 21510428. The replay of the web cast may be downloaded directly from ProMetic's web site.
About the Plasma Protein Purification System
The Plasma Protein Purification System ("PPPSTM") allows for the targeting and removal of multiple high-value proteins from a single plasma sample at unprecedented activity levels using ProMetic's Mimetic LigandTM adsorbent technology. This system also provides for the recovery of new biotherapeutics as they are discovered and identified. The effect of this process is to reduce the significant losses incurred when using the more conventional Cohn precipitation process
About ProMetic Life Sciences Inc.
ProMetic Life Sciences Inc. ( is a biopharmaceutical company specialized in the research, development, manufacture and marketing of a variety of commercial applications derived from its proprietary Mimetic LigandTM technology. This technology is used in large-scale purification of biologics and the elimination of pathogens. ProMetic is also active in therapeutic drug development with the mission to bring to market effective, innovative, lower cost, less toxic products for the treatment of hematology and cancer. Its drug discovery platform is focused on replacing complex, expensive proteins with synthetic "drug-like" protein mimetics. Headquartered in Montréal (Canada), ProMetic has R&D facilities in the UK, the U.S. and Canada, manufacturing facilities in the UK and business development activities in the U.S., Europe, Asia and in the Middle-East.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements about ProMetic's objectives, strategies and businesses that involve risks and uncertainties. These statements are "forward-looking" because they are based on our current expectations about the markets we operate in and on various estimates and assumptions. Actual events or results may differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements if known or unknown risks affect our business, or if our estimates or assumptions turn out to be inaccurate. Such risks and assumptions include, but are not limited to, ProMetic's ability to develop, manufacture, and successfully commercialize value-added pharmaceutical products, the availability of funds and resources to pursue R&D projects, the successful and timely completion of clinical studies, the ability of ProMetic to take advantage of business opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, uncertainties related to the regulatory process and general changes in economic conditions. You will find a more detailed assessment of the risks that could cause actual events or results to materially differ from our current expectations on page 24 of ProMetic's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2009, under the heading "Risk Factors". As a result, we cannot guarantee that any forward-looking statement will materialize. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statement even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason, unless required by applicable securities laws and regulations. All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless stated otherwise.
For further information please contact:
Pierre Laurin
President and CEO
ProMetic Life Sciences Inc.
Anne Leduc
Manager, Investor Relations
and Communications
ProMetic Life Sciences Inc.
Keine Kauf-/Verkaufsempfehlung.
Beste Grüße,
Oki-Wan 2.0
Also mir scheint immer mehr, dass ein technischer Angriff im Gange ist. Wie sagt man so schön in der Fachsprache: mit einer bestimmten Strategie einen bestimmten Markt penetrieren.
Jedenfalls ähnelt das Erscheinungsbild immer mehr dem eines zukünftigen multinationalen Konzerns. Dazu sei angemerkt, dass Prometic Biosciences eine 100%ige Tochter von PLI ist und deren Produkte in Europa verkauft und demnächst auch in Asien anbieten will (Macao läuft schon).
Allen Investierten ein Toi Toi Toi und Daumen hoch...
Beste Grüße, Oki-Wan 2.0
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hier der Link zu Proemtic's letzter Präsentation zu der neuen Fertigungsanlage:
Viel Spaß beim durchschauen.
Beste Grüße,
Oki-Wan 2.0
Warum gibt es kein Volumen???
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