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This here is a 5 year copper spot chart..
And what we are see is a perfect reflection of the past (since May 2016).
So today we stay about there, where the price was lastly in August 2014.. and the future of cp in my view is to go the path back where it was in August 2014 (reflection of today) till Decemper 2012 (reflection the future to the Peak).
So to mention that timeframe.. we have just 2 years left till such a new peak spawns again and after that, the price is usually going down again..
But what is tgs making while all this good parameters appears? They just explain a bs production and wait to step in the mud to do their best to come out of this/their $..t.
No real operation progress so far to earn all that nice money on the street we could make with such a high cobalt and cp..
Also they wait now till end of 2018/19 to consider if we should have a cobalt part-plant (1st stage)...
And yesterday we got the news that we now have received a new ceo Mr David Frances who have an overall bad track record (make your own research!).
And because of all what they are doing wrong time after time, I think although we have the best circumstances in case of prices.. we have not the right decicion-makers on our tgs-board and so we the small-shareholders will lose the most of our investment or lose it all in 2018/19.. And the big investors/lenders will own the whole company if all goes wrong.. and than they will sell it good when the cp has achieved its peak!
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Last edited by MagicSeven: Today, 02:53
da hat er einen vernünftigen standpunkt.....die kleinanleger können alles verlieren---die darlehnsgeber alles gewinnen....was sie bei diesen konditionen ohnehin schon tun....meiner meinung nach zumindestens sittenwiedrig diese verträge....