CVD EQUIPMENT - Graphen 100 mal stärker als Stahl

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neuester Beitrag: 10.08.11 19:43
eröffnet am: 16.11.10 16:50 von: Jamescook Anzahl Beiträge: 7
neuester Beitrag: 10.08.11 19:43 von: Jamescook Leser gesamt: 7802
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16.11.10 16:50

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookCVD EQUIPMENT - Graphen 100 mal stärker als Stahl


Stockholm Physik-Nobelpreis für Erforscher des Wundermaterials Graphen Der diesjährige Nobelpreis für Physik geht an die russischen Wissenschaftler

... (automatisch gekürzt) ...
Zeitpunkt: 22.02.11 15:46
Aktion: Kürzung des Beitrages
Kommentar: Urheberrechtsverletzung, bitte nur zitieren



17.11.10 12:29

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookGraphene Supermarkt ist eröffnet



Graphene Lab & CVD Equipment offer new products

CVD Equipment Corporation & Graphene Laboratories Inc launched a new array of CVD Graphene products today.

Graphene Lab & CVD Equipment offer new products
Graphene Sheet

These products comprise of large-area single layer graphene films that are grown on copper foils or copper-coated wafers. As per reports, this is the first two dimensional material to be available in the market. CVD Equipment Corporation will manufacture single-layer Chemical Vapor Deposited (CVD) grown graphene based materials and products and Graphene Laboratories, Inc. will offer marketing of the same with the CVDGraphene(TM) trademark across the globe. 

Graphene is a unique carbon nanomaterial film – it is only one atom thick and possesses a unique electrical and mechanical property. It is supremely stable and durable too. CVD grown Graphene is used for production of Graphene-based electronics, sensors, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), solar batteries, etc. The commercial accessibility of two-dimensional graphene film results in a new generation of graphene-based computers and electronics. This technology could especially lead to the growth of high-frequency computer chips with significantly reduced power spending.

Dr. Elena Polyakova, President and CEO of Graphene Laboratories, Inc said, "We are excited to offer single-layer CVD grown Graphene products. We have received many requests regarding this product from researchers and engineers from around the globe. Finally, it has become commercially available. We truly believe this is a critical milestone on the road of large-scale production of graphene-based products." 

CVD's Equipment Corporation's Application Laboratory proffers process development and material growth facilities for a multitude of superior nanomaterials, i.e. Carbon Nanotubes, Silicon and other Nanowires, CVD Graphene, Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) materials and other CVD processes. In addition to this, it hosts a series of CVD research and production equipment that is slated to be employed for CVD Graphene production.

Karlheinz Strobl, VP of Business Development for CVD Equipment Corporation said, "CVD Equipment Corporation is focusing on enabling the commercialization of tomorrow's technologies. By leveraging the process development and manufacturing capabilities of our Application Laboratory and by collaborating with Graphene Laboratories, Inc. on CVD Graphene based product developments we believe we can shorten the time to market for a range of already existing and future "nanoenabled" products. Together, we are able to offer and ship a growing array of CVD Graphene products. With the newly developed CVDGraphene(TM) manufacturing process on copper foils we can now support a larger base of customer requests working in the electronic, solar, bio and medical fields."



Australian scientists may be able to regrow breast tissue

Researchers in Melbourne are beginning trials of new technique to regrow breasts in cancer survivors after a mastectomy
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26.11.10 00:16

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookToller Blog

Noch einer der optimistisch ist!

PETER MARINO on October 25, 2010, 9:05 PM
For those looking to invest I found a company that is on the cutting edge of utilizing graphene in all of it’s manufacturing the stock is CVV and it’s called CVD Equipment Corp. Better buy it fast as it is slowly creeping up but it’s still buyable at just 8.34 a share today! I bought it at 6 and change.
The companies that actually create it aren’t public just yet so CVV is the best way to dive in.  

14.01.11 22:58

207 Postings, 6713 Tage Jamescook2010 New Orders Increase 152% over 2009

CVD Equipment Corporation – 2010 New Orders Increase 152% over 2009

RONKONKOMA, N.Y., (Business Wire) – January 11, 2011 - CVD Equipment Corporation (Nasdaq: CVV) announced that it received over $8 million for 4th quarter 2010 and $25 million in new orders for 2010 surpassing the $9.9 million of new orders received in 2009 by 152%.  This is the fourth successive quarterly increase in new orders.

New orders for the CVD/FN division of research and production systems in 2010 increased approximately 200% compared to 2009 order levels. The CVD/FN division continues to benefit from the increased interest in energy generation, energy savings and nanotechnology fields.  We anticipate that this increased demand will continue in 2011.

Additionally, new orders received in 2010 from our Conceptronic and SDC divisions increased by 53% and 40% respectively compared to 2009.

The large demand for energy savings, energy generation materials and products needed to address rising energy and environmental costs creates a growing demand for manufacturing solutions using nanotechnology and thin film coatings on glass, wafers and other substrates.  Using our Application Laboratory, we continue to perfect and expand the multiple areas where our process solutions can be applied.  The solar, energy and nanotechnology markets offers us significant worldwide growth opportunities for technologies that deliver favorable cost benefits.  These fields will benefit further from a renewed drive for energy savings and ecologically safe energy generation.

Our head-start in Graphene early in 2010 provided us with interesting opportunities when in October 2010 the Nobel Prize for Graphene was awarded. Overnight there was a significant increase in the number of researchers exploring applications for this novel material.

It is gratifying to see that our strategy of accelerating the commercialization of tomorrow’s technologies is now also being recognized by technology innovators with the financial acumen and resources to transition their research and development into production.  Our equipment design, manufacturing skills and overall understanding in complex system integration and hardware/process interactions in collaboration with these technology innovators enables the design and manufacturing of a lower risk, higher value, equipment design solution which is a winning situation for both parties involved.  

15.02.11 16:28

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookAufträge von $ 9,3 Mio. im Januar 2011


CVD Anlegen: CVD Equipment Corporation erhielt Aufträge von $ 9,3 Mio. im Januar 2011 und Dateien ein Shelf Registration für weiteres Wachstum Support
2011.02.14 | 09.25 Uhr

CVD Equipment Corporation (Nasdaq: CVV ) gab heute bekannt, dass neue Aufträge Januar erhielten im Laufe des Monats betrug 2011 ca. $ 9.300.000 Dollar. Diese Aufträge werden für die Produktion und Forschung Ausstattung in den Bereichen Solar, LED's und Nanotechnologie.

Leonard Rosenbaum, Vorsitzender der CVD Equipment Corporation, Staaten? Wir sind sehr erfreut Ausrüstung an den hohen neuer Forschungsergebnisse Auftragseingänge im Januar 2011 für die Produktion und. Wir werden weiterhin nicht nur erweitern unser Produktangebot Forschung, sondern auch weiterhin Kunden zu entwickeln optimiert Produktionsanlagen für unsere. Wie unsere Untersuchungen Ausrüstung Kunden den Übergang von der Forschung bis zur Produktion wird CVD weiterhin Erfolg ein integraler Bestandteil ihrer. Die CVD / FN Division weiterhin Geräte profitieren von der erhöhten Zinsen und Finanzierung bei der Energieerzeugung, Energieeinsparung und Nanotechnologie sowohl für Forschung und Produktion. Wir erwarten, dass dieses Interesse wird in 2011 fortgesetzt.

Zur Unterstützung unseres fortgesetzt und prognostizierte Wachstumsrate hat unser Board of Directors der umsichtigen Schritt der Anmeldung ein Formular S-3 übernommen Registration Statement bei der US Securities and Exchange Commission, gemeinhin bekannt als "shelf registration". Wenn das Shelf Registration Statement erklärte wirksam ist durch die SEC, die Gesellschaft nach eigenem Ermessen, wird die Fähigkeit haben, registriert Angebote von bis zu $ 20.000.000 Stammaktien, Vorzugsaktien, Anleihen, Optionsscheine Verhalten dieser Wertpapiere, Einheit Angebote Kauf oder eine beliebige Kombination dieser Wertpapiere in mehreren Transaktionen über einen Zeitraum von bis zu drei Jahren.

Um es klar, wir haben derzeit eine reichliche Menge an Bargeld und positiven operativen Cash-Flow.Allerdings erkennen wir, dass zur Steigerung Auftragslage gerecht und minimieren Risiko Segment, benötigen wir zur Kapitalbeschaffung zur Ausweitung des Produktangebots, Personal, Ausrüstung und Einrichtungen zu unterstützen. Wenn wir Aktien im Rahmen dieses Shelf Registration verkaufen möchten, wird es zu einem Preis, den wir halten vorteilhaft für das Unternehmen, Aktionäre und für die Zwecke der Finanzierung sowohl kurz-und langfristigen Wachstumschancen werden. Aus den genannten Gründen glauben wir, dieses Regal Anmeldung ist vorteilhaft für die Gesellschaft und ihrer Aktionäre, wie es der Gesellschaft an die Kapitalbeschaffung wie notwendig, um unsere aktuellen und erwarteten Wachstum fortsetzen können.?

Spezifische Bedingungen jeglicher künftiger bietet im Rahmen dieses Registration Statement wird zum Zeitpunkt einer solchen Angebot erstellt und wird in einem Nachtrag zum Prospekt beschrieben werden, dass das Unternehmen zu diesem Zeitpunkt bei der SEC einreichen.

 Graphique historique des cours de bourse de CVD EQUIP


09.03.11 11:24

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookCVD zum siebten Mal in Folge profitables Jahr

 hot wall furnace chamber
CVD Equipment Corporation Fiscal Year 2010 Results

RONKONKOMA, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ: CVV) announced a seventh consecutive profitable year.

On revenue of approximately $5,123,000 for the three months ended December 31, 2010 we achieved net earnings of $375,000 or $0.08 per basic and diluted share and on revenue of approximately $16,258,000 for fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 we achieved net earnings of $532,000 or $0.11 per basic and diluted share.

Revenue for fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 increased due to increasing demand for energy saving and energy generation materials and products needed to address rising energy costs. This creates a growing need for solutions using nanotechnology and thin film coatings on glass, wafers and other substrates or materials.

Gross profit margin for Q4, 2010 was 41.6%, raising the overall gross profit margin for fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 to 36.2%. This was accomplished through a combination of greater efficiencies in purchasing and labor on an increase in revenue, a trend we expect to continue.

Leonard Rosenbaum, President and Chief Executive Officer stated, “2010 started slow but finished with a significant increase in order levels and revenue. Our quotation level continues to remain very high and with our backlog on December 31, 2010 of approximately $9.9M and our previous announcement of $9.3M in new orders in January, 2011, we expect 2011 to easily exceed all previous years in new orders, revenue and profit. Additionally, we believe this trend will continue in subsequent years. Our ability to work with customers to solve their process issues and define the equipment needed to meet their production needs will continue to provide significant order levels in both the near and long term. Our First NanoTM -EasyTubeTM product line keeps us in the forefront of technology and continues to expand by serving University, Industrial and Government Research Laboratories and Startup companies throughout the world in fields such as Nanotubes (Carbon and Boron Nitride), Graphene, Nanowires (Zinc Oxide, Gallium Nitride, Silicon,) Solar Cells, MEM’s, Energy, Semiconductors and Light Emitting Diodes. Our Application Laboratory is providing research and the further implementation of our business plan to offer our assistance in accelerating the commercialization of the next generation products on CVD production equipment platforms. The Company will continue to expand our technology, products, customer base and revenues for 2011”.

CVD Equipment Corporation
Summary of Consolidated Statements of Operations
For the Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2010

3 Months


12 Months

Revenue               $5,122,561   $16,257,587
Income before income taxes                673,949    741,567
Net Income                375,338    531,772
Net Earnings                    
Per share basic               $0.08   $0.11
Per share diluted               $0.08   $0.11
Stock Outstanding                    
Basic                4,818,742    4,798,660
Diluted                5,000,099    4,856,626

Earnings release should be read in conjunction with Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for fiscal year ended December 31, 2010

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a “safe harbor” for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release (as well as information included in oral statements or other written statements made or to be made by CVD Equipment Corporation) contains statements that are forward-looking. All statements other than statements of historical fact are hereby identified as “forward-looking statements, “as such term is defined in Section 27A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Such forward looking information involves a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed or anticipated by management. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among other factors, conditions, success of CVD Equipment Corporation’s growth and sales strategies, the possibility of customer changes in delivery schedules, cancellation of orders, potential delays in product shipments, delays in obtaining inventory parts from suppliers and failure to satisfy customer acceptance requirements.


CVD Equipment Corporation
Karen Hamberg, 631-981-7081
Fax: 631-981-7095




10.08.11 19:43

207 Postings, 6713 Tage JamescookThermal CVD reactor for Graphene
CVD Equipment Corporation Announces Record 2011 Results

RONKONKOMA, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(NASDAQ: CVV – News) CVD Equipment Corporation, a leading provider of custom chemical vapor deposition systems, today announced record RevenueIncome and Backlog.

Revenue for the three and six months ended June 30, 2011 was $7,508,000 and $13,713,000 respectively, an increase of 122.1% and 93.1% over the $3,381,000 and $7,103,000 revenue achieved during the three and six months ended June 30, 2010.

Income from operations for the three and six months ended June 30, 2011 was $1,202,000 and $2,079,000 as compared to income of $126,000 and $73,000 respectively for the three and six months ended June 30, 2010.

Net Income of $778,000 for the three months ended June 30, 2011 resulted in earnings of $0.15 per share, basic and $0.14 per share diluted as compared with net income of $104,000 or $0.02 per share, basic and diluted for the three months ended June 30, 2010. Net income of $1,466,000 for the six months ended June 30, 2011 resulted in earnings of $0.29 per share, basic and $0.28 per share diluted compared to a net loss of ($30,000) or ($0.00) per share basic and diluted for the six months ended June 30, 2010.

Backlog as of June 30, 2011 was $22,208,000. This record backlog is an increase of 376.2% from the backlog of $4,664,000, reported for June 30, 2010. In addition, the backlog has increased 123.3% from the backlog total of $9,944,000 that we reported for December 31, 2010. During the six months ended June 30, 2011, we received approximately $24,700,000 in new orders. Timing for completion of the backlog varies depending on the product mix and can be as long as two years. Order backlog usually is a reasonable management tool to indicate future revenues and profits, however it does not provide an assurance of future achievement of revenues or profits as order cancellations or delays are possible. Backlog from quarter to quarter can vary based on the timing of order placements and shipments.

During the three month period ended June 30, 2011 we raised approximately $10,000,000 from the successful public offering of common stock. This capital will be used to further expand our operations to support the increased order levels and to explore additional growth opportunities.

Additionally, on August 5, 2011, we entered into a $7.0 million revolving credit line with HSBC Bank, USA at better terms than our previous $5 million line of credit with Capital One, N.A. which expired on August 1, 2011.

Leonard Rosenbaum, President and Chief Executive Officer stated, “During the 1st and 2nd quarter we continued to convert into increased revenue and profits the higher backlog of orders we started receiving during the second half of 2010 and our backlog has continued to increase during both Q1 and Q2 in 2011 to record levels. In addition, a new order in Q2 included a new endeavor for a custom CVD production solution for a medical application. We continue seeing high quotation and order levels for the First Nano/CVD Division and thru our Application Laboratory, we are also continuing to find new opportunities for custom chemical vapor deposition solutions as well as their usage in manufacturing of Graphene films, Silicon Nanowires and a range of nano materials that address solar, energy generation and energy storage markets”.




CVD Equipment Corporation
Comparative Operating Results for the



Three Months Ended


Six Months Ended

     6/30/2011   6/30/2010   


Revenue    $7,508,000   $3,381,000    $13,713,000   $7,103,000 
Cost of revenue    $4,635,000   $2,158,000     8,557,000    4,774,000 
Gross profit    $2,873,000   $1,223,000     5,157,000    2,329,000 

Operating expenses














Net income (loss)    $778,000    ($126,000)    2,074,000    (30,000)

Net income (loss) per
common share

Basic    $0.15   $0.02    $0.29    ($0.00)
Diluted    $0.14   $0.02    $0.28    ($0.00)

Weighted average
shares of


common stock

Basic     5,211,190    4,778,325     5,019,562    4,776,950 
Diluted     5,467,704    4,813,007     5,264,530    4,817,616 

About CVD Equipment Corporation

CVD Equipment Corporation (NASDAQ: CVV) is a designer and manufacturer of custom and standard state-of-the-art equipment used in the development, design and manufacture of advanced electronic components, materials and coatings for research and industrial applications. CVD offers a broad range of chemical vapor deposition, gas control, and other equipment that is used by customers to research, design and manufacture semiconductors, solar cells, graphene, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, LEDs, MEMS, smart glass coatings, battery and/or ultra capacitor materials, medical coatings, industrial coatings and equipment for surface mounting of components onto printed circuit boards.

The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 provides a "safe harbor" for forward-looking statements. Certain information included in this press release by CVD Equipment Corporation (CVD), as well as information included in oral or other written statements made or to be made by CVD, contains statements that are forward-looking. All statements other than statements of historical fact are hereby identified as "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward looking information involves a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed or anticipated by management. Potential risks and uncertainties include, among other factors, industry specific and general business conditions, competitive market conditions, success of CVD's growth and sales strategies, possible customer changes in delivery schedules, cancellation of orders, delays in product shipments, delays in obtaining parts from suppliers, failure to satisfy customer acceptance requirements and other risk factors described in CVD’s SEC filings. All forward-looking statements are based on management's estimates, projections and assumptions as of the date hereof and CVD assumes no obligation to update this press release.


CVD Equipment Corporation
Karen Hamberg, (631) 981-7081
Investor Relations
Fax: (631) 981-7095


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