Montupet, ein erfolgreicher Automobilzulieferer aus Frankreich, scheint wieder in alte Höhen in Richtung 10,-€ zu schweben!
Auszug aus Automobilwoche 3 vom 23.01.2012:
Kurs am 18.01.2012: 4,74€ 14 Tagestendenz +46,3% (auf Aktienkurs bezogen) Jahrestendenz +28,5% (auf Umsatz bezogen) Börsenwert 54,4 Mio €
Kurs heute bei 6,-€, da sind bis Monatsende so um die 7,-€ gut möglich.
Allgemeine Info:
The Group AUDI, BMW, CITROËN, DAEWOO, FORD, GENERAL MOTORS, NISSAN, PEUGEOT, RENAULT and VOLVO are long-standing customers of Montupet for cylinder heads and other engine parts. Other engine parts include hub carriers and steering knuckles, pump and turbo-charger housings, break master cylinders and calipers.
The Montupet Group comprises seven foundries in France, UK, Spain, Mexico and Bulgaria. We use the most appropriate casting processes depending on the design and specifications of the particular product. At the technical centre close to Paris, engineers and technicians design and develop world leading technologies for the satisfaction of customers today and in the future.
Montupet SA is a public limited company listed on the Paris-Euronext stock exchange.