"Bevor das Unternehmen noch einmal den Kapitalmarkt anzapft, halten wir einen Lizenzdeal (insb. außerhalb der USA) oder gar einen kompletten Buyout für wahrscheinlich." (SD 17.1.2019) Und was hatten wir knapp 3 Wochen später? (Tip: der Lizenzdeal wars nicht...)
Based on the Company’s current operating plan, Catabasis believes it has sufficient cash to fund operations into the fourth quarter of 2020 Top-line results from the Phase 3 PolarisDMD trial are expected in the second quarter of 2020,
Zwar finanziert bis Studienende, aber noch 1Jahr bis zu den Studienergebnissen! Laaange Zeit.
Letzte KE 4Mio Aktien zu 5$ + 2Mio Warrants zu zu 6,25$
1. Corticosteroids to Emerge as the Top-Selling Product in the Global Market for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Compared to the various products, corticosteroids are likely to emerge as the top-selling products during 2017-2026. By 2026 end, corticosteroids are projected to surpass US$ 9,000 million revenue. Various scientific research has found that compared to various products to treat duchenne muscular dystrophy, corticosteroids help in improving muscle strength for up to two to five years, however, long-term benefit of corticosteroids is still not clear.
As of March 7, 2019, there were approximately 31 holders of record of our common stock. This number of holders of record does not include beneficial owners of our common stock whose shares are held in street name by brokers and other nominees. This number of holders of record also does not include stockholders whose shares may be held in trust by other entities. http://ir.catabasis.com/node/8546/html#aa9
: 7. Jeder der eine Übernahme anstrebt,
freut sich 6,2 Mio Warrants auszuzahlen!
As part of our June 2018 equity financing we issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 4,200,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $12.00 per share, and as part of our February 2019 equity financing we issued warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,000,000 shares of common stock at an exercise price of $6.25 per share. As of March 7, 2019, all of these warrants remained outstanding http://ir.catabasis.com/node/8546/html#aa9
Also evtl Sarepta greift nach Catb, Pfizer nimmt dann Sarepta
was für ein traumtänzer.gibt alles um seine stücke an den mann zu bekommen.das ende sieht dann so aus.alle sitzen auf 50% verlust wie bei heat.dann kommt wieder.... ihr wisst doch unten kaufen oben verkaufen.lol