The crisis ahead: Fed officials meet in shadow of banking crisis. Fund managers worry systemic credit crunch could crash US markets. The most likely source of a credit event, according to the fund managers, is shadow banking – or non-bank financial institutions that are not subject to regulation including hedge funds, private equity funds, investment banks and mortgage lenders. Many analysts worry that authorities may soon discover they have even less control and comprehension of the non-bank financial sector than they anticipated as gloomy clouds gather over the global financial system. The amount of the correction is impossible to forecast because “shadows” do not promote openness Since the global financial crisis, higher risk or more complex lending or trading moved into the opaque and less regulated shadow banking system -- non-bank financial institutions which include insurance companies, pension funds, mutual or hedge funds, family offices and speciality financiers. The Bank of International Settlements estimates its size at $227 trillion as at 2021, almost half the size of the global financial sector up from 42 percent in 2008. The dangerous growth of shadow banking: Since the global financial crisis, regulators have restricted the lending abilities of traditional banks, leaving the riskier bits to non-bank financial institutions. The policy may have gravely backfired