habe es aus einem anderen Forum vom 02.Mai 2021. Andrea wurde angeschrieben von turnaroundstock. Hier die Mail:
Dear Sir,
What is the name of the marketing company? We can’t still provide the name, but i can tell you it is an Argentinian Entity.
What are the current figures (sales / profit / loss / cash flow)? You all see during the report of Finacial Statement, the company is not allowed to provide any figures to Shareholders prior to the public announcement.
When does the marketing campaign start? After we will present them the roadmap.
Is upcopay coming sooner in Q3 / 2021 or in Q4 / 2021? The Marketing company will report the roadmap and the timeline for UpcoPay and UpcoNet.
When will there be an official report on the status of UpcoPay? During the next Press Release.
Please briefly present your roadmap and timeline. It will be done by the Marketing Company.
How is cooperation with tokens defined? We have a full agreement signed and active.
Who programs at Upco? The Head of developer and his team, Mr. Dominic de Asuncao, based in Vancouver.
Why have Monthly Progress Reports been no longer published for a long time? We are doing, yesterday has been published September and this week the following month will be published as well.
Why were the auditors changed / exchanged? Because we negotiated a better price with the new Firm in line with the strategy to reduce all operation costs.
What are the current figures (sales / profit / loss / cash flow)? Answer already
Has crypto been implemented from the start? No.
Which currencies are integrated into upcopay? EUR
Could you make a professional video introducing the company yourself? Yes we can do, and i twill be done with the Marketing company.
There is no automatic notification to all saved contacts when the Upco Messenger is used. (As with telegram) There is an option to activate in the notification settings to enable it.
What is UpcoNet? UpcoNet will be all the Telecom part of the application that will include, International calls, eSIm, Roaming utilities, sms, airtime topup.
What do we know about Equinox? So far, this acquisition has been a black box. Upco has announced that it will generate sales with this company from the day of the takeover. Further information will come about Equinox in the Monthly Progress Report.
What do we know about BRILLIANCE GLOBAL LLC / Up One Inc? No information on either company. In this context, simply search for "Delaware LLC" on Google. Brilliance / Up One Inc. is an empty vehicle to start developing UpcoPay, all Sales will be recorded in this entity based in Delaware to maximize the profitability.
What do the so-called partnerships with Vodafone and Telekom bring with them? For me it only means that Upco users can use the app with the appropriate tariff unlimited and without data consumption - no more and no less. So far, no one has provided evidence that there is more to it than that. Nevertheless, this is said again and again here. The partnership will not bring only this “Data-Saving” but it will generate Sales Revenue for our Telecom operation.
Detached from Upcopay: Do you explain Upco's business model coherently? Upco has two entity: Oktacom inc.: this company is responsible to generate sales thanks to VOICE, SMS, DATA arbitrage between Telecom Operators Up One Inc: this company will be responsible to generate sales via commission fee from UpcoNet and UpcoPay services.
What role do Aduna Holding GmbH and OKTAKOM GmbH play? It is not apparent to me. Aduna Holding GMBH is a pure Shareholder of Upco International that owns 16500000 Shares. Oktacom GMBH has been renamed long time ago in API connect gmbh, and it is a company located in Germany, there is no any contract with Upco International inc.
What added value do the splitting of the company bring? We will manage better the P&L by separating the entity and also the Business Partner, Banking institution and financial regulators will have less questions on the type of Business.
What is the background to this and what are the advantages for UPCO? Last example: Upco for telecommunication (UpcoNet) and Upco for Fintech (UpcoPay). One App for multiple services like WeChat and Skype all together.
What about the agreement with LDA Capital, which was listed as "frozen" in 2020? See Q&A from 07/23/2020. As far as I know, this has secured funding until the end of 2022. So what's the current status? Still frozen? LDA Capital is Active and the Contract is secured until December 2022, it is not Frozen and Upco is using it.
The statements regarding marketing are contradictory. Sometimes it means: in negotiations, other times that these have already been concluded. What is the current standing? In Negotiation.
The security update was announced by the end of this week. When will it come? The developer will update via Apple and Google on Monday.