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04.05.06 16:02

11123 Postings, 7202 Tage SWayLet´s GO Garry, Let´s GO ! Let´s GO Garry, Let´s G o. T.

04.05.06 16:07

669 Postings, 6977 Tage StanglwirtWenn ich mir ansehe, was

zur Zeit bei NFX abgeht (Tollhaus! Frick oder nicht Frick!), dann finde ich unsere Silverado-Aktie direkt gemütlich. Es geht laaaaaangsam, aber es geht - nach oben nämlich. Hoffentlich die nächsten Wochen noch weiter und noch höher.  

04.05.06 19:29

673 Postings, 6973 Tage flakaSilverado charttechnisch auch interessant

04.05.06 22:47

574 Postings, 6886 Tage tornadotonimh....

In Deutschland ist das Interesse beträchtlich zurück gegangen, Gewinne werden schon bei 10% plus mitgenommen, typisch deutsch!!! schau sich einer das heutige volumen an... einmal 50000st verkauf schon 5% miese...

naja ohne offiziele Nachrichten wird da garnix mehr passieren und ob die Amis nur für uns deutsche die Aktie hoch treiben mh na ich weiß nicht, die sehen auch das das ausland das vertrauen verloren hat...

Beachten sollte man auch den hochen euro derzeit!

also bei euren gewünschten 0,20 Euro müßte es im Amiland bis auf  0,254 steigen, das wird schwer!

Ich sitzte im selben Boot und möchte euren Optimismus aufsaugen...

Good Luck...  

05.05.06 08:05

11123 Postings, 7202 Tage SWay@Tornado. Sorry, aber das ist Geschwätz o. T.

05.05.06 11:52

1254 Postings, 6974 Tage Lichtblick wer hat schon was von Garry gehört?

wie es gestern gelaufen ist!  

05.05.06 12:03

8524 Postings, 7344 Tage sts091280@LB

Leider sind die News noch nirgends veröffentlicht ! Finde zumindest noch nichts

MfG. STS  

05.05.06 12:04

11123 Postings, 7202 Tage SWayIch gehe mal davon aus das die News bald

kommen werden. Wenigstens in der Art von, "sie waren interessiert, sie haben gelächelt, wir haben uns die Hand gegeben..." also irgendwas wird kommen und ganz umsonst kriegt keiner eine eigene Anhörung... ;)

Schaun mer mal... ;)

würde aber natürlich gerne ein paar tausend Euro reicher ins We. gehen *fg*  

05.05.06 14:18

1254 Postings, 6974 Tage Lichtblickmeinst nur du SWay,

so eine Erhöhung des Kurses um 10Eurocent würde mir auch gut tun.
Anselmo weiß es schon, ob es so kommt!  

05.05.06 14:58

11123 Postings, 7202 Tage SWayund was sagen die Karten ?

10 Münzen

Schöpfen Sie aus dem Vollen. Die Früchte warten nur darauf, gepflückt zu werden. Machen Sie sich die vielen Möglichkeiten bewusst, die Ihnen das Leben auch gerade im Alltag bietet. Erkennen Sie Ihren inneren und äußeren Reichtum, und gönnen Sie sich und anderen etwas Gutes. Was immer Sie heute anfassen hat gute Aussichten, Ihnen bleibend Freude zu bereiten!

Dr.Hell übernehmen Sie ;)  
Angehängte Grafik:

05.05.06 19:46

1254 Postings, 6974 Tage Lichtblickgibts da schlechte News?

weil der Kurs so nachgibt  

05.05.06 20:27

30936 Postings, 8878 Tage ZwergnaseSo habe heute gekauft

zu 0,126. Hoffe, es kommt bald was...Ansonsten, schönes WE allerseits

Grüße, ZN  

05.05.06 20:32

2568 Postings, 7058 Tage franzl1Hab ich auch im Depot Zwergnase. Guter Kauf! mfg o. T.

05.05.06 21:32

30936 Postings, 8878 Tage ZwergnaseJetzt schon 3 gleiche Werte

Ist ja lustig...Grüße, ZN  

05.05.06 22:32

574 Postings, 6886 Tage tornadotonimh...

Keine News about dem Hearing... werden wohl für Montag aufgehoben... weil an einem Freitag mit den gewöhnlichen gewinn mitnahmen es wohl nix bringen würde...

Schönes Wochenende allen!

Daumen drücken...  

07.05.06 14:37

67 Postings, 6885 Tage Dr HellRecherche Silverado

Worin liegen die Chancen der Kohleverflüssigung zu anderen Energieträgern?
Die USA haben über 25% der weltweiten Kohlevorkommen.
Diese würden noch im Gegensatz zu Öl- und Gasvorkommen für Jahrhunderte reichen.
Macht USA unabhängig von den Ölstaaten. Innen- und vor allem außenpolitisch sehr wichtig

„Das Beluga Kohlevorkommen welches ca. 60 Meilen südwestlich von Anchorage,
Alaska liegt, gilt als das weltgrößte Vorkommen schwefelarmer Kohle mit über
2 Millionen Tonnen nachgewiesener Reserven“

Welches Potenzial hat die Kohleverflüssigung im Vergleich zu direkter Kohleverbrennung?
Besserer Wirkungsgrad
Geringere Handlingskosten
Keine Staub- und geringere Schadstoffemissionen
Erlaubt den Einsatz in hochtechnisierten Verbrennungsanlagen
Ökologisch besser verwertbar

Welchen Vorteil hat Silverado gegenüber anderen Mitbewerbern?
Silverado hat eine neue Technologie entwickelt, die Heißwassertrocknung (HT).
Sie ist vergleichbar mit dem Schnellkochtopf aus der Küche.

Die Heißwassertrocknung (HT) hat folgende Vorteile:

1. Sie entzieht der aus der Kohle gewonnenen ölhaltigen Substanz mehr Wasser! Dies hat deutliche Vorteile für den Transport! (Gewicht)
2. Wasserabweisende, wachsartige Stoffe, die mit aus der Kohle extrahiert werden, machen die Substanz praktisch resistent gegen Wasseraufnahme. Wichtig für den Transport . Bei Leckagen keine Umweltschäden!
3. durch die HT-Behandlung steigt der Wirkungsgrad; teure Additive entfallen
4. Durch die bessere Verbrennung sind Ablagerungen im Kessel deutlich geringer.
5. Niedrigere Abgaswerte
6. Geringere Aschebildung

Welche Erfahrung hat Silverado?
„Die hydrothermische Behandlung der Beluga-Kohle in einer anderen Testanlage hat
gezeigt, dass die Beluga-Kohle hervorragend geeignet ist, Green Fuel mit
Energiewerten von über 7.000 Btu/lb preisgünstig zu produzieren. „

Welche Speziallisten sind bei Silverado?
Vice President , Fuels Technology Division , Silverado Green Fuel Inc .
Founder , Coal-Water Fuel Services
Developer , Alaska Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Demonstration Project

Auszeichnungen, Patente, Werdegang unter http://www.silverado.com/warrack/

Wichtigste strategische Erfolge des Projekts:
„Dieser Energy Bill fördert die Entwicklung aus niederwertiger Kohle
Treibstoffe herzustellen durch verschiedene Gesetze. "Energy II" bestätigt
die knappen Raffinerieressourcen in den Vereinigten Staaten, und was sehr
bedeutend für Silverado Green Fuel Inc. ist, ist die Definition einer
Raffinerie als ein "Werk, das gebaut wird mit der Möglichkeit Kohle zu
erhalten, zu lagern zu transportieren und den Prozess der Raffinierung von
Kohle mit jedem chemischen oder physikalischen Prozess, insbesondere der
Verflüssigung um flüssige Treibstoffe als primäre Aufgabe zu erzeugen".

Wie sieht die Zukunft aus?
Der nächste Schritt in der Kommerzialisierung von Green Fuel ist der Bau und
Betrieb einer Testanlage zur Produktion einiger tausend Tonnen Green Fuel
für Tests in Ölbrennern potentieller Anwendern. Gebaut werden kann eine
solche Testanlage schnell und kostengünstig in den Gebäuden der Grant Mill
auf dem Gelände von Silverados Grant Mine in der Nähe von Fairbanks, Alaska.
Die Grant Mill enthält bereits die meisten der benötigten Materialien und
ausreichend Platz zum Bau der Green Fuel Testanlage. Silverado hat bereits
Expertenteams zur Entwicklung und Vermarktung des Projekts und der
entsprechenden Technologie zusammengestellt. Silverado sieht ein enormes
Marktpotential der Technologie in den pazifischen Randgebieten und in den
Wachstumsmärkten der Schwellenländer von China, Indien, Indonesien, Malaysia
und Thailand.


07.05.06 16:55

673 Postings, 6973 Tage flaka@Dr Hell

Wow, ich bin verblüfft.

Mal keine Fotos sondern eine solide Recherche. Wenn ich könnte würdest du einen grünen von mir bekommen.  

07.05.06 19:20

4976 Postings, 7207 Tage SolarparcGute Investition

08.05.06 12:32

67 Postings, 6885 Tage Dr HellDr_Hell

ist leider bis 2016? gesperrt. Hatte wohl zu euphorisch in anderen Foren geworben (Party bei Silverado etc)
Versteh mal einer die Moderation hier..


08.05.06 12:47

8524 Postings, 7344 Tage sts091280@ Dr Hell Mach dir nichts draus wenigstens hat der

"neue" Dr Hell jetzt schon ein Posting mit 3 Sternen was der alte nicht hatte ;-)

MfG. STS  

08.05.06 12:49

11123 Postings, 7202 Tage SWaydie Recherche ist auf jeden Fall sehr gut

und hoffen wir mal das der Erfolg Dir und uns Recht geben wird.



08.05.06 15:21

4976 Postings, 7207 Tage SolarparcNews!


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Visit this URL to view supplementary images to this press release: http://www.silverado.com/may082006

Garry Anselmo, CEO of Silverado Green Fuel Inc., testified Thursday, May 4, 2006 before a crowded House committee hearing on behalf of Silverado Green Fuel's Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWFuel) Project. This important hearing took place in the ornate Resources Committee room, where portraits of past Resource Committee chairmen looked down upon the assembly.

Chairman Jim Gibbons of Nevada opened the hearing by welcoming those who were invited to testify. He commented that Congress is extremely serious about supporting efforts to encourage new technologies designed to bring alternative sources of fuel derived from coal to the market place in as short a time as possible. Following his opening statement, Chairman Gibbons then introduced the first panel, which was comprised of government - affiliated witnesses.

Although representing different interests within the government, all members of this panel agreed with President Bush's recent statement that America was addicted to oil, and that needed to change. They also acknowledged that America's coal reserves are larger than the world's oil or gas reserves.

A major focus during the question and answer portion following the first panel's presentations was the cost of imported oil, and what would be the projected cost of alternative fuel derived from America's coal. Milt Copulos, President of the National Defense Council Foundation presented startling information as to the true cost of a gallon of gas, based upon what he referred to as "externalities" - or external costs that are not reflected in the price of an item. The Council has conducted extensive studies which divide these "externalities" into three categories: direct and indirect economic costs, oil supply disruption, and military expenditures. After analyzing these costs, the Council concluded that the "true" cost of a gallon of gas is currently an astounding $9.53. He stated that, although these hidden costs are not seen at the gas pump, they create an enormous drain on America's economy.

Copulos concluded by stating that coal is the answer to this tremendous economic problem, and referred to America as the "Saudi Arabia of coal." He cited countries around the world that currently produce synthetic fuel from coal. He also reminded those at the hearing that the idea of using domestic coal to produce synthetic motor fuels is not new, referring to a 1942 House Committee hearing on the potential to produce gasoline, rubber and other products from coal, and a Senate hearing that same year on the production of synthetic liquid fuels from coal.

Following a brief break to allow the first panel to exit, the second panel was sworn in.

This panel was comprised of industry leaders in coal-to-liquids technology, and included Mr. Anselmo. Mr. Anselmo, the final witness, presented the Silverado Green Fuel technology as different than that of his four colleagues testifying before the committee, in that the Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel process is the only one that uses high-moisture content (low-rank) coal. The other companies represented on the panel use a technology in which bituminous coal is the feed-stock used to produce synthesis gas.

During his testimony, Anselmo pointed out that roughly one half of the coal reserves in the United States are relatively inexpensive sub-bituminous or lignite. He informed the committee that Low-Rank Coal researchers around the world have spent the past 40 years investigating virtually every coal drying technology conceived. In his testimony, he stated:

"Of all the low-rank coal-drying technologies assessed, hydrothermal treatment is the only process that produces a liquid fuel with the inherent benefits of liquid handling, transportation, and storage. This treatment is an advanced technology that features a process of moderate temperature and pressure and non-evaporative drying that irreversibly removes much of the moisture from low rank coal. Low Rank Coal Water Fuel - or LRCWFuel, is a non-hazardous, easily transportable liquid fuel."

Anselmo also cited a research project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation where test quantities of LRCWFuel were produced from Alaska's Beluga coal in a pilot plant and burned in a test boiler. According to the results of that study, the Beluga LRCWFuel proved to be an excellent fuel with extremely low emissions.

Following the testimony from the second panel, the Chairman began his round of questioning by asking Mr. Anselmo about the price of LRCWFuel. Anselmo told him that the price of a barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) of LRCWFuel varies between $10 and $15 depending on the source of the coal. Anselmo went on to state, regarding energy price comparisons, "We are talking about the difference between $10 or $15 LRCWFuel as opposed to the current market price of $70 for a barrel of oil." The committee recognized the tremendous economic advantage that LRCWFuel (at $15 per BOE) would provide as a low-cost, high-quality feedstock for gasification and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Thus, LRCWFuel would serve as an ideal candidate in that process for downstream production into ultra-clean synthetic gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. Commercialization of Silverado's hydrothermal treatment process is an outstanding opportunity to make America energy self-sufficient, especially since half of America's coal reserves are considered to be "low-rank."

Anselmo obviously enjoyed appearing before the committee as evidenced by the light-hearted moments between he and Chairman Gibbons during the question and answer period.

Chairman Gibbons concluded the hearing by thanking all who testified on this matter of vital importance to the nation. He acknowledged that Congress must and will take decisive action in support of the development of America's coal, and that this hearing would initiate that process.

Following dismissal of the panel, Mr. Anselmo remained for several minutes, speaking with Congressional staff and other interested parties who attended the hearing. He was congratulated on his testimony by the senior committee staff members, and publicly thanked them for inviting him to testify before Congress:

"I am deeply grateful for the interest these Members of Congress have shown by asking me to come before them to tell them about Silverado Green Fuel's Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel process. I was especially encouraged by the focus both panels of witnesses had on domestic energy security and providing the United States military with an alternative, secure source of fuel with which to operate. We have been working for the past few years on educating the public and government officials about LRCWFuel. I believe our invitation to testify before this committee is in itself a testimony to the great success we have had over the last two years in that education process. After witnessing the genuine enthusiasm for our coal-to-liquid fuel by Congressmen and their aides, I am even more excited about our project and the momentum we have created."

Anselmo concluded his remarks by stating, "On another matter, we are in the final preparations stage prior to signing the Memorandum of Understanding for our commercial demonstration and research facility. I believe we will be able to make a joint announcement in the very near future regarding the construction of America's first Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Production Facility."

To learn more about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., visit us online at http://www.silverado.com or contact Bob Dynes, Investor relations, toll free at 1-800-665-4646.

                         SILVERADO GREEN FUEL INC.
           (800) 665-4646 or (604) 689-1535 - F: (604) 682-3519
                   pr@silverado.com www.silverado.com
          Address, P.O. Box 83730, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99708, USA

This Press Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.  

08.05.06 15:22

1254 Postings, 6974 Tage LichtblickSchon bekannt?

Silverado, Peabody Energy, Headwaters, Rentek & WMPI testify before Congress
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 8 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Visit this URL to view supplementary images to this press release: http://www.silverado.com/may082006

Garry Anselmo, CEO of Silverado Green Fuel Inc., testified Thursday, May 4, 2006 before a crowded House committee hearing on behalf of Silverado Green Fuel's Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel (LRCWFuel) Project. This important hearing took place in the ornate Resources Committee room, where portraits of past Resource Committee chairmen looked down upon the assembly.

Chairman Jim Gibbons of Nevada opened the hearing by welcoming those who were invited to testify. He commented that Congress is extremely serious about supporting efforts to encourage new technologies designed to bring alternative sources of fuel derived from coal to the market place in as short a time as possible. Following his opening statement, Chairman Gibbons then introduced the first panel, which was comprised of government - affiliated witnesses.

Although representing different interests within the government, all members of this panel agreed with President Bush's recent statement that America was addicted to oil, and that needed to change. They also acknowledged that America's coal reserves are larger than the world's oil or gas reserves.

A major focus during the question and answer portion following the first panel's presentations was the cost of imported oil, and what would be the projected cost of alternative fuel derived from America's coal. Milt Copulos, President of the National Defense Council Foundation presented startling information as to the true cost of a gallon of gas, based upon what he referred to as 'externalities' - or external costs that are not reflected in the price of an item. The Council has conducted extensive studies which divide these 'externalities' into three categories: direct and indirect economic costs, oil supply disruption, and military expenditures. After analyzing these costs, the Council concluded that the 'true' cost of a gallon of gas is currently an astounding $9.53. He stated that, although these hidden costs are not seen at the gas pump, they create an enormous drain on America's economy.

Copulos concluded by stating that coal is the answer to this tremendous economic problem, and referred to America as the 'Saudi Arabia of coal.' He cited countries around the world that currently produce synthetic fuel from coal. He also reminded those at the hearing that the idea of using domestic coal to produce synthetic motor fuels is not new, referring to a 1942 House Committee hearing on the potential to produce gasoline, rubber and other products from coal, and a Senate hearing that same year on the production of synthetic liquid fuels from coal.

Following a brief break to allow the first panel to exit, the second panel was sworn in.

This panel was comprised of industry leaders in coal-to-liquids technology, and included Mr. Anselmo. Mr. Anselmo, the final witness, presented the Silverado Green Fuel technology as different than that of his four colleagues testifying before the committee, in that the Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel process is the only one that uses high-moisture content (low-rank) coal. The other companies represented on the panel use a technology in which bituminous coal is the feed-stock used to produce synthesis gas.

During his testimony, Anselmo pointed out that roughly one half of the coal reserves in the United States are relatively inexpensive sub-bituminous or lignite. He informed the committee that Low-Rank Coal researchers around the world have spent the past 40 years investigating virtually every coal drying technology conceived. In his testimony, he stated:

'Of all the low-rank coal-drying technologies assessed, hydrothermal treatment is the only process that produces a liquid fuel with the inherent benefits of liquid handling, transportation, and storage. This treatment is an advanced technology that features a process of moderate temperature and pressure and non-evaporative drying that irreversibly removes much of the moisture from low rank coal. Low Rank Coal Water Fuel - or LRCWFuel, is a non-hazardous, easily transportable liquid fuel.'

Anselmo also cited a research project supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation where test quantities of LRCWFuel were produced from Alaska's Beluga coal in a pilot plant and burned in a test boiler. According to the results of that study, the Beluga LRCWFuel proved to be an excellent fuel with extremely low emissions.

Following the testimony from the second panel, the Chairman began his round of questioning by asking Mr. Anselmo about the price of LRCWFuel. Anselmo told him that the price of a barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) of LRCWFuel varies between $10 and $15 depending on the source of the coal. Anselmo went on to state, regarding energy price comparisons, 'We are talking about the difference between $10 or $15 LRCWFuel as opposed to the current market price of $70 for a barrel of oil.' The committee recognized the tremendous economic advantage that LRCWFuel (at $15 per BOE) would provide as a low-cost, high-quality feedstock for gasification and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Thus, LRCWFuel would serve as an ideal candidate in that process for downstream production into ultra-clean synthetic gasoline, jet and diesel fuels. Commercialization of Silverado's hydrothermal treatment process is an outstanding opportunity to make America energy self-sufficient, especially since half of America's coal reserves are considered to be 'low-rank.'

Anselmo obviously enjoyed appearing before the committee as evidenced by the light-hearted moments between he and Chairman Gibbons during the question and answer period.

Chairman Gibbons concluded the hearing by thanking all who testified on this matter of vital importance to the nation. He acknowledged that Congress must and will take decisive action in support of the development of America's coal, and that this hearing would initiate that process.

Following dismissal of the panel, Mr. Anselmo remained for several minutes, speaking with Congressional staff and other interested parties who attended the hearing. He was congratulated on his testimony by the senior committee staff members, and publicly thanked them for inviting him to testify before Congress:

'I am deeply grateful for the interest these Members of Congress have shown by asking me to come before them to tell them about Silverado Green Fuel's Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel process. I was especially encouraged by the focus both panels of witnesses had on domestic energy security and providing the United States military with an alternative, secure source of fuel with which to operate. We have been working for the past few years on educating the public and government officials about LRCWFuel. I believe our invitation to testify before this committee is in itself a testimony to the great success we have had over the last two years in that education process. After witnessing the genuine enthusiasm for our coal-to-liquid fuel by Congressmen and their aides, I am even more excited about our project and the momentum we have created.'

Anselmo concluded his remarks by stating, 'On another matter, we are in the final preparations stage prior to signing the Memorandum of Understanding for our commercial demonstration and research facility. I believe we will be able to make a joint announcement in the very near future regarding the construction of America's first Low-Rank Coal-Water Fuel Production Facility.'

To learn more about Silverado Green Fuel Inc., visit us online at http://www.silverado.com or contact Bob Dynes, Investor relations, toll free at 1-800-665-4646.

                         SILVERADO GREEN FUEL INC.
           (800) 665-4646 or (604) 689-1535 - F: (604) 682-3519
                   pr@silverado.com www.silverado.com
          Address, P.O. Box 83730, Fairbanks, Alaska, 99708, USA

This Press Release may contain, in addition to historical information, forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based on management's expectations and beliefs, and involve risks and uncertainties. These statements may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results to be materially different from the results implied herein. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this Press Release.

SOURCE Silverado Gold Mines Ltd.

Source: PR Newswire (May 8, 2006 - 6:01 AM EDT)

08.05.06 15:23

4976 Postings, 7207 Tage SolarparcSeit 15:21

Ja, seit einer Minute ;-)  

08.05.06 15:24

1254 Postings, 6974 Tage Lichtblick es kommt halt auf sec. an!

Solarparc war schneller  

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