US-amerikanische Aktien sind zu hoch bewertet (im Schnitt um das Dreifache gegenüber einem Krisen-KGV von 10)
Und US-Amerika befindet sich in einer tiefen hypermoralischen Krise, verursacht durch völlig übertriebene pseudo-christliche Hypermoral seitens gewisser frauenrechtlicher Bewegungen.
Der Oscar geht seit Jahren an schwachmatische Filme (Black Panther), auf erfolgreiche US-Musiker (Kelly) und US-Politiker (Trump, Kavanaugh) werden "Hexenjagden" veranstaltet, die Notstands-USA verwechselt beim Feindbild-Finden in Südamerika den Staat Kolumbien (kokain-producing country) mit dem Staat Venezuela (oil-producing country).
Nebenbei. Militärisch wären die US-Amis zu schwach, um Venezuela zu besiegen, auch die Kolumbiens Armee wäre viel zu stark im Landkampf (in both countiies there is a jungle like in Vietnam!). Remember also Cuba (mißlungene Schweinebucht-Invasion of us-american soldiers to fight Fidel Castro), Guantanamo is the only small area there on Cuba what us-troops could conquer) - Guantanamo is waiting for hillary & co.
Dow Jones within the next half year (or 9 months), just my expectations, Trump not guilty, but high risk investors like KKR, BlackRock or Berkshire? always buying not thinking about risks on stock exchange):
3M (Schreibwaren-Artikel) from 210 $ down to 75 $ American Express (Kreditkarten) from 107 $ to 55 $ Apple (iphones, ipads & imacs) from 173 $ to 50 $ Boeing (airplanes) from 424 $ to 130 $ Caterpillar (Baumaschinen) 140 $ to 70 $ Chevron (Öl) 120 $ to 75 $ Cisco (Computer-Technik) 50 $ to 18 $ Coca-Cola (Erfrischungs-Getränke) 45 $ to 20 $ Dow Dupont (chemical products) 55 $ to 20 $ Exxon (Öl) 78 $ to 60 $ Goldman Sachs (banking) 196 $ to 90 $ (or 50 $) Home Depot (Baumärkte) 192 $ to 60 $ IBM (Industrie-Computer) 140 $ to 70 $ Intel (Computer-Prozessoren) 52 $ to 30 $ Johnson & Johnson (pharma) 136 $ to 50 $ (or even 20 $) JP Morgan Chase (banking) 105 $ to 50 $ (or 20 $) McDonalds (fastfood) 183 $ to 45 $ Merck & Co (pharma9 80 $ to 28 $ (or 15 $, depending if they change to natural healing products) Microsoft (computer-software) 111 $ to 28 $ Nike (Sportartikel) 85 $ to 20 $ (or 10 $ because of the broken shoe from the College Basketball player) Pfizer (pharma) 43 $ to 0 $ (zero $ = delisting in year 2020) Procter & Gamble (washing powder & cosmetics) 100 $ to 45 $ Travelers Company (travel insurances?) 131 $ to 60 $ United Technologies (technical products?) 128 $ to 75 $ (or deeper, here I'm not sure) United Health (health insurance) 267 $ to 50 $ (or even 15 $, if they don't change there system to "Wahlfreiheit" for natural healing methods from India (banerji), China (TCM), Philippines (healing fruits) or Germany (88 Heilaufträge, Dr. Hamer Neue Germanische Heilmedizin cancion "Mein Studentenmädchen" on, Rußland (Lumira Seelenheilung = no longer needing glasses within one year) Verizon (telecommunication) 57 $ to 30 $ Visa (Kreditkarten) 145 $ to 50 $ Walgreens (chemical products) 70 $ to 30 $ Walmart (supermarkets) 99 $ to 40 $ Walt Disney (Cinderella) 115 $ to 90 $ (best US-american company ever, 2nd Coca-Cola, 3rd IBM)
don't use cinema for US-hollywood movies until year 2021, better watch french movies or maybe german movies, exception Disney movies like "The nutcracker and the four realms" on DVD, blue-ray? or with a streaming service (amazon prime) next future!!
you can earn a money with Put-Options-Scheine un US-stocks or german stocks from Societe Generale or Unicredit or INGDiba (if they have), Laufzeit 2 years, selling when your personal "Kursziel" of the stock is reached (Pfizer from 43 $ to 15 $ maybe, don't wait until 0 'coz could be dangerous)