Demnächst wird die jetzt einsammelnde Partei wohl die Meldegrenze überschreiten.(Ausser es ist der franz. Staatskonzern Areva der seinen 5% (zu 13.5 AUD cts) Anteil über die Börse(n) aufstockt., West Africa:
The company has been granted six group 4 uranium exploration licences in the Republic of Mauritania (West Africa) covering 8,200sqkm. In December 2007, the company completed its first drilling program in the Republic of Mauritania in West Africa, being a 4,006m RC program of 41 holes.
The company holds eight Uranium Prospecting Permits in the Republic of Guinea covering 3,563sqkm over three separate concession areas: Firawa, Bohoduo, and Sesse.
The Millenium mining leases are located some 35km west-north-west of Cloncurry in Queensland, Australia. The leases cover an area approximately 3.5km long and 500m wide.
Western Australia:
Maroochydore JV, the project is subject to a JV agreement with Aditya Birla Minerals. The project is located approximately 100km southeast of Nifty Copper mine operations and 60km south southeast of the Telfer copper-gold mine. Maroochydore has a total estimated Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 51Mt @ 1% Cu and 0.04% Co for 0.51Mt Cu and 20,000t Co (at a 0.5% Cu cut-off).