Momentan wir eine Aussage des neuen griechischen Finanzministers breitgetreten:
„Was immer die Deutschen sagen, am Ende werden sie zahlen“
Im Original lautet das Interview so:
„I beg to differ. Whatever Germany does or says, it pays anyway. And in 2010, I felt that we had not, we Greeks, the moral right to accept money from German taxpayers, to pay our creditors. In reality, this money goes into a black hole, and we ask them is that they spend their money more wisely. Why ask Greece to borrow money from German taxpayers to repay the ECB? Because Jean-Claude Trichet, the worst central banker in history, has decided once? Let us be able that the EIB do the work for which it was created.“
Gibt dieser Abschnitt nicht ein völlig anderes Bild von Varoufakis wieder als: „Was immer die Deutschen sagen, am Ende werden sie zahlen“?