"We have had inquiries from multiple delivery services for this product and are pleased with the initial market response," said Dan Hollis, CEO of DGRI. "This technology can rolled out immediately, and should be a value added system for the delivery services, potentially adding to their profitability, while providing enhanced process management and security," he added.
Is grad etzt 4pm und 35 grad... Hast castaway mit Tom hanks gesehen? Bin auf der Nachbarinsel... Die haben hier besseres mobiles Internet als zu Hause in Berlin... ;)
: Das mit der Dividende laeft alles automatisch
Alles was du gestern im Depot hattest, wird automatisch bei Stockdividen in den dein Depot, nach einer bestimmten Frist gutschrieben. Hierfür bedarf es keiner zusaetzlichen News.
: Die basher und shorter haben weiterhin
die oberhand.
Under the Company's current business model, we expect to take positions in other companies that we help finance, whether through commercial financing or through our soon to be released crowd-funding platform. When we see potential for growth in these holdings, we intend to spin them out to DGRI via an S-4 or other applicable registration model. Given the Company's current cash constraints, any dividend during 2014, will be in the form of a common or preferred share of DGRI, or a spinout through an S-4.