aber in diesem unten eingefügten Text von der Minerva Website ist klar eine Verbindung nach Indien herauszulesen und man kann auch nicht sagen dass da nicht gearbeitet wird, korrigiert mich aber ich lese da, dass es auf vier Kontinenten Kunden gibt!?
Ashok, Director and CEO
Ashok Hegde is the CEO and Director of Minerva Technologies Ltd. Mr. Hegde started his professional career as a software engineer at Ruksun Software. He was involved in creating several Windows and Window CE, Windows Mobile, applications. From Ruksun he moved on to setup inteliNET where he handled all technology, managed a team of almost 40. Following this, Mr. Hegde executed and managed several projects at Intermix, which created the popular social networking site called mySpace.
After intermix, Mr. Hegde founded which is involved in creating remote data collection and dissemination tools using a combination of web and mobile.
Mr. Hegde has a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pune.
Harsh Shetty
Harsh Shetty is the founder of Minerva Technologies, Ltd.. Harsh started his career as a software engineer at Infosys Technologies. He then implemented supply chain management solutions for Fortune 500 companies in four continents as part of i2 Technologies’ consulting division. He managed large consulting projects for i2’s customers in several cities across the world. Harsh setup i2 Technologies’ offshore consulting business and grew it to a 50 person organization.
Prior to attending business school, Harsh worked on pre-school education issues for low income families at India’s largest non-profit organization Pratham. At Pratham, Harsh was in charge of the planning and control unit.
Harsh has a Bachelors degree in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology - Madras and a Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Maryland - College Park. He graduated with an MBA from Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business as a Tuck Scholar with High Distinction.
Grß mimba