What do the letters mean on the left hand side of the "Time & Sales" column?
The "Time & Sales" column of the Quotemodule tool displays the "Trade Indicator" code on the left side of the column. A normal trade will have no Trade Indicators.
Here are the original code descriptions:
a = acquisition
b = bunched trade - average price
c = cash trade
d = distribution
e = automatic execution
f = intermarket sweep
g = bunched sold trade - opening/reopening trade detail
h = intraday trade detail
i = basket index on close transaction
j = rule 127 trade
k = rule 155 trade
l = sold last
n= next day
o = opened
p = prior reference price
r = seller
s = split trade
t = form t trade - pre/post market trade
u = extended hours trade - reported late or out of sequence
w = average price trade
y = yellow flagged regular trade
z = sold - out of sequence
z 0.20 1000 OTO 17:07:55
z 0.20 5000 OTO 17:07:54
u 0.068 17857 OTO 17:04:36
u 0.069 25000 OTO 17:04:02
u 0.069 25000 OTO 17:03:55
u 0.069 10000 OTO 17:03:46
z 0.10 1800 OTO 16:24:57
z 0.10 5000 OTO 16:24:10
z 0.11 5000 OTO 16:23:39
z 0.11 5000 OTO 16:23:12
z 0.11 5000 OTO 16:22:49
z 0.18 5000 OTO 16:22:30
z 0.19 5000 OTO 16:22:02
z 0.19 5000 OTO 16:21:40
z 0.20 5000 OTO 16:21:06
z 0.24 5000 OTO 16:20:32
z 0.24 16700 OTO 16:19:52
z 0.24 5000 OTO 16:19:26
z 0.24 5000 OTO 16:19:05
z 0.24 25000 OTO 16:18:33
z 0.24 25000 OTO 16:18:04
z 0.24 20000 OTO 16:17:33
z 0.24 50000 OTO 16:16:55
z 0.24 6300 OTO 16:15:28
t 0.219 1914 OTO 16:13:41
t 0.219 1543 OTO 16:13:27
t 0.2077 6960 OTO 16:10:30
t 0.22 3060 OTO 16:10:07
t 0.22 2347 OTO 16:09:59
t 0.215 85000 OTO 16:09:56
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