fachmännisch eure kommentare. hier lallt der flachmann kann ich dazu nur sagen. spricht für euch und wird unbeleckte garantiert von der qualität der aktie überzeugen. soviel zum thema kindergarten.
kade: wo hast du das gelesen? ich habe eine andere variante gelesen:
..."We believe that the urine test used in the initial trials can be improved prior to commercialization. Urine contains a lesser amount of antibody than either blood or oral fluid, making the the identification of those individuals with low levels of antibodies, especially those who are receiving anti-retroviral therapy, even more difficult. While we believe that the results to date are acceptable, we are continuing the iterative development and testing process and are evaluating other alternatives for our urine test. There can, however, be no assurance that we will successfully manufacture and commercialize a urine rapid test, or our other rapid tests."