Ed Woo - Ascendiant Capital And then moving onto mobile, you did mention that your traffic has been a little bit slower in ramping up. Is there a reason for that? And what's the kind of visibility of when you think it may scale?
Ken Cragun - Chief Financial Officer, Secretary Sure. Great question, Ed. Whenever you work with very large partners, you don't necessarily always control the rollout timeline and especially a large partner that we signed at the end of last year that was implemented at the beginning of this year, because they are live across so many countries and so many sub-brands, if you would, it's taking longer to get them to begin to ramp volume.
We have had to go through a lengthier test process in each of the regions than I think we expected it to take. But we remain optimistic that they will achieve the volumes we had previously projected. It's just taking longer. At the same time, the new carriers we are signing provide a lot of positive outlook longer-term, but again some of the carriers, it can take six to nine months from when you sign an agreement until when you start seeing some real volume out of a carrier as they have to go through testing the implementation and then you tweak that and then they begin to run bigger and bigger volumes through the system.
So we remain very optimistic about mobile. We think it's a great platform. We certainly seem to have good success in finding carriers. If you look at our pipeline and the deals that we are winning there, it's just a question of the implementations taking longer than expected, but we remain confident that those implementations will happen over time, as projected
Source: Read the complete transcript of the last Conference Dall direct a SeekingAlpha