die Begehrlichkeit geben würde, die Aktionäre zu beklauen:
Hidden reserves: If the patents were capitaliized, too, the difference between assets and debts would be between 50 and 100 million or higher
The assets of Local Corp was at 03/31/2015 with 37 million about 12 million bigger than the debts of about 25 million - a rare rituation by a filing of Chapter 11. General Motors had for example the 3-fold of debts than assets, as they filed Chapter 11.
But now the biggest surprise for you: The value of the high valuable 14 patents of Local Corp is not part of this 37 million, because they were near all developed with the money of the existing shareholders of Local Corp . By such self-developed patents can the company decide, if this patents were counted as assets or not - and Local Corp don't count the self developed patents with high value as assets. Local Corp had never done a capitalization of development costs for the14 valuable patents.
If Local Corp had done such a capitalisation, the difference between assets and debts would be a lot higher than the amount of 12 million from the first lines. If the patents were capitaliized, too, the differend between assets and debts would be between 50 and 100 million or higher
The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California should overtake the sale of the 14 patents to a Trustee.
Part of the agreement about the sale of the 14 patents and Krillion should be, that Local Corp could for offered products use some of this patents for free or against a fee.
United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California should hurry with the overtake of the sales. After my estiImates, which basing on the messages of CEO Thiel and CFO Cragun, can pay back with the proceeds all the debts and additional would be a reserve of money for a ongoing company Local Corp. 14 Issued Patents of Local Corp
Searches Assisted by Multi-Level Menus 7,062,453 08/31/00
Search Selections with Supplier Information 7,890,378 12/14/05
Dynamic adjustment of Telephone Listings 7,596,218 05/30/03
Dynamic adjustment of Telephone Listings 8,306,208 08/07/09
Directory assistance using keywords 7,200,413 07/30/03
Bidding for directory assistance 7,715,857 03/23/06
Bulk Web Domain Generation 8,312,125 03/12/10
Geocoding related Webpages 7,231,405 01/10/05
Indexing Found Geocodes with Webpages 7,822,705 06/11/07 Indexing Found Geocodes with Webpages 8,176,082 09/22/10
Provision Of Localized Shopping Based On Geocodes 8,032,427 04/03/07
Methods and systems for enhanced directory assistance using wireless messaging protocols Patent number: 8359049 January 22, 2013
Technique for locating relevant advertisements through the use of semantic keyword searches with claims directed to software, systems and methods in which semantically related keywords may be used to locate relevant fee generating advertisements that may monetize better than other available response ads. Patent number 8,725,572 May 13, 2014
Search Engine and Indexing Techniques: A local search engine geographically indexes information for searching by identifying a geocoded web page of a web site and identifying at least one geocodable web page of the web site. The system identifies a geocode contained within content of the geocoded web page of the web site. The geocode indicates a physical location of an entity associated with the web site. The system indexes content of the geocoded web page and content of the geocodable web page. The indexing including associating the geocode contained within content of the geocoded web page to the indexed content of the geocoded web page and the geocodable web page to allow geographical searching of the content of the web pages. Patent number: 8972371 Mar 03, 2015