Sistema GDR Börsen Russische Besatzungszone

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22.01.14 09:23

246516 Postings, 6976 Tage buranSistema GDR Börsen Russische Besatzungszone

buran und MfG  
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20.01.21 18:23

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEund jetzt voraussichtlich noch ein IPO der

Segezha Group Beteiligung

18 January 2021, Moscow – Sistema PJSFC (“Sistema”) (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), a Russian public diversified holding company, announces that further to prior statements by Sistema’s management on the topic, Sistema is preparing its portfolio company Segezha Group for a potential IPO in 2021, subject to market conditions. No formal decision regarding the IPO of Segezha Group has been taken.

Auffällig ist das schon. Wenn sich Oligarchen von Vermögenswerten trennen und durch den IPO Geld an den Börsen eingetrieben werden soll. Entweder ein Schutz ggü dem was Sistema wiederfahren ist von seiten Rosneft mit Bashneft. Oder die Wachstumsstory soll vorangetrieben werden.

04.02.21 11:35

5066 Postings, 4675 Tage einstegerBald eine EU-Zulassung für russischen Impfstoff ?

...sollte jetzt im Betracht von letzten Entwicklungen um den russischen Impfstoff eine EU-Zulassung folgen, so wird BINNOPHARM (russ. Impfung-Produzent) zu einem Global-Player auf Impfstoff-Markt.

BINNOPHARM ist nicht gelistet, gehört aber zu 74% der AFK Sistema
"...Am 11. August, als der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin die staatliche Registrierung des vom Gamalei Vaccine Center entwickelten Sputnik V-Impfstoffs ankündigte, stieg der Wert der AFC-Wertpapiere um mehr als 7%.

Im Juni wurde bekannt,dass Sistema AFC und das Gamalei Center an der industriellen Produktion von Russlands erstem Coronavirus-Impfstoff beteiligt sein werden. Die Emission wird vom Russischen Direktinvestitionsfonds (RFPI) im Werk Binnofarm unterstützt (74 % des Grundkapitals des Unternehmens gehören Sistema AFC)."

Ungarn bestellt schon russischen Impfstoff

Auch Europa (Deutschland) ist nicht mehr gegen Sputnik V - Anwendung abgeneigt

Jeder kann sich ausrechnen, wie sich dann nach einer EU-Zulassung, Sistema-Kurs entwickelt


08.02.21 21:06

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEdann will ich das auch nochmal unterfüttern

was das bedeutet. und das ein artikel von sept 2020. also in der zwischenzeit ist ja einiges passiert.

More than 1 billion people to get Russia's COVID-19 vaccine in 2020-2021: Ifax cites RDIF

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s sovereign wealth fund said on Friday that more than one billion people would receive its COVID-19 vaccine “Sputnik-V” in 2020-21, the Interfax news agency reported.

The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has already signed two deals to export the vaccine abroad and on the Brazilian state of Bahia on Friday agreed to conduct Phase III clinical trials of the vaccine.

Reporting by Andrey Ostroukh; Writing by Alexander Marrow; Editing by Jon Boyle  

12.02.21 10:49

5066 Postings, 4675 Tage einstegerSo versuchen die EU-Behörden uns zu veräppeln

-Die Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde (EMA) hat bisher nach eigenen Angaben keinen Antrag zur Prüfung des russischen Impfstoffes Sputnik V erhalten.

MOSKAU, 10. Februar /TASS/. Entwickler des russischen COVID-19-Impfstoffs Sputnik V haben einen Screenshot ihres Antrags zur Überprüfung des Impfstoffs bei der Europäischen Arzneimittel-Agentur veröffentlicht. Der Screenshot wurde auf dem offiziellen Twitter-Account des Sputnik V-Impfstoffs veröffentlicht.

"Als Antwort auf die Erklärung der EMA @EMA_News, dass sie den Antrag von Sputnik V zur Überprüfung nicht finden können, fügen wir den Eingang einer solchen Anmeldung 1379253 vom 29. Januar 2021 an. 24 Länder haben sich bereits #SputnikV registriert", twitterten die Entwickler.

15.02.21 22:22

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCE@einsteiger da war ich letztens auch perplex

wegen der nachricht, sollen nicht eingereicht haben

danke wegen der klarstellung  

05.03.21 17:55

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEAuf Zulassung durch EMA warten

In Ungarn, der Slowakei und Tschechien ist der russische Impfstoff Sputnik V bereits zugelassen oder steht vor der Zulassung. Die EU-Arzneibehörde EMA hatte am Donnerstag erklärt, sie starte mit einer fortlaufenden Daten-Prüfung von Sputnik V. Dies kann eine spätere EU-weite Zulassung beschleunigen.


09.03.21 11:32

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEItalien bekommt erstes Sputnik-V-Werk in Europa

9. März 2021, 9:36 Uhr
Coronavirus weltweit

In Italien soll bald erstmals in Europa der russische Impfstoff Sputnik V produziert werden.

In Italien soll bald erstmals in Europa der russische Impfstoff Sputnik V produziert werden.

Von der Leyen verspricht EU-weit 100 Millionen Impfdosen pro Monat von April an.

Die erste Produktionsstätte in Europa für den russischen Impfstoff Sputnik V kommt nach Italien. Der russische Fonds RDIF, der Sputnik V vermarktet, habe eine entsprechende Vereinbarung mit der in der Schweiz ansässigen Pharma-Firma Adienne unterzeichnet, teilt die italienisch-russische Handelskammer mit. Damit sei der Weg bereitet, um das erste Sputnik-V-Werk in Europa zu errichten. Die Produktion solle im Juni beginnen.

Bis Ende des Jahres könnten in Italien zehn Millionen Dosen des Impfstoffes hergestellt werden. Eine Zulassung in der EU hat Sputnik V noch nicht, er wird aber bereits von Ungarn genutzt, und auch Tschechien plant dies.

Sputnik-Alleingang könnte Premier der Slowakei das Amt kosten

Johnson-&-Johnson-Impfstoff kurz vor der Zulassung in der EU

Der Impfstoff des US-Pharmakonzerns Johnson & Johnson könnte noch im März für die Europäischen Union (EU) zugelassen werden. Am 11. März werde die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur (EMA) das Vakzin für die Verwendung in der EU überprüfen, teilt EMA-Aufsichtsratschefin Christa Wirthumer-Hoche in einer Talkshow des österreichischen Senders ORF mit. "Wir erwarten eine positive Bewertung und dass die EU-Kommission die Zulassung schnell erteilt." Für eine Genehmigung des russischen Impfstoffs Sputnik V lägen hingegen noch keine ausreichenden Daten vor. "Deshalb würde ich dringend davon abraten, eine nationale Notfallzulassung zu erteilen", erklärt Wirthumer-Hoche.

Von der Leyen verspricht EU-weit 100 Millionen Impfdosen pro Monat

EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen erwartet deutlich mehr Impfstoff ab kommendem Monat. "Ab April könnten sich die Mengen nach den Plänen der Hersteller noch mal verdoppeln, auch weil weitere Impfstoffe vor der Zulassung stehen", sagte sie der Stuttgarter Zeitung und den Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Montag). Sie rechne EU-weit "im zweiten Quartal im Schnitt mit rund 100 Millionen Dosen pro Monat, insgesamt 300 Millionen bis Ende Juni". Den Zeitungen zufolge würde das für Deutschland etwa 20 Millionen Dosen im Monat bedeuten, wofür deutlich höhere Impfkapazitäten nötig wären.



09.03.21 12:55

146 Postings, 1390 Tage Barti67Kaum ein Russe will sich

mit Sputnik V impfen lassen, warum sollte es in Europa anders sein ?  

10.03.21 11:03

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCENun häufen sich doch die Nachrichten

Stiko-Chef rechnet mit Zulassung von Sputnik V in Europa
10.03.2021, 04:11

Der Vorsitzende der Ständigen Impfkommission äußert sich positiv über den russischen Impfstoff. Dieser sei „clever gebaut“ und werde vermutlich auch in der EU zugelassen.

Der Vorsitzende der Ständigen Impfkommission (Stiko), Thomas Mertens, hat den russischen Corona-Impfstoff Sputnik V gelobt. „Das ist ein guter Impfstoff, der vermutlich auch irgendwann in der EU zugelassen wird. Die russischen Forscher sind sehr erfahren mit Impfungen. Sputnik V ist clever gebaut“, sagte Mertens der „Rheinischen Post“ vom Mittwoch.

Die Europäische Arzneimittel-Agentur EMA prüft die Zulassung von Sputnik V noch. In der EU sind bisher die Vakzine der drei Hersteller Pfizer/Biontech, Moderna und Astrazeneca zugelassen. Am 11. März will die EMA voraussichtlich auch die Zulassung des Impfstoffes des amerikanischen Herstellers Johnson&Johnson empfehlen.

„Ich hoffe, dass wir bis Herbst die Lage im Griff haben“

Mertens wollte keine Prognose abgeben, wann alle, die das wollen, in Deutschland geimpft sind. „Ungerne“, sagte er auf eine entsprechende Frage. „Ich hoffe zumindest darauf, dass wir die Lage bis Herbst so weit im Griff haben, dass der Effekt der Impfungen deutlich sichtbar wird“, sagte der Stiko-Chef. Schon jetzt sei ein massiver Abfall von schweren Erkrankungen und Todesfällen in den Alten- und Pflegeheimen festzustellen.

Mertens zeigte sich zudem „sicher“, dass es auch bald Corona-Impfstoff für Kinder geben werde. Derzeit untersuchten die Hersteller in Studien, wie ihre Mittel bei Kindern wirkten. Bei einer zeitlichen Prognose blieb der Stiko-Chef vorsichtig. „Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das dieses Jahr noch etwas wird“, sagte er. „Vielleicht können wir Ende des Jahres mit der Impfung der Kinder beginnen.“


12.03.21 22:56

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEartikel tass - sonstige aktivitäten von sistema

Mar 12, 10:28
The partner of the Rusnano fund has launched a video analytics service to increase sales
The system analyzes the flow of buyers, recognizes regular and new ones, as well as fraudsters

MOSCOW, March 12. / TASS /. Ivideon, a partner of the Rusnano Sistema investment fund (created jointly by Rusnano and AFK Sistema), has presented a cloud video surveillance analytics service for stores, restaurants and banks, which allows to increase sales and fight fraud.

"With Ivideon Analytics, you will learn to understand your space, improve customer experience and engagement, digitize all possible processes at your points of sale and service. Computer vision technologies from Ivideon will make any offline business transparent and will allow you to see and analyze what is inaccessible to humans," - said Andrey Yudnikov, the founder of Ivideon.

The system is based on a mathematical algorithm that manages a large array of video data. The system analyzes the flow of buyers, recognizes regular and new ones, as well as fraudsters. Based on this data, you can make business decisions, evaluate the effectiveness of promotions, and control the occurrence of queues. Cloud analytics is also available for small businesses, it supports work with 98% of the cameras in use.

“We assume that we have one of the best products on the market in terms of fast response and inclusion, ease of use and management, cloud-based continuous product improvement and user-friendliness of the interface. From this point of view, we have one of the most competitive products in the world. the market ", - added the executive director of the company Dmitry Ivannikov.

About company

Ivideon is a Russian cloud video surveillance and video analytics service founded in 2010. The service is used by over 5 million customers from over 100 countries. According to a study by TelecomDaily, Ivideon is the largest cloud video surveillance platform, accounting for almost 2/3 of the cloud analytics segment in Russia.

The Rusnano group includes JSC Rusnano, the management company Rusnano and the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs (FIOP). As part of the reconfiguration of development institutions, the RUSNANO group entered the perimeter of VEB.RF. Thanks to Rusnano's investments, 126 enterprises and R&D centers operate in 38 regions of Russia.  

12.03.21 22:59

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEThe authorities of the Irkutsk region and AFK "Sis

tema" intend to sign a cooperation agreement

March 12, 2021 - 14:04

The Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev held a working meeting with the delegation of PJSC "Joint Stock Financial Corporation" Sistema ". The delegation is headed by the executive vice president of AFK Sistema Sergey Semkin. The heads of the corporation's subsidiaries arrived with him in Priangarye.

Members of the Sistema JSFC delegation discussed specific areas of the planned mutually beneficial cooperation with representatives of the regional government. Among them are the development of medical businesses; implementation of the "Smart City" hardware and software complex and an intelligent transport system. Proposals were made on the digitalization of infrastructure, as well as the development of mobile communications in small settlements. Possible joint projects on infrastructure, road and housing construction, cooperation in the timber industry sector of the economy, including the development of wooden housing construction, were discussed.

As a result of the trip to Moscow, the materials received will be analyzed, and an examination of potential business projects made. As a result, an agreement on cooperation between the Irkutsk region and AFK Sistema will be prepared.

AFK Sistema is a large private investor in the real sector of the Russian economy. The corporation's investment portfolio consists mainly of Russian companies in various sectors of the economy (telecommunications, retail, high technology, logging and timber processing, pharmaceuticals, medical services, agriculture, energy, finance, hospitality, etc.).

15.03.21 11:58

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCERussland will Sputnik V in Deutschland produzieren,5180161.html

Montag, 15. März 2021 - 11:41 Uhr

Russland hat nach eigenen Angaben eine Vereinbarung über die Produktion seines Corona-Impfstoffes Sputnik V in Deutschland geschlossen. Auch mit Unternehmen in Frankreich, Spanien und Italien gebe es bereits entsprechende Abkommen, hieß es am Montag in einer Erklärung der russischen Impfstoff-Entwickler. Mit weiteren Unternehmen gebe es Gespräche. „Dadurch wird es möglich sein, ab der Zulassung durch die Europäische Arzneimittelbehörde (EMA) mit der Versorgung des europäischen Marktes mit Sputnik V zu beginnen.“

Sputnik V ist derzeit in der Europäischen Union noch nicht zugelassen, die EMA hat aber bereits ein sogenanntes rollierendes Verfahren zur Zulassung des Vakzins gestartet. Dabei werden erste Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher und klinischer Tests nach und nach analysiert, bevor alle für eine Zulassung nötigen Daten vorliegen.


05.04.21 17:57

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEanteile erhöht

DJ Sistema PJSFC: Sistema Group increases ownership stake in OJSC Sintez

Sistema PJSFC (SSA)
Sistema PJSFC: Sistema Group increases ownership stake in OJSC Sintez
31-March-2021 / 10:00 MSK
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Sistema Group increases ownership stake in OJSC Sintez
31 March 2021, Moscow - Sistema PJSFC ("Sistema", the "Corporation" or, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, the "Group") (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), announces that its fully owned subsidiary LLC Sistema Telecom Assets has acquired 32.4% of the share capital of OJSC Sintez, a subsidiary of pharmaceutical holding company Binnopharm Group (controlled
by Sistema), from JSC National Immunobiological Company ("Nacimbio", controlled by State Corporation RosTec).
"Increasing our ownership stake in OJSC Sintez is consistent with Sistema's strategy of strengthening our position on the pharmaceuticals market and transforming Binnopharm Group into an industry leader. We are continuing to work with Nacimbio and RosTec on a number of pharma projects, including production of the Regevac B vaccine for hepatitis B", said Sistema President Vladimir Chirakhov.
"Nacimbio is focusing on developing its biopharma assets with the ultimate aim of marketing fully Russian-made state-of-the-art immunobiological products. The sale of an equity interest in OJSC Sintez, which specialises in synthetic medicines and medical devices, forms part of this strategy. Since launching the partnership with Sistema, Sintez has been ramping up its output of pharmaceutical ingredients, upgrading its production facilities, and improving
its financial performance. Having found a reliable and efficient partner in Sistema Group, we are happy to continue working in tandem in our area of core interest, namely designing and producing state-of-the-art vaccines," said Andrey
Zagorsky, CEO of Nacimbio.
Binnopharm Group is a full-cycle Russian pharmaceutical holding company that combines five production sites across Russia: JSC Alium (formerly OBL Pharm; Serpukhov district, Moscow region), JSC Binnopharm (two sites at Zelenograd and Krasnogorsk), JSC Sintez (Kurgan) and JSC Biocom (Stavropol). Binnopharm Group companies produce a wide range of drugs of various therapeutic groups and have the largest portfolio of drugs among Russian manufacturers with more than 450
marketing authorisations, including the COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V. Sistema's effective interest in Binnopharm Group (jointly owned with VTB) is 79%, with another 15.8% held by an investor consortium that includes the Russia-China Investment Fund (co-founded by RDIF and China Investment Corporation) and several major Middle East funds. The
remaining 5.2% is distributed among individual shareholders. Binnopharm Group owns a 56.2% stake in OJSC Sintez.
For further information, please visit or contact:
Public Relations          Investor Relations
Sergey Kopytov            Nikolai Minashin
Phone: +7 (495) 228 15 32 Phone: +7 (495) 730 66 00

Sistema PJSFC is a publicly traded Russian investment company with a diversified portfolio of assets serving over 150 million customers in the sectors of telecommunications, high technology, banking, retail, e-commerce, timber processing, agriculture, real estate, hospitality and healthcare. The company was founded in 1993. Its revenue in 2019 reached RUB 656.9bn, and its total assets as of 31 December 2019 equalled RUB 1.3tn. Sistema's global depositary receipts are listed under the "SSA" ticker on London Stock Exchange. Sistema's ordinary shares are listed under the "AFKS" ticker on Moscow Exchange. Website: --------------------------------------------------

ISIN:          US48122U2042
Category Code: MSCM
TIDM:          SSA
LEI Code:      213800JSZ2UUK4QQK694
Sequence No.:  96643
EQS News ID:   1179835

End of Announcement  EQS News Service

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 31, 2021 03:00 ET (07:00 GMT)  

14.04.21 22:38

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEkonkret wird es mit dem neuen IPO

Russische Sistema konkretisiert IPO der Segezha Group
Der russische Sistema-Konzern will im Rahmen eines Initial Public Offering (IPO) neue Aktien der Segezha Group im Wert von mindestens 30 Mrd Rubel (umgerechnet rund 335 Mio eur) ausgeben. Laut der heute von Sistema veröffentlichten Mitteilung sollen 15 % der ausgegebenen Aktien auf den Markt gebracht werden. Damit bleibt der Konzern auch nach Abschluss des IPO Mehrheitsaktionär der Segezha Group, die an der Moskauer Börse gelistet werden soll.

Die Gruppe konnte die Ergebniskennzahlen seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2014 deutlich erhöhen. Zwischen 2015 und 2020 hat sich der Umsatz auf 69 Mrd Rubel mehr als verdoppelt und das EBITDA auf 17,5 Mrd Rubel fast verdreifacht. 2020 wurde eine EBITDA-Marge von 25 % erreicht. In den kommenden Jahren sollen weiter steigende Nettoergebnisse Dividendenzahlungen in Höhe von 3,0 bis 5,5 Mrd Rubel ermöglichen. Die Gruppe ist größter russischer Schnittholzproduzent, bei Birkensperrholz belegt das Unternehmen den fünften Platz. Bei Sackpapieren und Papiersäcken ist die Segezha Group weltweit jeweils zweitgrößter Produzent.

14.04.21 22:40

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEkonkret wird es mit dem ipo

Russische Sistema konkretisiert IPO der Segezha Group
Der russische Sistema-Konzern will im Rahmen eines Initial Public Offering (IPO) neue Aktien der Segezha Group im Wert von mindestens 30 Mrd Rubel (umgerechnet rund 335 Mio €) ausgeben. Laut der heute von Sistema veröffentlichten Mitteilung sollen 15 % der ausgegebenen Aktien auf den Markt gebracht werden. Damit bleibt der Konzern auch nach Abschluss des IPO Mehrheitsaktionär der Segezha Group, die an der Moskauer Börse gelistet werden soll.

Die Gruppe konnte die Ergebniskennzahlen seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2014 deutlich erhöhen. Zwischen 2015 und 2020 hat sich der Umsatz auf 69 Mrd Rubel mehr als verdoppelt und das EBITDA auf 17,5 Mrd Rubel fast verdreifacht. 2020 wurde eine EBITDA-Marge von 25 % erreicht. In den kommenden Jahren sollen weiter steigende Nettoergebnisse Dividendenzahlungen in Höhe von 3,0 bis 5,5 Mrd Rubel ermöglichen. Die Gruppe ist größter russischer Schnittholzproduzent, bei Birkensperrholz belegt das Unternehmen den fünften Platz. Bei Sackpapieren und Papiersäcken ist die Segezha Group weltweit jeweils zweitgrößter Produzent.  

06.05.21 20:43

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEdas scheint ja auch mehr oder weniger nach

plan zu verlaufen

Sistema PJSFC: Segezha Group announces pricing of IPO and listing on Moscow Exchange
Sistema PJSFC (SSA)

28-Apr-2021 / 08:21 MSK
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information according to REGULATION (EU) No 596/2014
(MAR), transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Not for publication or distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, Canada, Australia or Japan, or in any other jurisdiction in which such publication or distribution would be prohibited by applicable law Segezha Group announces pricing of IPO and listing on Moscow Exchange

Moscow, 28 April 2021 - Sistema PJSFC ("Sistema", the "Corporation" or, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates,  the "Group") (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), a publicly traded Russian investment company, notes the announcement by its subsidiary, Segezha Group PJSC ("Segezha Group" or the "Company") regarding the final offering price in respect of its initial public offering (the "Offering Price") and listing of ordinary shares on Moscow Exchange.

- The Offering Price has been set at RUB 8 per Offer Share.
- The Offering consists of an offering of 3,750,000,000 New Shares, representing 31.4% of Segezha Group's current   share capital. Based on the Offering Price, total gross proceeds to the Company from the IPO are RUB 30 billion.
- Sistema has granted Renaissance Capital as Stabilization Manager an over-allotment option (the Over-Allotment   Option) to purchase shares in the amount equivalent to up to 15% of the total number of New Shares (the   "Over-Allotment Shares"). The Over-Allotment Option is exercisable for a period of up to 30 days from 28 April   2021.
- Based on the Offering Price, Segezha Group's total market capitalization on a post-money basis will be RUB 125.5   billion. Upon completion of the IPO, Segezha Group will have a free float of 23.9%, while Sistema will retain a   73.7% ownership stake, assuming no exercise of the Over-Allotment Option.
- In connection with the Offering, the Company, certain directors and Sistema and its affiliates holding the   Company's shares have agreed, subject to certain exceptions, to customary lock-up arrangements restricting the   disposal of the Company's securities for a period of time following the Offering (180 days for the Company, Sistema   and its affiliates holding the Company's shares, and 365 days for the above-mentioned directors).
- Trading in ordinary shares of the Company is expected to commence today on Moscow Exchange under the ticker SGZH.

Vladimir Chirakhov, President of Sistema, said:

"We are delighted with the success of Segezha Group's offering, and welcome the expanded group of shareholders to this highly attractive business. Today, the Company begins a new chapter in its history with a successful IPO that attracted a diversified book of leading institutional investors from Europe, the UK, the US, and Asia, alongside strong demand from domestic institutional and retail investors.
"Segezha Group's success illustrates the transformative value that Sistema brings to the assets in its portfolio. Today Segezha Group becomes the fourth Sistema portfolio company currently traded on the public markets, alongside Ozon, MTS and Etalon Group.

"Sistema has maintained a majority stake in Segezha Group and believes that significant further potential remains to be unlocked. The Company is well positioned to continue its growth by capitalizing on its vertically integrated business model, market leadership in key products, advantageous cost base and robust project pipeline."

Full text of the announcement is available at Segezha Group's website

Sistema PJSFC is a publicly traded Russian investment company with a diversified portfolio of assets serving over 150 million customers in the sectors of telecommunications, high technology, financial services, retail, paper and packaging, agriculture, real estate, tourism and medical services. The company was founded in 1993. Revenue in 2020 was RUB 691.6 billion; total assets equalled RUB 1.4 trillion as of 31 December 2020. Sistema's global depositary receipts are listed under the "SSA" ticker on the London Stock Exchange. Sistema's ordinary shares are listed under the "AFKS" ticker on the Moscow Exchange. Website:

For further information, please visit or contact:
IR Service        Press Service
Nikolay Minashin     Sergey Kopytov
Phone: +7 (495) 730 66 00 Phone: +7 (495) 228 15 32


06.05.21 20:45

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCERussia's Sistema names Steppe, Medsi and Binnophar

m units as best suited for IPO

und weitere IPOs könnten wohl folgen

MOSCOW, April 28 (Reuters) - Russian conglomerate AFK Sistema on Wednesday said agriculture holding company Steppe, the Medsi chain of medical clinics and pharmaceutical holding company Binnopharm were its portfolio companies best suited to a public offering.

Sistema President Vladimir Chirakhov, speaking at the Moscow share debut of forestry group Segezha, said he could not say which of Sistema’s companies would be next to stage an initial public offering. (Reporting by Alexander Marrow and Olga Popova; editing by Louise Heavens)

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.  

01.06.21 20:42

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEdie Dividende soll stetig erhöht werden

Sistema PJSFC: Sistema announces new dividend policy

Sistema PJSFC (SSA)
Sistema PJSFC: Sistema announces new dividend policy
24-May-2021 / 18:00 MSK
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information according to REGULATION (EU) No 596/2014
(MAR), transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Sistema announces new dividend policy
Moscow, 24 May 2021 - Sistema PJSFC ("Sistema", the "Corporation" or, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, the "Group") (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), a publicly traded Russian investment company, announces the resolutions adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 24 May 2021.

The Board of Directors approved Sistema's new dividend policy for 2021-2023, which is designed to strengthen the Corporation's equity story and support shareholder returns. Under the dividend policy, the Corporation targets annual payments of no less than RUB 0.31 per ordinary share in 2021, RUB 0.41 per ordinary share in 2022 and RUB 0.52 per ordinary share in 2023. Based on the current number of ordinary shares, the recommended basic dividend will grow every year and total approximately RUB 3 billion in 2021, approximately RUB 4 billion in 2022 and approximately RUB 5 billion in 2023. In addition to the basic dividend, the Board of Directors has recommended that, starting from 2022, Sistema distributes 10% of the absolute growth in its OIBDA[1] for the previous year to shareholders, in the event that the Corporation delivers absolute OIBDA growth of more than 5% for the previous year and that the net debt/OIBDA ratio stands at no more than 3.0x as of the end of the previous year.

In line with the new dividend policy, the Board of Directors has recommended that the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Corporation, which will take place on 26 June 2021 with absentee voting, approve a dividend for the 2020 financial year of RUB 2,991.5 million, or RUB 0.31 per ordinary share (RUB 6.2 per GDR), and to set the dividend
record date as 15 July 2021.

Vladimir Chirakhov, President of Sistema, said:

"Over the past several years Sistema has significantly grown the value of its investment portfolio, including through the successful IPOs of Ozon and Segezha Group. Our diversified portfolio of assets has demonstrated resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, both growing in value and providing stable dividend flows. These achievements give the Corporation the opportunity to propose to the shareholders an increase in the dividend of more than double the payout for 2020, as well as a new dividend policy focusing on consistent dividend growth going forward. The new dividend policy establishes an optimal balance between growth in the value of our portfolio and dividend yield, while
maintaining our commitment to financial discipline. I believe that this dividend policy will further strengthen our equity story and give shareholders the opportunity to share in the success of the Corporation."

Sistema PJSFC is a publicly traded Russian investment company with a diversified portfolio of assets serving over 150 million customers in the sectors of telecommunications, high technology, financial services, retail, e-commerce, paper and packaging, agriculture, real estate, hospitality and medical services. The company was founded in 1993. Revenue in 2020 reached RUB 691.6 billion; total assets stood at RUB 1.4 trillion as of 31 December 2020. Sistema's global depositary receipts are listed on the London Stock Exchange under the ticker "SSA". Sistema's ordinary shares are listed on Moscow Exchange under the ticker "AFKS". Website:
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04.06.21 17:05

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEes werden wohl weitere IPOs in Aussicht gestellt

June 2, 23:28
AFK Sistema is considering the possibility of an IPO of MTS Bank in 2022
The network of clinics "Medsi", the agricultural holding "Step" and "Binnopharm group" will not hold an IPO for three months;u=

MOSCOW, June 3. / TASS /. AFK Sistema is considering an IPO (initial public offering) of MTS Bank next year, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sistema , said in an interview with RBC .

“The company [MTS] is dynamically developing every day, for example, until recently there was no MTS Media subdivision - the online cinema KION, and now everyone in Moscow and in the regions understands that it exists. Games and entertainment need to be made more ambitious. Fintech and MTS Bank will continue to develop, which today surpasses the achievements of the same Tinkoff Bank in a number of indicators. By the way, the idea of ​​making an IPO of this bank next year is being discussed, "he said.

MTS Bank is a universal commercial bank founded in 1993. It is one of the 50 leading banks in Russia in terms of assets. The main shareholders are Mobile TeleSystems B.V. - a subsidiary of MTS.
"Medsi", "Step" and "Binnopharm group"

Sistema's portfolio companies - the Medsi network of clinics, the Steppe agricultural holding and the Binnopharm group - will not hold an IPO for three months.

“For three months, definitely not,” Yevtushenkov said, answering a question about whether any of the three companies will conduct an IPO in a few months.

He also noted that all these companies (Medsi, Step and Binnopharm Group) are fundamentally ready in terms of reporting, corporate governance and management. "Therefore, we make a decision [about the IPO] a few months [before the potential placement]: yes or no <...>. If it works, we will bring them to the stock exchange and we have a few more pieces [companies] that will also go public through various mechanisms. We need to look for a window of opportunity when the market demand will meet our objectives. The size of the company and its expected value are also important, "Yevtushenkov explained.

He clarified that launching an IPO is not an end in itself, the company does not have the same tasks as in a planned economy, "today [we put it on the stock exchange] this, then this." Yevtushenkov also noted that everyone knows that among financial instruments, the sale of shares on the stock exchange is the most expensive money. “But I deliberately go for it. Certainly not for the sake of money, because it could have been obtained in completely different ways - through loans, bonds, and so on,” he commented.

Revenue of Medsi in 2020 increased by 12%, Steppe - by 15%, Segezha - by 18%. "Somewhere [revenue] will be more, somewhere a little less. But everywhere it will be in positive territory and definitely above the market," Yevtushenkov replied to the question of whether it will be possible to repeat this this year or is it a one-time effect.

AFK Sistema is one of the largest private financial and industrial groups in Russia. Specializes in industries such as telecommunications, energy, high technology, radio and space technologies, banking, retail, agriculture, tourism and medical services. The AFK portfolio in various shares includes the mobile operator MTS, MTS Bank, the energy company BESK, the RTI holding, various hotels, including those operating under the brands Park Inn by Radisson, Holiday Inn Express, the Cosmos hotel in Moscow, etc., the group companies "Detsky Mir", timber holding Segezha Group, pharmaceutical complex "Binnopharm", agricultural holding "Step", etc.

28.12.21 23:07

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCESistema erhöht die Beteiligung

Sistema PJSFC: Sistema increases effective stake in Binnopharm Group to 75.3%

Moscow, Russia - 14 December 2021 - Sistema PJSFC ("Sistema" or the "Corporation" or, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, the "Group") (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS) announces that its subsidiary LLC Sistema Telecom Assets has exercised its call option to acquire the stake owned by VTB Bank (Europe) SE ("VTB") in Sinocom Investments Limited, which owns shares of Ristango Holding Limited (owner of 100% of Binnopharm Group's authorised capital) for a total of RUB 9.06 billion. As a result of the transaction, the Corporation's effective stake in Binnopharm Group has increased to 75.3%.

Previously, VTB acted as Sistema's financial partner in acquisitions of assets in the pharmaceuticals sector. As a result of this partnership, Binnopharm Group has become one of Russia's leading pharmaceuticals producers, having consolidated 88.6% of PJSC Sintez, 100% of JSC Biocom, 95.4% of JSC Alium, and 75% of JSC Binnopharm.

On 13 December 2021 the Group exercised its call option to acquire VTB's stake in Sinocom Investments Limited for RUB 9.06 billion. On 28 July 2021, the Group exercised a call option to acquire VTB Bank (PJSC)'s stake in Ristango Holding Limited for RUB 6.7 billion.

As a result, Sistema has become the largest shareholder in Ristango Holding Limited and through it also Binnopharm Group, with an effective stake of 75.3%. A consortium of investors consisting of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), the Russia-China Investment Fund (co-founded by RDIF and China Investment Corporation) and leading Middle Eastern funds holds 12.5%; VTB Capital, represented by Nevsky Property Investments Limited, holds 11.2%. The remaining 1% stake in Ristango Holding Limited is owned by an individual minority shareholder.

"Sistema plans to continue to strengthen its footprint in the pharmaceuticals sector. We are strong believers in the prospects for Binnopharm Group, which is growing fast and is highly profitable - revenue for the first nine months of 2021 increased 22.1% year-on-year, while OIBDA rose 81.9%. We believe that Binnopharm can become a major growth driver for the value of Sistema's asset portfolio," said Vladimir Chirakhov, President of Sistema.

"VTB values its collaboration with Sistema and we are pleased with our partnership in the Binnopharm Group project to establish a pharmaceutical holding company, launch production of a coronavirus vaccine and develop other modern drugs. All of this not only enables Binnopharm to grow its market presence but also to strengthen healthcare across Russia. VTB is ready to consider participating in future pharmaceuticals projects to support the development of the sector in Russia and help Russian producers expand to international markets," said Yuri Soloviev, First Deputy President and Chairman of VTB's Management Board.

Binnopharm Group is one of Russia's largest pharmaceutical companies that combines five production sites located in different regions of Russia: JSC Alium (formerly OBL Pharm in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region), JSC Binnopharm (two sites: Zelenograd and Krasnogorsk), PJSC Sintez (Kurgan) and JSC Biocom (Stavropol). The Company produces a wide range of drugs across therapeutic groups and has the largest portfolio of drugs among Russian manufacturers (more than 450 marketing authorisations, including the COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V).  

28.12.21 23:16

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEneue Kooperation

14 DECEMBER 2021
Sistema and KT Corporation have agreed on cooperation
Moscow, Russia – 14 December 2021 – Sistema PJSFC (hereinafter, "Sistema") (LSE: SSA, MOEX: AFKS), a publicly traded Russian investment company, and KT Corporation, the largest digital services provider in South Korea, have signed an agreement on cooperation in the area of healthcare and high technologies.

The parties will work together to establish innovative medical centres specialising in clinical diagnostics and medical check-ups in Russia.  As part of the agreement, Sistema Group and KT Corporation will join forces to develop Internet Data Center in Russia.

“Sistema Group has a vast track record in healthcare and high technologies. This agreement will open up a broad range of opportunities for combining the unique experience and advanced technologies of the partners from Korea with the competences and knowledge of the local market of Sistema Group of companies. We are confident that this cooperation will make a significant contribution to the development of preventive healthcare and digital infrastructure in Russia," said Vladimir Evtushenkov, the Chairman of Sistema's Board of Directors.

"Through this MoU, we are expecting a synergy between the two entities through the mixture of Sistema's experience in investing and operating in various industries and KT’s state-of-the-art healthcare ICT and IDC technology. Through establishing health checkup center and IDC in Russia, KT is hoping to contribute to the economic development of Russia and improve the quality of life for the Russian citizens,” said Mr. Ku Hyeonmo, CEO of KT Corporation.


KT Corporation, Korea’s largest telecommunications service provider, reestablished in 1981 under the Telecommunications Business Act, is leading the era of innovations in the world’s most connected country. The company is leading the 4th industrial revolution with high speed wire/wireless network and new ICT technology. KT launched the world’s first nationwide commercial 5G network on April 3, 2019, after successfully showcasing the world’s first trial 5G services at the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games in February 2018. KT is currently promoting its global business through the catchphrase DIGICO KT, meant to take the lead in Digital Transformation.  

11.01.22 01:21

1634 Postings, 4338 Tage JAM_JOYCEinsiderkäufe

ganz ordentlich sogar

Date of the transaction December 29, 2021 Nature of the transaction Purchase of shares
Mr. Felix Evtushenkov  Aggregated volume 2,201,397 shares Price RUB 49,540,238.09
Mr. Artyom Zasursky Aggregated volume 2,201,397 shares Price RUB 49,540,238.09
Ms. Svetlana Matveyeva Aggregated volume 1,065,192 shares Price RUB 23,971,080.77
Mr. Vladimir Travkov Aggregated volume 2,201,397 shares Price RUB 49,540,238.09
Mr. Ali Uzdenov Aggregated volume 6,250,930 shares Price RUB 139,314,476.91
Mr. Sergey Shishkin Aggregated volume 2,201,397 shares Price RUB 49,540,238.09  

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