GNCC Capital, Inc. - Update
NEW YORK, Feb 21, 2014 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- GNCC Capital, Inc. (OTC: GNCP) provides updates as follows: -- The Company will be filing its Annual Report this weekend
-- The Company will be filing its Q1 results to December 31, 2013 this weekend
-- The filing of the Attorneys Letter to accompany the Annual Report will result in the Company being restored to that of a "Current Filer" on the OTC Markets.
-- The Company will be filing details of the final conversion pricing of certain stock issuances which was predetermined until market close today.
-- The Company's Geologist, Craig Parkinson, has completed reports on the Company's "Clara, Burnt Well and Kit Carson" Exploration Properties. These Reports will be filed as Presentations, commencing next week.
-- Craig Parkinson, having also assumed responsibility for the Company's "White Hills" Exploration Property, will commence on-site work at that property from next week.
-- The Company's other Geologist, Raymond Harris, remains on site at the Company's "Ester Basin, Silverfields and Potts Mountain" Exploration Properties. Upon his return, reports will be compiled and published.
-- Raymond Harris will then be assessing and reporting on two additional optioned properties on the same geological and geographical trend as the Company's "Ester Basin, Silverfields and Potts Mountain" Exploration Properties.
-- The Company's Management and Geologists are in the preliminary planning stage to utilize the Terravision technology on all of the Company's Exploration Properties.
About GNCC Capital, Inc.:
GNCC Capital, Inc. is primarily a Gold Exploration Company, with a secondary focus on Silver Exploration. The initial exploration properties are located in Arizona and consist of "White Hills, Esther Basin, Burnt Well, Clara, Kit Carson, Silverfields and Potts Mountain". The Company intends to create significant value for its initial portfolio of properties through continued exploration, joint ventures, and through the acquisition of additional Gold and Silver Exploration assets. GNCC Capital, Inc. is a current information filer on the OTC Markets under the symbol "GNCP".