Der Gesamtbruttoumsatz aus den Digital Assets Mining-Betrieben des Unternehmens stieg auf 743.267 CDN im 1. Quartal 2021 von 182.054 CDN im 4. Quartal 2020, was einem deutlichen Anstieg von 308 % gegenüber dem Vorquartal entspricht.
Der Gesamtbruttoumsatz aus den Digital Assets Mining-Betrieben des Unternehmens belief sich für das gesamte Geschäftsjahr 2020 auf 665.533 CDN, was einem monatlichen Durchschnitt von 55.369 CDN pro Monat an Bruttoeinnahmen aus den Digital Assets Mining-Betrieben des Unternehmens entspricht. Der monatliche Bruttoumsatz, der aus den Digital Assets Mining-Operationen des Unternehmens generiert wurde, betrug in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres 2021 durchschnittlich 247.755 USD pro Monat, was einer signifikanten monatlichen durchschnittlichen Steigerung von 347 % gegenüber dem monatlichen Durchschnitt des Geschäftsjahres 2020 von 55.369 USD pro Monat entspricht. Die gesamten verfügbaren Barmittel stiegen im ersten Quartal 2021 von 636.127 CDN im ersten Quartal 2020 auf 1.785.077 CDN, was einem Anstieg von 181% entspricht.
Die Betriebskosten für Digital Asset Mining beliefen sich im ersten Quartal 2021 auf 173.903 USD CDN. Die Gesamtverluste stiegen von -371.735 USD im ersten Quartal 2020 auf -1.263.233 USD im ersten Quartal 2021, was einem Anstieg von 240 % entspricht.
Der vollständig verwässerte Gewinn je Aktie blieb im 1. Quartal 2021 bei -0,04 USD gegenüber -0,02 USD im 1. Quartal 2020. Bluesky Digital Assets Corp., Releases its Q1, 2021 Financial Results
Toronto, Ontario, June 11, 2021 – Bluesky Digital Assets Corp., (CSE: BTC), (CSE: BTC.PR.A), (OTCQB: BTCWF), (“Bluesky” or the “Corporation”) released today a summary of its Unaudited Q1, 2021 Interim Financial Statements for the three months ended March 31, 2021. Key highlights include:
Total Gross Revenues from the Corporation’s Digital Assets Mining operations increased to $743,267 CDN in Q1, 2021 from $101,611 CDN in Q1, 2020 representing a significant increase of 631%. Total Gross Revenue from the Corporation’s Digital Assets Mining operations increased to $743,267 CDN in Q1, 2021 from $182,054 CDN in Q4, 2020, representing a quarter over quarter significant increase of 308%. Total Gross Revenue from the Corporation’s Digital Assets Mining operations amounted to $665,533 CDN for all of fiscal 2020 representing a monthly average of $55,369 CDN per month in Gross Revenue being generated from the Corporation’s Digital Assets Mining operations. The monthly Gross Revenue generated from the Corporation’s Digital Assets Mining operations average was $247,755 CDN per month for the first three months of 2021, representing a significant monthly average increase of 347% vs. fiscal 2020’s monthly average of $55,369 CDN per month. Total available cash increased to $1,785,077 CDN in Q1, 2021 from $636,127 CDN in Q1, 2020 representing an increase of 181%. Digital Asset Mining operating costs amounted to $173,903 CDN in Q1, 2021. Total losses increased to -$1,263,233 in Q1, 2021, from -$371,735 in Q1, 2020 representing an increase of 240%. It should be noted that regarding the Q1, 2021 quarterly loss, the majority of the total operating expenses for Q1 of 2021 were due to a one-time issuance of Stock Options that were issued to consultants in connection to the completion of the Corporation’s Q4, 2020 and Q1, 2021 equity financings. The valuation of the Stock Options was recorded as $1,709,000 CDN. The Corporation expects that these Stock Options will be exercised resulting in cash proceeds coming into the treasury. Furthermore, Depreciation on equipment amounted to $118,770 CDN for the quarter. It is important to note that with the removal of the Stock Options and the equipment Depreciation the Corporation would have actually realized a profit of $564,537 CDN for the quarter. Fully Diluted EPS remained as -$0.04 for Q1, 2021 vs. -$0.02 in Q1, 2020. The Corporation exited a legacy business segment in Q1, 2021. The initial investment in this legacy business segment amounted to $50,000 CDN and therefore the Corporation realized a significant gain of $269,149 CDN from the exit. With the proceeds from the legacy business exit and combined with the revenue from the Corporation’s active digital crypto mining operations, the Corporation brought in a combined $1,012,416 CDN in gross proceeds from its business operations for the quarter which represents an all-time high and a corporate record for a quarterly result.