Telefonat mit CEO Watson:
Whatsonsan called to talk about what's up.
i'm up, and i think the stock price will go up as well.
i found him cordial, considerate, articulate, rather open and relaxed. easy going.
thanked him for calling back, and i didnt have any list of questions, but was calling about one of his co's guard dog got $40,000 in it, and i;m a hick, and i dont know much about stocks except i know they can go up, and that would be real nice. he laughed
cant say much prior to a mass public announcement
the delayed technical 1% issues previously mentioned EXPECTING to be complete this week, then the marketing can begin for the site infrastructure will be able to accommodate.
i asked about " how's the KW deal looking, even though it may not be K W?" he laughed. he inferred the RE deal is ONE of the larger corporate deals they are working, and bsp? and other affiliates are not as large, but also good and should be beneficial for group attraction / maybe some large groups.
speaking in my best japanese accent, i asked, whatsonsan, what do you like best about guard dog? he reflected and said hot market, its growing. life lock largest competitor, i said yeah, they are the biggest. hear them on adv's as well as other co's also. he again said growing market. and its good to be able to help people with the service.
(japanese accent)whatsonsan, how did you get into id theft? was the head of a mortgage co, but got out of that. concentrated on his real estate holdings, then got into subprime credit, and saw alot of id theft occur with his customer base.
Kendra very excited to start. picked out of three.
whatsonsan, who were the other two? just mildly curious. he couldnt disclose, but said one of them didnt have the status as being known for,,,,,,,, uh finacial,, the,, the,,, hmmm, how can i say this,,,,,,,, (i said persona)( public personality ) he said yeah, the one didnt have the public persona of financial background, but there was good name recognition, if you think about it you might guess. i came up blank, but in a few moments it came to me,,,,, the bounty hunter. he couldnt say yes or no, but thats who one other was for consideration. they went with Kendra because of the financial acumen ( acumen my term ) the KG is growing, new stuff with her, that should offer/help GRDO through her being grdo's spokesperson.
would not say anything about how long agreement is with kendra. no way.
appreciates me as an investor
whatsonsan, why? what benefit does me buying $40,000 worth of your stock provide you? cause it brings capital to the stock. Easier to enter some agreements being publicly traded.
technical upgrades expected to be completed this week and the marketing can begin immediately
whatsonsan, just one more question please. sure, go ahead whatsonsan, could you give me your cell phone number? no. we hung up laughing
damn, didnt ask him when he was gonna release some numbers
but he's calling other people back, and apeared to be in a good mood.
there ya go
einen speziellen Dank für dieses Gespräch Eliot,
Gruß, Hummel ----------- "Gemäß anerkannter flugmechanischer Gesetze kann eine Hummel aufgrund ihrer Gestalt und ihres Gewichtes im Vergleich zur Flügelfläche nicht fliegen. Die Hummel weiß es nicht und fliegt trotzdem."