Dear Mr. xxx
Thank you for your interest in LAMBDA TD Software. Over the last month, trading in LAMBDA shares has increased substantially. Of course, it is hard to predict what causes stock volatility on specific trading days, but we are very positive that the LAMDBA stock price will eventually reflect LAMBDA’s business performance.
We as a business have a long term perspective. We are fully focusing on business growth, expansion and execution on the various projects that are in our pipeline as of today and the new ones which we are targeting. This is the benchmark that our business performance is being measured against. By successfully delivering on these tasks on an ongoing basis we are positive that the financial markets and the stock price will eventually reflect LAMBDA’s business performance, with a “stabilizing” effect in regard to extreme volatility.
We are excited about LAMBDA’s growth strategy and where we stand today in regard to achieving our 2011 business goals. As you might have seen in our recent press releases we have also just announced our office expansion into Southern California to respond even faster to the demand for LAMBDA’s energy saving smart home solution.
To follow LAMBDA’s business developments, please visit our website on a regular basis (IR section) and follow our press announcements.
Sincerely, Rob
Robert M. Corcoran, CEO & Lead Developer
LAMBDA TD Software, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Tel. +1 702 998-6465
Mobile. +1 702 250-1782
Fax. +1 949 608-3657