Dear Myriad Shareholders,
It has brought to our attention on numerous occasions that our Berlin listing is in jeopardy. From what we understand because our company is "Pink Sheet" traded we do not qualify. It is important to note that yes we are on the "Pink Sheets" but that is because we did not meet the OTCQB BID PRICE requirements that were just passed as a new mandate. Our stock has been under constant pressure and selling to drive our share price down to the point where we have been put on the Pink Sheets. I do not know if this is intentional or coincidence but my suspicions tell me that it happened for a reason. The main thing about our company is that we are still "fully reporting" and we are CURRENT with our filings with the SEC. We provide the same standard of reporting as if we were on the OTCQB.
The OTC MARKETS operate OTCQB and PINKSHEETS and the old German regulatory understanding seems to refer to the OTCBB which is a separate online quotation system operated by FINRA and not in much use anymore. In fact FINRA has just filed a request to terminate the entire OTCBB as most OTC trading is now done by OTC Markets. There are some complex changes that I believe the Berlin market is not up to speed with.
I have contacted the Berlin Borse and explained this. I am not sure if they will understand my message or even care to consider the technicalities here, but I ask you to help me convey the message. Our shareholder base in Germany is very important to Myriad. Some of our biggest supporters are in Germany and we have always strived to do business with our friends in Germany. We feel our listing in Germany is important to keep an important part of our company alive. More importantly, the protection of your positions in our company must be protected.
Our company will do all we can to help our German investors. But at this time I need support to pass this important message along to the Berlin Borse.
Derek Ivany CEO Myriad Interactive Media Inc.
Myriad Interactive Media Inc. | | Myriad Interactive Media Inc. | 7 Ingram Drive 128 | Toronto, Ontario M6M2L7, Canada