Bravo Venture Group Inc. reported today the company has received encouraging high-grade assays including a 14.8 metre intercept of 15.7 g/t Au from its Homestake Ridge VMS/epithermal project in the Eskay-Stewart-Kitsault-belt of northwestern British Columbia .
The company states it has completed an initial 3,000 metres of diamond drilling in 16 holes, at times utilizing two drill rigs. Assay results from only the first two holes of the program have been received to date. Subject to drill-rig availability, Bravo plans to expand the program to 4,500 metres starting in mid-September.
The high-grade interval in HR 06-24 (lower zone) includes:
Assay 1
Assay 2
Assay 3
Assay 1
From (m)
To (m)
Int (m)
Au g/t
Au g/t
Au g/t
Ag g/t
Assay 1 is the original pulp analyzed by FA- ICP by Acme Analytical Labs, certificates A604350 and A604352.
Assay 2 is the original pulp analyzed by FA-GRAV by Global Discovery Labs, certificate 06H2101.
Assay 3 is a metallic screen analysis by Acme Analytical Labs, certificate A604352R.
Hole HR 06-23 was drilled along the northwestern extension of the mineralized zone and intersected 2.5 metres of 2.31 g/t Au and 1.4 metres of 1.07 g/t Au within a highly anomalous 0.51 g/t Au over 54 metres.
Bravo reports that subsequent holes drilled along strike and down-dip to the southeast of HR 06-24 have intersected strong silicification with pyritic and base metal sulphides. Samples from 12 holes have been shipped to Acme Analytical Laboratories in Vancouver for analysis and four additional completed holes are being logged, with intervals being prepared for shipment to the assay lab.
Bravo president Joe Kizis commented, “The intercept in HR 06-24 is the single richest mineralized interval drilled on the Homestake Ridge project to date and expands upon drilling results from 2005, which similarly intersected lenses of higher-grade gold and silver mineralization in at least two zones. Of course, the continuity of these lenses still has to be fully tested. Encountering these grades in a geologic environment, that hosts one world class mine, as well as several other million-ounce-plus deposits, has to be considered a highlight of the current exploration season.”
Previously reported high-grade assay intervals from the upper zone include HR05-14 (35.7 g/t Au, 3176.5 g/t Ag, 5.49% Zn, 1.92% Pb over 1.4 m within a 9.8 metre interval of 5.3 g/t Au, 479.7 g/t Ag and 1% combined Zn and Pb). Lower zone intercepts in 2005 included HR05-17 (7.4 metres - true width of 9.9 g/t Au and 21.8 g/t Ag) and HR05-18 (2.9 metres – true width of 10.0 g/t Au and 28.2 g/t Ag) (see news release NR-20-05, November 15, 2005). The current phase of drilling is concentrating on a mineralized area with approximate dimensions of 300 metres along strike and 400 metres down dip.
The Homestake Ridge project, located 35 kilometres southeast of Stewart, B.C., consists of located mineral claims and Crown Grant claims totaling 2,725 ha (see news releases June 12, 2003 and August 21, 2003).
Bravo noted these new results from the Homestake Ridge project complement the recently announced high-grade surface sampling results from the Woewodski Island project in S.E. Alaska (see news release NR-20-06, Aug.17/06). In addition, an aggressive exploration/drilling season is planned or underway on four projects in Nevada's prolific Battle Mountain/Eureka (Cortez) trend, where Bravo has 13 projects totaling approximately 65 sq. miles.
Table 1: Preliminary Longitudinal Section of the lower zone, Homestake Ridge Project, BC
Rob Macdonald (P.Geo.) is the Qualified Person responsible for reviewing the technical results reported in this release.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
"Joseph A. Kizis"
Joseph A. Kizis, President, Director
Bravo Venture Group Inc.